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Centro Educativo ADONAI

Tercer Bimestre
Grado: Quinto Primaria
Área: Ingles
Maestra: Clara Quiñonez

Date: _____________________________________ Score : __________________________

Look and complete the words Observe y complete las palabras. (____ / 8
____ )o ____ l

r ____ f ____ r ____ ____

____ hi ____ t ____ ____

____ ____ a ____ i ____

Match the sentence parts and number the people. Une las oraciones con los números a los

que se representa. (____ / 10

1. The girl is blowing a whistle.

2. The goalie is sitting in the stands.

3. The fans are screaming.

4. The referee is scoring a goal.

5. The fans and the players are jumping.

Look and circle the correct words. Observa y circula la palabra correcta. (_/12)

1. The family is are having a party. 2. The team is are relaxing.

3. The band is are singing. 4. The grandparents is are dancing.

5. The boys and girls is are eating sandwiches. 6. The dogs is are sleeping.

Look and complete the text. Observa y complete el texto (____ / 10)

chubby long short thin tall

Lee Sally Adam Nina

Answer the questions. (____ / 2)

Tammy Sussie

Hi, my name is Sussie and this is part of my family. My father’s name is Adam. He’s short. He’s not
________________. His sister is Aunt Nina. She’s not ________________. She’s tall . My sister’s name
is Tammy. She’s short and chubby. She has________________ hair. Grandmother Sally is thin.
She’s not ________________. Grandfather Lee is chubby. He’s not ________________.
Hi Sophie! It’s Bruno. I’m
having a birthday party!

It’s on Sunday

It’s at the sports

It starts at eleven o’clock

Your bathing suit!

1. There are five boys at the

birthday party. Each boy
brings three presents. How
many presents are there?

_____ _____ = _____


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