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Prepared of fulfill the assignment of English course

Supporting lecturer :
Ananda Meisarah Harahap, M. Hum

Arranged by :
Nora Asyiqin (0702211006)
Dian Fahriza Syafitri (0702212045)
Muhammad Raihan Ath-Thoriq (0702212053)
Nasmaul Hamdani (070221105)




Praise be to the presence of God, the writer pray to the God who had bestowed his grace so
that the paper entitled “Verb and Adverb” on time. And don’t forget blessing and peace be
upon Muhammad Saw. who has brought human being from the dark era to the bright era.
The paper is prepared to fulfill the task of the English Course. In addition, this paper aims to
add insight about Verb And Adverb for readers and also for writers.
The author would like to thank Mrs. Ananda Meisarah Harahap, M. Hum as a lecturer in the
English Language Course.
The author realizes that this paper is still far froom perfect. Therefore, suggestion and
constructive criticism are expected for theperfection of this paper.

Medan, March 25 2022

Best Regards

Tablet of Content


Table of contents...................................................................................................................................3

Chapter I Introduction

A. Background................................................................................................................................4
B. Problem formulation.................................................................................................................4
C. Purpose of writing.....................................................................................................................4

Chapter II Disscution


1. According to its function it is divided into three groups...............................................5

2. According to its object verbs are distinguished in two groups......................................6
3. According to the time change, verbs are divided into two groups ........................................6

1. Adverb of manner.........................................................................................................7
2. Adverb of place.............................................................................................................7
3. Adverb of time..............................................................................................................7
4. Adverb of certainty.......................................................................................................7
5. Adverb of degree..........................................................................................................7
6. Adverb of quantity........................................................................................................8
7. Interrogative adverbs...................................................................................................8
8. Adverbial clause...........................................................................................................8

A. Background
English is a universal language spoken and studied in all countries of the
world. When someone has just learned English, they may be confused in
understanding verbs in English. Verbs in English have a definition of a verb that
indicates a work, action, or action or expresses an action.
Adveb may modify verbs, adjectives, other captions, phrases, or clauses. Adverb
indicates the way, time, place, cause, or degree/level and answers questions such as
how, when, where, how much.
Verbs and adverbs are basic learning or basic structures that we must learn in order to
better understand english procedures well and smoothly.

B. Problem Formulation
1. What is a verb?
2. Mention Various verbs
3. Examples of kaliamat verbs
4. What is adverb?
5. Name various adverbs
6. Sample verb sentences

C. Purpose of writing
The goal to be achieved with the completion of this paper is to be able to interpret and
understand the meaning of verbs and adverbs and be able to give positive responses
about verbs and adverbs themselves. The writing of this paper can also provide
positive knowledge for its readers.

verb adalah kata kerja yang menunjukkan suatu pekerjaan, perbuatan atau tindakan ataupun
menyatakan suatu keadaan.
Contoh :
Dalam tindakan
Write : menulis
Read : membaca
Speak : berbicara

Dalam keadaan
Have : memiliki
Feel : merasa
To be : adalah
In English grammar, verbs are grouped into several groups, namely:
1. According to its function it is divided into three groups
a. Ordinary verb ( kata kerja utuh )
Ordinary verb is a verb that can stand alone and has many complete meanings
without using (to) as in the dictionary.
Contoh: I drive a van (saya mengemudi sebuah mobil)

b. Auxilary verb (kata kerja bantu)

Auxilary verb is another verb to form a complete sentence structure
without. Auxilary verbs cannot stand alone. He needs
verbs/adjectives/nouns/adverbs. The ones that include auxilary verbs are:
1) To be : (am, is, are, was, were, been)
Contoh: I am beautifull (saya cantik)
2) To do : (do, did, does)
Contoh : she doesn’t know (dia tidak tau)
3) To have : (have, has, had)
Contoh : you have typed (kamu telah mengetik)
4) Modals : (can, may, will, must, could, would, etc).
Contoh : we will become the winner (kita akan jadi pemenang).

c. Linking verb (kata kerja penghubung)
Lingking verb  is a verb that serves to connect the subject with adjective (kta
nature that describes the condition of the subject). Which is included in the
lingking verb :
Appear : tampak
Become : menjadi
Feel : merasa
Seem : terlihat
Look : kelihataannya
Sound : kedengarannya
Smell : berbau

