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Lourdes School of Mandaluyong

High School Department
Senior High School

Name: Bicol, Jem Nathaniel F. Date Performed: _08_/_25_/ 2020

Group Number: Date Submitted: _08_/_25_/ 2020
Year and Section: 12-St. Ignatius of Laconi Rating:


Materials: contai
Mix nuts ner


1. Separate the components of the mixed nuts and place them in separate containers.
2. Count the number of grains for every type of ingredients you have segregated. Record the data in the
3. Compute how much ingredients (in %) are in every pack by dividing the number of grains of each
type by the total number of grains in the pack. Then multiply the quotient by 100. Record the
percent of each grain in the table.

Percent of grain = No. of grains x 100

Total no. of grains

Observations: (10 pts.)

Type of Grain Number of grains Total number of grains % of grain

Peanuts 17 73 23%
Corn bits 14 73 19%
Green peas 17 73 23%
Cracker nuts 19 73 26%
Fava nuts 20 73 27%

What is percentage composition? (2 pts.)

Percent composition is the percentage by mass of each element in a compound.

Concept/s Developed:

How do you compute for percentage composition of compounds? (2 pts.)

 Find the molar mass of all the elements in the compound in grams per mole.
 Find the molecular mass of the entire compound.
 Divide the component's molar mass by the entire molecular mass.
 You will now have a number between 0 and 1. Multiply it by 100% to get percent composition.


Find the percentage composition for each element in iron (III) silicate Fe2(SiO3)3. Show complete
solutions. (3 pts.)

- 111.698 = 0.33 x 100 =
Molar mass
Mass == Fe – 33% =
339.947 55.849 339.947 100%
Si – 28.086 - 84.258 = 0.25 x 100 =
O – 15.999 25%
Fe2 – 55.849 x 2 - 143.991 = 0.42 x 100 =
=111.698 42%
Si3 – 28.086 x 3 =

O9 – 15.999 x 9 =

A compound is formed by combining different elements with varying percentages. As a human,

what do you think are the things that make you whole? Rank its importance by assigning a percentage.
(3 pts.)

As a human, I believe that the things that make us whole are the things that we manifest. Manifest in
terms of values and conduct. Qualities that forms the foundation of the human life. And there are
three important values that makes me whole. And these values are honesty, integrity, and love. Love
gives me energy and it’s 34% of what makes me whole, honesty makes me real with myself and it’s
33% of what makes me whole, and lastly, integrity makes me follow my moral and ethical convictions
and it’s 33% of what makes me whole. A total of 100%. I believe that these three values are the one
responsible for who I am today. Without the other, I am convinced that I won’t be at my best and I will
feel incomplete throughout the day. With all that said, each of these values plays an important role in
making me whole as a person and as a Lourdesian.

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