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Learning activity 1

Evidence: Forum “Football vs the others”

Colombia has always been an outstanding country when it comes to sports.

Names such as Martin Emilio “Cochise” Rodriguez, Antonio Cervantes “kid
Pambelé” and more recently, Mariana Pajón and Nairo Quintana, are points of
reference when talking about cycling, boxing and BMX.

But, although we have excellent athletes in all these sports, football is by far the
most popular and most supported sport in our country. A great part of the
budget that is designated to sports goes just to football. Most of the sporting
events broadcasted on national television are related to football. This can be
seen as unfair with other sports where athletes have to make a bigger effort to
receive support and attention from the government.

Answer the following questions in your participation in the forum:

 What sport do you follow in Colombia and why? (If you don’t follow sports
here, or at all, explain why not.)

 What do you think about the popularity of football and the fact that it receives
more attention from the government than other sports? Is it fair?

 What can we do in order to help athletes in other disciplines to have better

conditions and support?

 How can we motivate national channels to broadcast a wider type of sport

programs and not just football?

Use adverbial clauses in your answers (at least 4 examples), and vocabulary
and ideas about sports studied in this learning activity (at least 6 words from
the vocabulary). Remember to use connectors and punctuation.

For the second part of this activity you have to read your partners’ posts, select
one and through the link “Responder” write your opinion about it. Use the
vocabulary and ideas about sports studied in this learning activity. Remember
to use connectors and punctuation.

Steps to participate in the forum:

 Click the Activity 1 button in the main menu. Then click on Evidence:
Forum “Football vs the others”.
 Enter to the sequence, click on Responder, then click on Enviar.
 Select one of the partner’s commentaries and then express your opinion
clicking on the button Responder.
 Type the subject and the content with your opinion, then click on Enviar.

Criterios de evaluación
 Describe situaciones empleando clausulas adverbiales de tiempo y opinión
teniendo en cuenta la estructura y el vocabulario requerido.

 Emplea vocabulario técnico relacionado con actividades físicas.

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