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Name: Charles Kumar Singh

Class: cse(A)
Roll no: 38
Subject: Internet Technology (CS703C)
Date and time: 08/10/2020 & 10:24AM

Group a:

i) (a)
ii) (b)
iii) (b)
iv) (d)
v) (d)
vi) (a)
Group B:

i) Artificial intelligence is defined as a study of rational agents. A rational agent could be anything
which makes decisions, as a person, firm, machine, or software. It carries out an action with the best
outcome after considering past and current precepts (agent’s perceptual inputs at a given instance).
An AI system is composed of an agent and its environment. The agents act in their environment. The
environment may contain other agents. An agent is anything that can be viewed as:
 perceiving its environment through sensors and
 acting upon that environment through actuators
Note: Every agent can perceive its own actions (but not always the effects)
Agent = Architecture + Agent Program

Types of Agents: Agents can be grouped into four classes based on their degree of perceived
intelligence and capability:

 Simple Reflex Agents

 Model-Based Reflex Agents
 Goal-Based Agents
 Utility-Based Agents
 Learning Agent

Utility-based agents
The agents which are developed having their end uses as building blocks are called utility-
based agents. When there are multiple possible alternatives, then to decide which one is best,
utility-based agents are used. They choose actions based on a preference (utility) for each
state. Sometimes achieving the desired goal is not enough. We may look for a quicker, safer,
cheaper trip to reach a destination. Agent happiness should be taken into consideration. Utility
describes how “happy” the agent is. Because of the uncertainty in the world, a utility agent
chooses the action that maximizes the expected utility. A utility function maps a state onto a
real number which describes the associated degree of happiness.
iii) production system: Production system or production rule system is a computer program
typically used to provide some form of artificial intelligence, which consists primarily of a set of rules
about behaviour but it also includes the mechanism necessary to follow those rules as the system
responds to states of the world.

Components of Production System

The major components of Production System in Artificial Intelligence are:

 Global Database: The global database is the central data structure used by the production
system in Artificial Intelligence.
 Set of Production Rules: The production rules operate on the global database. Each rule
usually has a precondition that is either satisfied or not by the global database. If the
precondition is satisfied, the rule is usually be applied. The application of the rule changes
the database.
 A Control System: The control system then chooses which applicable rule should be applied
and ceases computation when a termination condition on the database is satisfied. If
multiple rules are to fire at the same time, the control system resolves the conflicts.

The main features of the production system include:

Model based reflex agent diagram and explanation:

It works by finding a rule whose condition matches the current situation. A model-based agent can
handle partially observable environments by use of model about the world. The agent has to keep
track of internal state which is adjusted by each percept and that depends on the percept history.
The current state is stored inside the agent which maintains some kind of structure describing the
part of the world which cannot be seen. Updating the state requires information
 how the world evolves in-dependently from the agent, and
 how the agent actions affect the world.

Group C:

ii) The environment in AI is everything that surrounds the agent but not the agent itself. The
environment in which an AI functions can be considered as the entity that the agent used to make
sense of things around it to eventually act upon things that can be used to effectively solve a
problem. Based on the AI system, an agent can have the ability to either partially observe the
surrounding environment or fully understand the same by keeping a track of the history and using
the data it has learned from to assess the changes around it. In the case of sequential environments,
the AI agent uses its memory to analyse past actions to directly determine the next suitable actions
it has to take. A stochastic environment on the other hand is random in nature and it cannot be
determined effectively by the agent.

Types of Environments in AI:

 Fully Observable vs Partially Observable
 Deterministic vs Stochastic
 Competitive vs Collaborative
 Single-agent vs Multi-agent
 Static vs Dynamic
 Discrete vs Continuous

1. Fully Observable vs Partially Observable

 When an agent sensor is capable to sense or access the complete state of an agent at each
point of time, it is said to be a fully observable environment else it is partially observable.
 Maintaining a fully observable environment is easy as there is no need to keep track of the
history of the surrounding.
 An environment is called unobservable when the agent has no sensors in all environments.
 Example:
 Chess – the board is fully observable, so are the opponent’s moves
 Driving – the environment is partially observable because what’s around the corner
is not known
2. Deterministic vs Stochastic
 When a uniqueness in the agent’s current state completely determines the next state of the
agent, the environment is said to be deterministic.
 Stochastic environment is random in nature which is not unique and cannot be completely
determined by the agent.
 Example:
Chess – there would be only few possible moves for a coin at the current state and these
moves can be determined
Self Driving Cars – the actions of a self-driving car are not unique, it varies time to time
3. Competitive vs Collaborative
 An agent is said to be in a competitive environment when it competes against another agent
to optimize the output.
 Game of chess is competitive as the agents compete with each other to win the game which
is the output.
 An agent is said to be in a collaborative environment when multiple agents cooperate to
produce the desired output.
 When multiple self-driving cars are found on the roads, they cooperate with each other to
avoid collisions and reach their destination which is the output desired.
4. Single-agent vs Multi-agent
 An environment consisting of only one agent is said to be a single agent environment.
 A person left alone in a maze is an example of single agent system.
 An environment involving more than one agent is a multi-agent environment.
 The game of football is multi agent as it involves 10 players in each team.
5. Dynamic vs Static
 An environment that keeps constantly changing itself when the agent is up with some action
is said to be dynamic.
 A roller coaster ride is dynamic as it is set in motion and the environment keeps changing
every instant.
 An idle environment with no change in its state is called a static environment.
 An empty house is static as there’s no change in the surroundings when an agent enters.
6. Discrete vs Continuous
 If an environment consists of a finite number of actions that can be deliberated in the
environment to obtain the output, it is said to be a discrete environment.
 The game of chess is discrete as it has only a finite number of moves. The number of moves
might vary with every game, but still, it’s finite.
 The environment in which the actions performed cannot be numbered i.e. is not discrete, is
said to be continuous.
 Self-driving cars are an example of continuous environments as their actions are driving,
parking, etc. which cannot be numbered.

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