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1-3 Short Response: What is History for?


Recent events of the 2020 Pandemic, we can learn from the 1918 Spanish flu. I have not

fully researched the Spanish flu; however I am noticing the similarities. It brings me to think

about how we have so many people that do not believe how effective wearing a mask can be. It

is like history is repeating itself, not learning from mistakes with the 1918 flu. I have no issues

with staying at home and or wearing a mask for the safety of myself and others around me. I

work outside of the home and my daughter studies from home. I tend not to watch a lot of the

news and or spend time on social media because it seems like everyone has different opinions on

the situation at hand. I do notice that violence is on the rise because of everything going on with

this pandemic and how it is being handled.

I think the lack of presentism with the pandemic and the 1918 flu has hindered us from

learning from the past mistakes that we seem to be living in right now. I wish that I could hear

someone say,” this didn’t work in 1918, let’s try this different approach”. Different methods

would be wearing masks, quarantined, and closing schools. I would like to see essential

companies to think of their employees. I work in the mental health field and we are essential

because of this pandemic. We have increased our hours due to the increase of clients that need

our services.

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