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Introduction to
Philosophy of the
Human Person

Branches of Philosophy



This module serves as a learning resource material in understanding the target competency
expected in the curriculum.

Branches of Philosophy


The learner understands the meaning and process of doing philosophy.



Distinguish a holistic perspective from a partial point of view.

The presented activities or exercises and texts are developed in order to meet the
following objectives:

1. Identify the different branches of Philosophy.

2. Compare and contrast among the branches of Philosophy.

3. Apply each branch in real life setting.

The learner understands the meaning and process of doing
The learner reflects on a concrete experience in a philosophical way
1.1. Distinguish a ho


Read the following items carefully. Write the letter of your


1. The establishment of criteria of beauty is the function of aesthetics. Which of the

following statements shows the importance of aesthetics to us?

A. It helps us understand better the nature and origin of knowledge.

B. It brings us in touch with our culture and the arts.
C. It serves as a tool in unraveling the unknown.
D. It enables us to make plausible arguments.

2. Etymologically, it means a treatise on matters pertaining to the human thought. As a

branch of Philosophy logic does not provide us with knowledge directly. What then is
the role of logic in Philosophy?

A. Logic enhances appreciation of arguments.

B. Logic is used in some disciplines like mathematics.
C. Logic offers opportunities discovering new knowledge.
D. Logic serves as tool concerning the validity of our arguments.

3. A fundamental and necessary drive in every human being is knowing what is

real. Which among the branches of Philosophy accounts for the unreal in terms of
what we accept as real?

A. Logic
B. Aesthetics
C. Metaphysics
D. Ethics
4. Ethics is the branch of Philosophy that explores the nature of moral virtue and
evaluates human actions. Which of the following statements exemplifies the value of
ethics in Philosophy?

A. Women are not inferior to men and that both must complement each other.
B. All matters are composed of atoms.
C. Ideas are forms of thought representing the real objects.
D. No man is an island

5. A branch of Philosophy focuses itself with the non-observables. Another branch deals
with what is right or wrong. What does epistemology deal with?

A. Epistemology deals with the other branches of Philosophy

B. Epistemology concerns itself with how to make arguments more valid and
C. Epistemology deals with the nature, sources, limitations and validity of
D. Epistemology focuses on discovering new knowledge unknown to men.

6. Logic is not interested with what we know. Rather, it concerns itself on the truth and
validity of our arguments. Who was the philosopher who devised the first
method of logic?
A. Socrates
B. Plato
C. Zeno
D. Aristotle

7. Metaphysical discourses are characterized by examination of unobservable entities.

Which of the following statements exhibits such character?

A. Beautiful designs like arts enhances the way we think.

B. If all backboned animals are called vertebrates, then a dog is a vertebrate.
C. All objects contain water.
D. Exercise of freedom should always be accompanied with responsibility.

8. Some philosophers believe that general ideas are formed from the examination of
particular facts. What method is employed in this kind of generating idea?

A. deduction
B. induction
C. epistemological
D. logical

9. We can see things made of matter but we cannot see the underlying matter itself. What
branch of Philosophy sees things like this?

A. Metaphysics
B. Aesthetics
C. Logic
D. Epistemology

10. How do we tell good from evil or right from wrong? This basic question is a concern of
what branch of Philosophy?

A. Epistemology
B. Logic
C. Ethics
D. Metaphysics


Try to answer the following questions.

1. What do you recall about the meaning of Philosophy?


2. Can cite some characteristics of Philosophy?


3. What perspectives or approaches in Philosophy you already know? List them down.


4. How are these perspectives or approaches in Philosophy important in our day-to-day life?



In the previous module, the definition of Philosophy and its salient features were discussed. In

this module, the branches of Philosophy will be tackled.

Knowing only the meaning of Philosophy and some of its characteristics are not enough if we are

in search for true wisdom. For a narrow and partial mind is wholly incompatible with the real

philosophical attitude that manifests holistic point of view. The discussion below on branches of

Philosophy is intended to broaden one’s perspectives and skills in doing philosophical discourses.

There are 5 branches of Philosophy: Metaphysics, Ethics, Epistemology, Logic and Aesthetics.

Metaphysical philosophy accounts on investigating the unreal entities in terms of the real world that

we experience through our senses. The well-known Philosopher, Plato, enlightened the field of

metaphysics by contrasting reality and appearance. He stated that our experience with the real world

is not real. Reality according to him is how we perceive the world. Therefore, what is real is just

products of our perception through the mind. For example, we see a yellow chair because we

perceive it as yellow chair. But others may perceive a different color when light affecting the

appearance of the chair is obstructed.

Ethics as another branch of Philosophy deals with the evaluation of human actions and the nature

of moral virtue. As such, ethical philosophy accounts for the nature of our moral judgements and it

also attempts to investigate our fundamental ethical ideas. From these contentions arise the idea of

right versus wrong and evil versus good. Discourses like feminism (equal opportunities among

genders) and law-making become areas where ethical philosophy is employed. Socrates pointed out

that knowledge is not merely theoretical nor speculative but also practical. It means that knowledge

on rules of right living is not sufficient when it is not actually being practiced. One historical example

that exemplifies ethical philosophy is that issue laid down by William Du Bois. He argued that there

must be equal rights between black and white Americans.

