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Physical Fitness – ability of the body to do vigorous activities without feeling undue
fatigue. At the end of the day, you still have enough energy to do leisure activity
Physical Activity – movement of the body that uses energy
Exercise – physical activity but planned, structured and repetitive for the purpose of
conditioning any part of the body.
Two Types of Fitness:
Health Related Fitness – it is a basis from which to measure general well-being,
it is the aim to exercise to improve our capabilities in each of these areas
Skill Related Fitness – not just about the skills associated with any particular
sports such as running, catching. tackling or kicking but are the underlying skills which
are brought to bear when participating in the sport. These are the important fitness
component not just for the sporting ability but for the use in everyday life.

Types of Exercise:
Aerobic Exercises is any type of cardiovascular conditioning or “cardio”. During
cardiovascular conditioning, your breathing and heart rate increase for a sustained
period of time
* With oxygen exercises, begins when the heart rate is between 65 and 80
percent of maximum heart rate. In the aerobic training zone, the heart and lungs are
able to supply enough oxygen to the muscles, minimizing fatigue causing waste by-
Anaerobic Exercises involve quick burst of energy and are performed at
maximum effort for a short time.
*Exercises that lasting less than a minute such short-term efforts such as
sprinting or weightlifting scarcely need any oxygen.
Calisthenics - exercises that relies with the body as the weight such as push-
ups and curl ups.
Plyometrics - jumping exercises
*Aerobic Exercise
- Can offer numerous benefits for your health, including reducing your risk of
heart attack, type a diabetes, or a stroke
- Can benefit almost anyone. But get your doctor’s approval if you’ve been
inactive for a long time or live with a chronic condition
- During aerobic activities, you’ll move large muscles in your arms, legs, and
hips. Your heart rate will also go up for a sustained period of time.
- Examples include jogging, brisk walking, swimming laps, aerobic dance like
- low or moderate intensity exercise where you execute it in a longer period of

*Anaerobic Exercise
- Can be beneficial if you’re looking to build muscle or lose weight. It can also be
beneficial if you’ve been exercising for a long time and are looking up to push through
an exercise plateau and meet a new goal. It may also help you maintain mass as you
- Can be hard on your body. On a 1 to 10 scale for perceived exertion, high
intensity anaerobic exercise is anything over a seven. It is not typically recommended
for fitness beginners
- Are performed at maximum effort for a shorter period of time. Examples include
calisthenics, like plyometrics, jump, squats, or box jumps, sprinting

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