The news sounds good (adjective)
(berita itu kedengaraannya bagus)
You look pretty
(kamu terlihat cantik)

2. According to its object verbs are distinguished in two groups

a. Kata kerja transitive (transitive verb)
Transitive verb  is a verb that requires an object to complete the meaning of a
sentence. In other words, this verb cannot stand without noun or pronoun as the
object of the sentence
I do my homework

b. Kata kerja intransitive (intransitive verb)

Intransitive verb  is a verb that requires an object to complete the meaning of a
sentence. In other words, this verb can stand without noun or pronoun as the
object of the sentence
I do my homework

3.  According to the time change, verbs are divided into two groups
a. Regular verb (kata kerja beraturan)
Regular verb  is a verb that can change according to the shape of tenses. And
change the shape of that verb regularly. Regular verbs, which in Indonesian are
called "regular verbs", are verbs in which the forms of verb 1 and verb 2 or verb 3
change by adding an affix –ed, or simply by adding an affix –d only if the verb
ends with the letter e.
Contoh perubahan kata kerja jenis ini adalah
a. Call-called-called
b. Submit-submitted-submitted
c. Dare-dared-dared

b. Irregular verb (kata kerja tidak beraturan)

Irregular verb  is a verb that has the same function as a regular verb, but changes
the shape of this verb irregularly. Irregular verbs are verbs whose change from
verb 1 to verb 2 or verb 3 is not by adding an affix –ed or –d. these verbs change
irregularly. Given the number is very large and most of them are regular verbs,
then what needs to be memorized is irregular verbs.
An example is :
a. Cut-cut-cut
b. Bleed-bled-bled
c. Come-came-come

Adverb is a word that describes the place, time, or how a job is done. Adverbs generally
follow a verb in a sentence and are divided into several groups:
1. Adverb of manner
Use to how the way or how is something happen.
Example :
Marry spoke softly
He ran quickly

1. Adverb of place
Adverbs that change or qualify the meaning of a sentence by telling us where things
happen are defined as adverbs of place.
Example :
My grandfather’s house is nearby.
Please bring that book here.

2. Adverb of time
Use to how when, how, long and how often and activity happen.
Example :
Mark went to the john’s house yesterday
The children study English every Wednesday

3. Adverb of frequency
Use to state how often or how frequently an activity happen.
Example :
I sometimes have to work late.
There is always some poollution in the air.
She often workd at the weekend

4. Adverb of certainty
An adverb of certainty is a word that is used to modify an adjective or another adverb
to indicate the level of certainty the speaker has about the statement.
Example :
He definitely knows what he’s doing
She probably won’t want to go out with you.

5. Adverb of degree
To declare a comparison, it can be used adverb in the form:
 Positive degree : comparing equality ( She walks as slowly as turtle )
 Comparative degree : to compare two things (She walks slower than a turtle )
 Superlative degree : to compare three or more (She runs the most slowest in
my class)

6. Adverb of quantity
Is a form of adverbs used to explain a certain quantity or quantity of a matter .
Example :
I have lots of book in my room
I have lots of documents in the computer

7. Interrogative adverbs
The intrrogative adverb are “why, when, who, how, where, what”. They are used to
ask questions.
Example :
Where is your sister ?
When are you going to grow up ?
Why is garden in such a mess

8. Adverbial clause
Adverbial clause is a dependent clause that functions as an adverb in provide
information about the verb, adjective, or another adverb in independent clause in a
complex sentence.
Example :
When he did not come last night, he notified by phone
(when he did not come overnight, he notify by telephone).

Verb is a verb that indicates a work, deed or action.
There are a variety of verbs ranging from their function, time changes, and objects.
Adverb is a word that describes the place, time, or how a job is done.
There are various adverbs starting from adverb of manner, adverb of place, adverb of time,
adverb of frequency, adverb of certainty, adverb of degree, adverb of quantity, intrrogative
adverb, adverbal clause.

Yusdi, Muhammad.2009. Magic Toefl. Tangerang: Perpustakaan Nasional.
Aswad, Muhammad.2017. Bahan Ajar Teknik Dasar Penguasan Bahasa Inggris.
Yogyakarta:CV Budi Utama


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