Epistemology as philosophical perspective concerns itself with the nature, sources, limitations

and validity of knowledge. Some of the basic questions raised by Epistemology are: how do we know

what we know, how do we know what we want to know and do we distinguish true from what is not

true. Knowledge, according to this perspective, can be acquired through induction (empiricism) and

deduction. Induction is a process of knowledge-forming by investigating particulars (also known as

empirical evidences) in order to arrive at general idea. Conversely, deductive process employs

generally accepted ideas in order to arrive at specific ideas. Advocates of deductive method are

called rationalists. Rene Descartes is well-known rationalist.

Another method used under Epistemology is pragmatism. William James and John Dewey are

famous pragmatists. They believe that value in use is the real test of truth and meaning.

Logic is another branch of Philosophy. Unlike any other philosophical perspectives, logic does

not concern itself in what we know regarding certain subjects. Thus, logic does not provide us

knowledge of the world directly. It only serves as tool to guide one’s arguments or discourses so as to

keep them valid and true. Aristotle was the first philosopher who employed logical method. He

claimed that truth exists when there is agreement between knowledge and reality. This can only take

place when mental ideas correspond to the objective world. This is where logical reasoning comes in.

Reasoning is very important in our everyday lives. Decision making can make or unmake us.

Thus the quality of our logical capacity affects our well-being. A person equipped with logic can

reason far better than those who are not.

Finally, Aesthetics as philosophical perspective concerns itself with the notion of beauty.

Whenever we created a devise or equipment we consequently aim to improve (or beautify) it after

some time. It only goes to show that aesthetics accounts for the criteria of beauty.

Aesthetics can be used to explain matters regarding culture and arts. It is in these fields where

beauty can best be explained with the use of aesthetical philosophy. Embedded in our culture is our

capacity to distinguish beautiful from what is not. Arts as part of our cultural milieu manifests our

ideas regarding beauty.

What benefits can students get from aesthetical knowledge? As students, the importance of

aesthetics are: it vitalizes our knowledge making the world more useful and alive, it helps us live

more deeply and richly for appreciation of work of arts arises, and it keeps us in touch with our



Below are situational cases where each needs particular philosophical perspective in order to

understand the issues inherent within each of them. Read each case and think of a particular branch

of Philosophy that can appropriately address the issue at hand.

Case 1

The resources that supply our daily needs come from the environment.
The amount of resources that we demand affects environmental condition.
Increasing our demand raises the pressure on environment.
Conversely, the condition of environment influences the quality of
life that we have. An environment in good condition sustains life. While deg-
raded environment brings forth social problems.
What kind of treatment should we accord to the environment that
supplies our needs then?

Case 2

For some reasons, there has been an increasing incidence of teenage

pregnancies. Despite efforts exerted by stockholders of school community
in preventing such phenomenon to happen, still it exists. Why do teenagers
engage to this kind of issues?

Case 3

Most of us are Face Book users. As such, we cannot deny the

the fact that some posts or comments seen on it lack validity or relia-
Sometimes, we are fooled to comply to some posts. Sometimes,
we are unaware that we believe on some opinions making such ideas
become part of our consciousness. The danger of which it reflects the
kind of personality that we have.
What can you say about this?


1. What philosophical perspective or branch of Philosophy can best explain case 1? Write your
arguments on the space provided below.

The branch of Philosophy that can best explain case 1 is -------------------------------------------


2. What philosophical perspective or branch of Philosophy can best explain case 2? Write your
arguments on the space provided below.

The branch of Philosophy that can best explain case 2 is -----------------------------------------------


3. What philosophical perspective or branch of Philosophy can best explain case 1? Write your
arguments on the space provided below.

The branch of Philosophy that can best explain case 3 is -----------------------------------------------



Holistic perspective enables us to understand better the world that we live in. Thus, having

equipped with the different philosophical perspectives discussed above contributes to one’s well-


Employing a particular perspective, though, requires the element of Natural Light of Reason as

explained in the previous module. Having the knowledge on branches of Philosophy gives us some

edge compared to those who didn’t have the opportunity to learn them no matter how difficult

choosing which perspective to use on a particular situation or subject matter.


Philosophical perspectives can be used to analyze some issues happening in the fields of

Economics, Religion, Mass Media, Government/Politics, Social Relations, Work Place and many

others. It is only up to us which among these philosophical perspective is appropriate to use. Can you

list down current issues happening in our country which can be explained using any of the

philosophical perspective?

Write your answers below.

1. Metaphysics


2. Ethics


3. Epistemology


4. Logic


5. Aesthetics



Read the following items carefully. Write the letter of your answer.

1. We cannot see the underlying matter itself but we can see the things made of that
matter. What branch of Philosophy sees things like this?

A. Metaphysics
B. Aesthetics
C. Logic
D. Epistemology

2. As a branch of Philosophy logic does not provide us with knowledge directly.

Etymologically, it means a treatise on matters pertaining to the human thought. As a
branch of Philosophy logic does not provide us with knowledge directly. What then is
the role of logic in Philosophy?

