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Don't Do All of Your Reading -

2. Create a Sunday Ritual -
3. Drop Classes Every Semester -
4. Start Long-Term Projects the Day They Are Assigned. (Start small and start immediately) see rule #52
5. Make Your Bed. (a clear room create a focus mind, if has messy roommate, take care of whole room
cleanup, such as dump basket, small price for a large reward)
6. Apply to Ten Scholarships a Year. (contact dean's office, Career service, and department, for
information on scholarships, fellowships, awards. or; FinAids (for
scholarship from companies or organization. Choose 10 to fits your abilities, passions, and
accomplishments, and apply them, do it every year. because it is time consuming, not so many eligible
students to apply.)
7. Build Study Systems (this will break a formidable task into accomplish-able chunks, see rule #26, #70)
8. Befriend a Professor
9. Become a Club President (not just content with just joining)
10. Read a Newspaper Every Day. (New York Times; Wall Street Journal, or USA Today, reading every
article on the front page, 2 or 3 articles on each interior sections)
11. Do One Thing Better Than Anyone Else You Know (self-confidence that become a peg for other
12. Avoid Daily To-Do Lists. (Because it never works. Instead try time-blocking, then assignment tasks to
these block.
13. Learn to Give Up
14. Never Nap. (keep your normal sleeping pattern)
15. Sign Up for Something Your First Week
16. Always Be Working on a "Grand Project"
17. Take Art History and Astronomy (art history will cultivate to visit art museum later in your life)
18. Blow the Curve Once a Term (will boost self-confidence)
19. Ask One Question at Every Lecture (prepare questions ahead, modify along, asking questions will
keep you from drifting away)
20. Jump into Research as Soon as Possible (note: undergraduate research grants)
21. Pay Your Dues (hold your tongue, observe and learn)
22. Study in Fifty-Minute Chunks
23. Schedule Your Free Time (Most people think free time to be any time when they are not explicitly
working , flip this notion, as work time is any time when you are not explicitly relaxing. When create
schedule, first, choose an end point for the day. Second. decide exactly when you going to relax, and
24. Dress Nicely for Class (feel good and also make days official)
25. Decorate Your Room (a place you could feel belong to, a place to relax, having lamp with
incandescent glow not fluorescent light)
26. Start Studying Two Weeks in Advance
27. Write Outside of Class (write is critical skill, so practice often by writing outside)
28. Eat Alone Twice a Day. (group meals is time wasting, so do not spend every meal with friends)
29. Find an Escape ( gain relax and feel refresh)
30. Take Hard Courses Early On
31. Don't Study in Your Room ( too distractive, best study location: Library)
32. Don't Study in Groups (too much time spending in gossip, joking around)
33. Join an Honors Program
34. Do Schoolwork Every Day (prevent slumps)
35. Attend Guest Lectures (ignite the passions, at least 2 guest lectures every month)
36. Exercise Five Days a Week
37. Stay in Touch
38. Tack on an Extra Major or Minor (not quite agree, study is mainly for enlightenment.)
39. Meet Often with Your Adviser
40. Don't Get a Normal Job(careful with job, with $7 pay, job should be asset not burden)
41. Use Three Days to Write a Paper(3 steps; first draft; second editing; third polishing)
42. Don't Undersleep, Don't Oversleep (one figure out your needed sleep time, stick it)
43. Relax Before Exams
44. Make Friends Your #1 Priority
45. Don't Binge Drink (hangover is bad for later high quality study)
46. Ignore Your Classmates' Grades
47. Seek Out Phenomenal Achievers (you can become inspired)
48. Learn to Listen (never be the fist person to give opinion; ask constructive questions)
49. Never Pull an All-Nighter
50. Laugh Every Day (actively look for fun, author like David Barry or David Sedaris or homestarRunner
(Flash-animated Internet cartoon)
51. Use High-Quality Notebooks
52. Keep a Work-Progress Journal (so you can constantly check up for yourself, if you meet the goal)
53. Seek Out Fun
54. Inflate Your Ambition
55. Get Involved with Your Major Department
56. Care About Your Grades, Ignore Your G.P.A.
57. Always Go to Class
58. Set Arbitrary Deadlines ( so you can break large projects into small chunk.)
59. Eat Healthy (Try eat healthy on weekday, reward yourself on weekend)
60. Volunteer Quietly
61. Write as if Going for a Pulitzer (Writing in college kind of boring, so set this mind-set to produce high
quality writing)
62. Attend Political Rallies
63. Maximize Your Summers : summer vacation is not really a vacation. Start planning in Jan, Summer
time deadline in Feb or March.
64. Choose Goals, Explore Routes
65. Don't Take Breaks Between Classes (will break momentum you build up, if too short, is not for hard
homeworks, but maybe for running some errand, light reading, etc)
66. Don't Network (hear means network with people who can offer your job)
67. Publish Op-Eds (Op-Eds pages are most entertaining section of students newspaper)
68. Use a Filing Cabinet (or simple plastic boxes with hanging file folder with plenty labels to maximum
documents origination) - I like it.
69. Find a Secret Study Space (for absolutely concentration, but use it sparingly)
70. Study with the Quiz-and-Recall Method (2 steps, First review, write down recall questions, second
step: quiz)
71. Empty Your In-Box (Categories email for organized mind state)
72. Relax Before Sleep -
73. Start Fast, End Slow -
74. Spend a Semester Studying Abroad -
75. "Don't Have No Regrets" -

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