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Unit 1 - Task 2 - Writing Task

Angela Yohanna Galvis Avendaño

Code: 1014222913

English III

Group 90121_39


Curtiembres S.A
Cra 24 # 18 – 05 sur
October, 2020

Sirs. Curtiembres S.A

I am Angela Galvis Avendaño

I am writing to express my disagreement regarding the contamination that their waste is


The purpose of this letter is to know the treatment they are handling in order to help the
environment and nature. The main reason for this letter is to express my concern because
the waste left by the leather handling operation is causing damage to the environment, with
air and the San Juan River pollution.

In my opinion, the correct and preventive measures must be taken to improve and treat
waste, in my city people and their families are affected, the industrial sector determines a
great inconvenience and environmental impact, resulting in a deterioration to social and
environmental well-being.

Thank you for your attention and I hope you consider changing your point of view and
improving it for the good of all or I will take legal action against your company to make the
treatment plan for this waste.


Angela Galvis.
Checklist (optional)

Did I read the article?
Did I answer the questions in the forum?
Did I give feedback to my partners?
Did I correct the letter according to the feedback?
Did I plan my letter?
Did I post the letter in the forum?

Participation Class for Zoom

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