A. Logic enhances appreciation of arguments.

B. Logic is used in some disciplines like mathematics.
C. Logic offers opportunities discovering new knowledge.
D. Logic serves as tool concerning the validity of our arguments.

3. A fundamental and necessary drive in every human being is knowing what is

real. Which among the branches of Philosophy accounts for the unreal in terms of
what we accept as real?

A. Logic
B. Aesthetics
C. Metaphysics
D. Ethics

4. A branch of Philosophy deals with what is right or wrong. Another branch focuses itself
with the non-observables. What does epistemology deal with?

A. Epistemology deals with the other branches of Philosophy

B. Epistemology concerns itself with how to make arguments more valid and
C. Epistemology deals with the nature, sources, limitations and validity of

D. Epistemology focuses on discovering new knowledge unknown to men.

5. Examination of unobservable entities is the focus of metaphysical discourses.

Which of the following statements exhibits such character?

A. Beautiful designs like arts enhances the way we think.

B. If all backboned animals are called vertebrates, then a dog is a vertebrate.
C. All objects contain water.
D. Exercise of freedom should always be accompanied with responsibility.

6. It is not what we know that logic is interested in. Rather, it concerns itself on the truth
and validity of our arguments. Who was the philosopher who devised the first logical

A. Socrates
B. Plato
C. Zeno
D. Aristotle

7. The establishment of criteria of beauty is the function of aesthetics. Which of the

following statements shows the importance of aesthetics to us?

A. It helps us understand better the nature and origin of knowledge.

B. It brings us in touch with our culture and the arts.
C. It serves as a tool in unraveling the unknown.
D. It enables us to make plausible arguments.

8. Some philosophers believe that general ideas are formed from the examination of
particular facts. What method is employed in this kind of generating idea?

A. deduction
B. induction
C. epistemological
D. logical

9. How do we understand the difference between good and evil or right from wrong? This
basic question is a concern of what branch of Philosophy?

A. Epistemology
B. Logic
C. Ethics
D. Metaphysics

10. Ethics investigates the nature of moral virtue and evaluates human actions in order
to arrive at knowledge. Which of the following statements exemplifies the value of
ethics in Philosophy?

A. Women are not inferior to men and that both must complement each other.
B. All matters are composed of atoms.
C. Ideas are forms of thought representing the real objects.
D. No man is an island


Below is a comparative presentation of the branches of philosophy especially made for you in

order for easier recall.

Branch of Philosophy Perspectives / Proponents / Sample Statements

Focus Philosophers
A. Metaphysics > accounts for the > Plato > All terrestrial objects
unreal thing in terms of are made up of matter.
what accepted as real
> discourses focus on
the unobservable > Objects like chair
entities like mind and only becomes real
matter when we think of it as
it is.
B. Ethics > explores the nature > Socrates > Equal opportunities
of moral value and for all regardless of
evaluates human > Edward Burghardt gender.
actions Du Bois
> Law making must
> knowledge is not include ethical
only theoretical nor considerations

speculative but also
C. Epistemology > deals with the > Rene Descartes > deductive method: If
nature, sources, all objects contain
limitations and validity > John Locke water, then human
of knowledge > William James beings have water.
> puts forward > John Dewey > inductive: Any object
induction (empiricism) around us is
and deduction as composed of an
methods of acquiring element or
knowledge combination of
elements. Therefore,
elements are the main
composition of
D. Logic > serves as tool in > Aristotle
making valid
arguments >Zeno of Citium

> does not directly >Cicero

contribute to
knowledge but focuses
more on the method
how knowledge is
E. Aesthetics > deals with the > Schopenhauer > A work of art is like a
establishment of great man. Stand
criteria of beauty > Hans-Georg before it. Wait patiently
Gadamer and it will speak.
>gives importance to
culture and arts for
they manifest social

Answer Key

Pre-Test Post-Test
1. B 1. A
2. D 2. D

3. C 3. C
4. A 4. C
5. C 5. C

6. D 6. D
7. C 7. B

8. B 8. B
9. A 9. C
10. C 10. A


Case 1

The branch of Philosophy that can best explain case 1 is Ethics. It is understood that
environment is the primary provider of our basic needs. The way we treat our environment has
a repercussion on the amount and quality of resources we get from it. Therefore, it is an issue
of whether our behavior towards our environment is good or not.

Case 2
The branch of Philosophy that can best explain case 2 is Metaphysics. One task of
Metaphysics is to account for unreal thing in terms of what is real. The phenomenon on

teenage pregnancies manifest the behavior of the doer adhering to the practice of one’s
freedom. Freedom purports to an idea and becomes impractical with the absence of


Case 3

The branch of Philosophy that can best explain case 3 is Epistemology. Our knowledge
on this perspective enables us to decipher falsehood against valid contents present on social
media. Being fooled on some posts and comments manifests the lack of capacity for

epistemological philosophy.

This module maybe adopted, modified and

reproduced for educational purposes with appropriate
credit to the author.
For inquiries, feedback and suggestions, please
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resource Supervisor at Tel. No. _________________ and/or
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