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Problem Solving and Decision Making

Course Length: 1 day

Making decisions is how we cope with our environment and live our lives. From the decision to arise
in the morning to the decision go to bed at night, we are constantly making decisions and
frequently solving problems. Throughout each day we are confronted with a variety of problems
and decisions that require a rational, thoughtful response.

Problem Solving and Decision Making (PSDM) presents a structure, process and the tools to help
solve problems and make decisions. This workshop is about proactively attacking problems and
making timely decisions.

The workshop is designed to help you solve work problems and make decisions to bring value to
your company and your customers. In addition, the skills, processes and tools taught in this
workshop can bring value to other aspects of your life.

Course Objectives
Upon completion, participants in this course will be able to:

o Identify one or more problems to solve

o Create a problem statement
o Conduct a root cause analysis of the problem
o Develop criteria to evaluate solution to the problem
o Generate a list of solutions
o Select the best solution
o Validate their solution
o Develop a plan to implement the solution
o Develop a plan to monitor and verify the solution
o Develop a communication plan

Key Topics

Introduction: What is problem solving and decision-making

o Problem solving and decision making defined
o Evidence based decision making
o Non-evidence based decision making
o Groups vs. individual, the pros and cons

The Five-Step Problem Solving Process

o 1. Define and Analyze the Problem
-  Create a problem statement
-  Analyze and understand the problem
-  Apply tools and techniques for problem identification and analysis
o 2. Determine the Cause(s) of the Problem
-  Collect data to understand the problem
-  Identify possible causes
-  Analyze causes
-  Select the root cause
-  Apply tools and techniques to identify causes and determine the root cause
1. 3. Generate Alternative Solutions
-  Indentify possible solutions
-  Apply the tools and techniques for generating alternative solutions
o 4. Select the Solution - Make a Decision!
-  Determine a decision making approach
-  Develop criteria for selecting a solution
-  Select the best solution
-  Validate the solution
-  Apply the tools and techniques for decision making
o 5. Implement the Solution
-  Develop an action plan
-  Implement the solution
-  Marshal support for your solution
Summary: Participants will practice the problem-solving process by working on actual problems in
the workshop. The focus in the workshop is on group problem solving and decision-making, but
participants will be able to apply the same processes and tools to individual problems and decisions.

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