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Student: Rami Daher

Teacher: Lana Zantout

Class: Eng 203 section 18

Reflection 3

Throughout our life, we go through many experiences using social media. Some of these

experiences are positive ones. From my personal experience with social media, it had some

positive stands which made my life much easier. First of all, although the long-lasting

friendships in built on social media are a bit limited, they had a very big impact on me. I met

very nice people on social media and hey became part of my life. For instance, I met a friend

named Leyla on Facebook, who lived in the United States. She was of an Arabic origin. We

started chatting and getting to know each other more and more. We started to talk every moment

of everyday, and eventually we became best friends. As time passed, something greater than

friendship was evolving. It was love. We stayed in love until problems because of the distance

that separated us, and by the end of the sixth month each of us went his own way. Moreover,

social media can be helpful in other ways such as in education. It can be a very useful source of

information that students can use in their studies. Besides being up-to-date, it offers a wide range

of scholarly sources. Students can benefit from these sources in their researches. Therefore social

media has many positive aspects that we benefit from. Students can benefit from these sources in

their researches. Therefore social media has many positive aspects that we benefit from in our

daily lives.
Aside from the positives, social media also has some negative aspects. Social media is a

very dangerous tool which is put in the hands of our children. They can employ social media in

wrong ways which can endanger them emotionally and psychologically. Bullying for example is

known for being violent and physical, but in reality it can be done from behind the screens of our

children’s laptops. Bullies tend to stalk users and wait for them to make a mistake, and then they

take whatever the caught on them and threaten them with it. In fact, the percentage of teenagers’

suicide is increasing exponentially and drastically. More and more teenagers are ending their

lives because of this kind of bullying becoming the victims of social media’s cruelness and

unsafety. I myself experienced an attempt of bullying where my laptop was hacked, and some

information and chats were stolen. I was threatened that if I didn’t pay a thousand dollars, these

information will be spread all over the internet. Thankfully I went to the police and they knew

what to do. In addition to that, expressing our thoughts is being very dangerous nowadays in the

shadows of fake democracy and freedom of speech. Some people are being pursued by law just

because they expressed their thoughts about some politician. In conclusion, being a useful tool,

social media is also a very dangerous one.

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