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Make to fulfill the Assignment Of English Essay Writting

Lecturer: Irma Wahyuni, S.S, M.Pd.

Arranged By :
 Ardiansyah 0142S1C019001
 Hesti Sundari 0142S1C019010
 Jihan Ma’rifatul Hidayah 0142S1C019016
 Siti Fatimahtul Zuhro 0142S1C019024


SCHOOL OF YEAR 2019-2020

Praise the author for the presence of Allah SWT who has bestowed His mercy
and guidance so that the author can finish this paper. This paper is a group
assignment and is structured to fulfill the English Essay lecture assignments for
students of the S1 English Language Education Program at Muhammadiyah
College of Education and Education, Bogor. This paper can be completed thanks
to the encouragement and attention from various parties. Therefore, on this
occasion the author would like to sincerely thank Irma Wahyuni, SS, M.Pd., as a
lecturer who supports the English Essay course, and parents who have provided
funding, support, enthusiasm, and prayers that are always offered to him.
Hopefully what has been given to the author can be a useful charity and get more
gifts from Allah SWT. The author is fully aware, that this paper is far from
perfect. Therefore, constructive criticism and suggestions are always waiting for
writers to improve their quality in the future. Hopefully this paper can be useful
for the writer and everyone who reads it.

Bogor, May 2th 2020




CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION........................................................................1

A. Background....................................................................................................1

B. Formulation Of The Problem.........................................................................1

C. Writing Of Purpose.........................................................................................1
CHAPTER II.......................................................................................................2

A. What Is Paragraph Unity ?.............................................................................2

B. What is the function of the paragraph unity?.................................................2

C. What is the arrangement of the paragraph unity?...........................................3

BAB III CLOSING..............................................................................................6

A. Kesimpulan ....................................................................................................6

B. Saran ..............................................................................................................6

DAFTAR PUSTAKA .........................................................................................7



Lack of writing paragraph or essay works is because most students in
Indonesia are lacking Unity in paragraphs. In a good paragraph each sentence
always develops the main sentence (topic sentence). If necessary, rewriting is
done in order to obtain a complete paragraph. Unity means that all texts relate
to the topic or can be said in a single topic. Unity will make a fantastic writing
and the reader will not be difficult and bored to read a text.
Paragraph writing is very important in improving the readability of the
writing. The length of the paragraph is indeed a matter of format and reader. So
in this paper we will discuss about the unity paragraph and how to arrange it
correctly with the function and purpose of unity in a paragraph. Because, in the
Paragraph Unity all aspects of the paragraph must be about one thing. And by
knowing the Unity Paragraph, it means that we can at least assess whether the
paragraphs of the text we read or the writing we write are related (connected)
or not.


1. What is paragraph unity?
2. What is the function of the paragraph unity?
3. What is the arrangement of the paragraph unity?

1. Knowing the definitation of a paragraph unity.
2. Knowing the function and purpose of the paragraph unity.
3. Knowing the arrangement of the paragraph unity.



A. Paragraph Unity
Paragraph unity is the sentences in a paragraph should speak about one
single idea or one main subject. That is, the topic sentence, the supporting
details, and the concluding sentence should focus on only one idea. Unity in a
paragraph means that the entire paragraph should focus on one single idea. The
supporting details should explain the main idea. The concluding sentence
should end the paragraph with the same idea. Thus, a unified paragraph
presents a thought, supports it with adequate details and completes it with a
Further, paragraphs should also be coherent. Coherence demands that the
ideas or sentences presented in a paragraph should flow smoothly from one to
the other.

B. The Function Of The Paragraph Unity

Unity is the quality to stick to an idea from the beginning to the end when
writing. In an integrated paragraph, the topic sentence contains the main idea
and all supporting services for illustrators, describing and / or explaining the
main idea. The main purpose of the united writing is effectively
The best way to show the importance of unity is to show how hints of
irrelevant information can interfere with our understanding. And the
following is the function of the Unity Paragraph:
a. to make the sentence relevant
b. to the sentence to be connected
c. to determine the topic sentence and supporting sentence

C. Arrangement Of The Paragraph Unity
According to Arnaudet, in addition to the topic sentence, the paragraph
also consists of several additional sentences which serve to support or support
the existence of the main idea of the topic sentence. In other words, all
sentences must relate to the topic being discussed and must therefore refer back
to the main topic sentence. Look at the arrow in the diagram below:

Some sentences, of course, can be directly related to the previous

supporting sentence (supporting sentence). That is, supporting sentences
(sentences that support / are related to the main topic sentence) can be
approved again by giving examples, providing details, or explaining further).
Look at the arrow in the diagram below:

Furthermore Arnaudet (1981: 9) explains that, paragraphs must have two
things, namely:

1. Having a main idea on the topic sentence, and

2. All supporting sentences must contribute to the reader's understanding of
the main idea, meaning that the paragraph must be unified, if the
paragraph does not have that, then the paragraph is said to be a
disconnected paragraph.

Examples of Unified Paragraphs ( irrelevant sentence )


A nurse should have at least five characteristics. First, he or she must be a

caring person. He or she must have genuine concern about sick, injured,
frightened people. Second, a nurse must be organized. If a nurse forgets to give
a patient his or her medicine on time, the consequences could be serious. Third,
a nurse must be calm. He or she may have to make a life-and-death decision in
an emergency, and a calm person makes better decisions than an exicitable one.
Doctors need to stay calm in emergencies, too. In addition, a nurse should be
physically strong because nursing requires a lot of hard physical work. Finally,
a nurse must be intelligent enough to learn subjects ranging from chemistry to
psychology and to oparate the complex machinery used in hospitals today.
There is a shortage of nurses today, so they earn good salaries. In brief, nursing
is a profession for people who are caring, organizzed, calm, strong, and smart.

The sentences marked in this paragraph are sentences that are not relevant to the
topic being discussed.

Examples of Paragraph Unity

So that the example paragraph above connects the alias has a connection with
the topic of the main sentence (topic sentence), then the above paragraph should
be like this:

(1) There are two main reasons why I have decided to attend Bingston
University next year. (2) First of all, there is the question of money; Bingston's
tuition is reasonable, and I don't even have to pay it all at once. (3) This is very
important, since my father is not a rich man. (4) With Bingston's "deferred
payment plan," my father will be able to pay my tuition without too much
difficulty. (5) The second reason is the fine education which I feel I will
receive there in agriculture, my chosen field. (6) It is a well-known fact that
Bingston hires only the finest professors in its Agriculture Department. (7)
Moreover, the university requires all agricultural students to gain practical
experience by working on farms in the area while they are still going to school.

Why is the paragraph above said to have a unity or arguably the paragraph that
connects? Look at the picture below:




A paragraph must follow the rule of unity. All the sentences in a paragraph
are about one main idea. Another way of expressing the rule of unity is to say
that all the supporting sentences in a paragraph must be relevant. So the quality
of oneness in a paragraph or essay that results when all the words and
sentences contribute to a single main idea.

The author realizes that this paper entitled Paragraph Unity still has many
shortcomings in terms of the preparation and content of the material that the
writer poured, therefore the writer really expects criticism and suggestions for
further improvement of the writer. The author also hopes that this paper can be
useful for readers and can improve knowledge in writing a relevant paragraph.


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