12/14/2010 School Board Meeting Minutes

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Northern Cass School Library - Rural Hunter, ND

Tuesday, December 14, 2010 – 5:30 p.m.

Present: Jody Bohn, Audie Brorson, Joel Degerness, Bart Marvel,

Susie McDonald, Lance Nelson, Char Pueppke
Julie Keckler – Business Manager
Allen Burgad – Superintendent

Meeting called to order by President Brorson.

Also present: Crysta Wagner, elementary principal; Aaron Schramm, junior high and high
school principal and Sue Quittschrieber.

Moved by Marvel second by Bohn to approve minutes from November 17, 2010 meeting as
presented – carried unanimously on roll call vote.

Moved by Pueppke second by McDonald to approve agenda as amended– carried unanimously

on roll call vote.

Moved by Nelson second by Bohn to approve General Fund, Activity Fund and Hot Lunch
financial and heating and electric reports for November as presented - carried unanimously on
roll call vote.

Principal reports presented.

Compiled copies of superintendent evaluation presented to board members for review.

Discussion held on Management of Student Services portion. Evaluation will be placed in Mr.
Burgad’s file.

Moved by Pueppke second by Degerness to approve General Fund bills for payment as presented
– carried unanimously on roll call vote.


Mr. Burgad reported that he has contacted our attorney in regard to hiring an arbitrator to
proceed with litigation with KBW.

Mr. Burgad reported that our new bus has been delivered.

Strategic planning meeting set for: February 2, 2011 at the Skills and Technology Center from
9:00 am – 3:00 pm. Framework for meeting was discussed.

Christmas gathering set for December 22nd at 4:00 pm at the Arthur Community Center.

Policy committee presented copy of changes to Bullying Policy. Will have 1st reading at the next
Board of Education
Page 2
December 14, 2010

Mr. Burgad reported on formation of athletic council. Council consists of three head
coaches/advisors and athletic director and one student rep from each competitive team under
NDHSAA. Their mission is Unity, Support and Pride. They have met once and will be meeting
again to develop by-laws, strategies for support of winter activities and to review activities

Committee has been established to research possibility of girl’s softball program.

Mr. Burgad presented draft of the school improvement survey.


Mr. Burgad would like to add a monthly line item to the agenda: Teaching, Learning and
Achievement. One teacher per month would make a presentation on unique things happening in
their classroom.

Moved by Bohn second by Nelson to approve assistant one-act play director contract to Kyle
Dewitt for $445.13 (1.5% of base) – carried unanimously on roll call vote.

Electronic Board training set for: February 15, 2011 at 12:30 pm.

Mr. Burgad reported that donations have been received from Rick Burgum and Doug Burgum
for our teaching staff to attend the national ISTE conference this summer.

Curriculum committee set for: January 4, 2011 at 7:45 am.

Meeting adjourned at 7:05 p.m.

Audie Brorson, President Julie Keckler, Business Manager

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