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Question no.

CORONA VIRUS... It belongs to Expository Essay.

A Childhood Memory.... It Belongs to Descriptive Essay.
Coronavirus: a sort of common virus that infects humans, typically resulting in an
upper infection (URI.) coronaviruses usually lasts a brief time and is characterized
by runny nose, inflammatory disease, feeling unwell, cough, and fever.
QUESTION NO: - 02: -
The above given essay can be analyzed through different narrative techniques. The
use of language in the essay is very strong and easy. The narrator told us about the
past that that he had a lot of friends to hangout and he enjoyed to be at home and
seeing the things on tv and imagining that what if we see these sceneries with our
own eyes. He used flashbacks and gave an overview of his previous life. Then he
started story telling that his friend came to him and both went for mountain hike
by applying different imageries. And continues saying it was his first time on the
mountain he observed things with his own eyes. The weather was foggy and fog
was vanished when they reached top of mountain's things. He used first person
technique to tell his story. And he continues with the direct narration and explain
the scenes of mountains he was hiking on. He further used reported speech to
paraphrase the events took place there on mountains. He told the story about the
mountains in the present tense to make a pen picture of the scenario. Moreover, he
explained that he was observing the things shaded with clouds and everything was
illuminated with the sun. He took pictures with his camera and he was enjoying
experiencing things in reality and thought that everyone should visit mountain
sides suitable times in their lives. He was considering. He also makes use of
hyperbole in describing the events there. He quoted that he was considering
himself as Bear Grylls. And then he described that he went back to home and keep
on remembering the events happening there by using hyperbole.

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