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Week 27


FULL NAME: Angel Marlon Geronimo Pisconte GRADE AND SECTION: 5 C DATE: 8/10/2020

Listen to and read the blog entries about Rosalinda’s and Felix’s jobs.

Jobs and occupations from my community

1.- Complete Rosalinda’s and Felix’s profiles with the information from the texts:

in a food stall and sold anticuchos

It has changed a lot she used to go shopping by herself

but now her son goes shopping and she used to open
her food stall at 11am but now it opens at 8am

she misses co-workers and her clients a lot

Their characteristics of street vendors are

responsible, hard-working and very careful when
they sanitize kitchen utensils and are used to
prepare food.

I used to work in a restaurant in Iquitos

His work changed a lot because now he has to take

food to his clients by bicycle and it used to start at
12am but now it starts at 8am
felix misses his co-workers and the people of
the restaurant

the characteristics of the delivery men are to

be organized, fast and very careful in traffic.

2.- Match the picture, the descriptions and the correct job name. Number one is the example:
3.- Complete the descriptions using the names of the Jobs from part A. Follo the example:




Construction worker

Create sentences using the information in the chart. Follow the example:

talk to customers in this garage

talk to them on the phone

wear only a helmet

wear a helmet and a mask everywhere

the delivery person ride a motorcycle

ride a bike
5.- Listen to a conversation between Flavia and her teacher. Complete Flavia’s father’s profile by answering the
questions. You will hear the conversation twice. Follow the example:

Let´s créate!

juan julio Juan Julio was a worker who

lived in Peru Lima and before the
pandemic people came to his house to
work but when the pandemic came the
work as a worker stopped for so many
months until it was opened and now
Juan his metedoto work is through his
social networks put his number and
they call him what he misses the most
is being with his friends When working
he must be very careful to disinfect
himself when entering the home to work

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