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Name: ……………………………… Mark: …………

VOCABULARY 40 points

1 Write the words under the correct numbers. (10 points)

two • six • ten • eight • four • nine • three • one • seven • five

2. 3. 4.
1. …………………
………………… ………………… …………………

6. 7. 8.
5. …………………
………………… ………………… …………………


2 Write the missing days of the week in the correct order. (5 points)
Wednesday • Monday • Sunday • Thursday • Saturday

1. …………………
2. Tuesday
3. …………………
4. …………………
5. Friday
6. …………………
7. …………………

3 Write the missing months of the year in the correct order. (9 points)
April • August • December • June • January • March • May • October • September
1. …………………… 7. July
2. February 8. ……………………
3. …………………… 9. ……………………
4. …………………… 10. ……………………
5. …………………… 11. November
6. …………………… 12. ……………………

4 Write the words in the correct categories. (6 points)

ruler • boy • third • teacher • ninth • notebook

People School items Ordinal numbers

5 Complete the sentences with the words below. (5 points)

ocean • supermarket • sweater • ride • kitchen
1. People cook food in the …………………… .
2. Whales live in the …………………… .
3. You can buy food in a …………………… .
4. Some students …………………… bicycle to school.
5. People wear a …………………… when it’s cold.

6 Match A to B to make sentences. (4 points)

1. To play football, ...... a. on your hand.
2. People buy meat ...... b. you must kick the ball.
3. People have a shower ...... c. at a butcher’s.
4. There are five fingers ...... d. in the bathroom.

7 Match the activities to the pictures. (6 points)

listen to music • go to bed • play the guitar • feed the dog • cook dinner • go swimming
1 2 3

……………………………. …………………………… …………………………….

4 5 6

……………………………. …………………………… …………………………….

8 Circle three words that belong to each category. (15 points)

1. Nationalities: Irish • France • Ecuadorian • Morocco • Chinese
2. Women: uncle • grandmother • aunt • mother • brother
3. Mammals: horse • elephant • butterfly • shark • zebra
4. Parts of a bird: fur • finger • wing • eye • leg
5. Vegetables: carrot • chicken • cucumber • lettuce • milk

GRAMMAR 30 points

1 Match the words in A to the personal pronouns in B. (5 points)

1. Emily ...... a. we
2. Mum and Dad ...... b. she
3. the book ...... c. he
4. you and I ...... d. they
5. George ...... e. it

2 Complete the sentences with am, is or are. (5 points)

1. My pen …………………… in my schoolbag.
2. I …………………… twelve years old.
3. Sara …………………… in Year 8.
4. My mother and father …………………… at home.
5. The pencils …………………… blue.

3 Write the sentences in the negative. (5 points)

1. It is Tuesday today.
2. I am at home now.
3. Mr Harris is a good teacher.
4. You are eight years old.
5. The books are in my schoolbag.

4 Choose the correct answers. Make the sentences true for you. (5 points)
1. The students is / are / aren’t in class now.
2. It isn’t / is / are September now.
3. I aren’t / am / is a student.
4. We are / isn’t / aren’t at school on Sundays.
5. The English teacher isn’t / aren’t / am not 15 years old.

5 Write questions with the words below. Use to be. (5 points)

1. Harry / in Year 6
.............................................................................................................. ?
2. you / sad / today
.............................................................................................................. ?

3. the boys / in the classroom
.............................................................................................................. ?
4. Carrie / your sister
.............................................................................................................. ?
5. the pencil / yellow
.............................................................................................................. ?

6 Choose the correct answer of the verb HAVE GOT. (5 points)

- Jodi has got/ have got two mobile phones.
- We hasn’t got / haven’t got red pencils.
- I have got/ has got a book.
- Have / has the children got yellow schoolbags?
- Carol hasn’t got / haven’t got a poster.

7 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb HAVE GOT (Affirmative). (5 points)
- The students………………..books.
- Jane…………………..three CDs.
- Nancy and Greg………………………….pens.
- The boys…………………a ball.
- Diane………………………….a mobile pone.
- David………………………….two posters.

WRITING 10 points

Write the words in the correct order to make sentences.

1. in / I / Year 8 / am / .
2. pens / The / green / aren’t / .
3. is / big / dog / It / a / .
4. isn’t / Mrs Allen / classroom / the / in / .
5. happy / today / Are / boys / the / ?

2 LISTENING 10 points

Listen to the conversation and choose the correct answer.

1. Dylan / Jessica is a new student at Greenside School.
2. Dylan is in Year 8 / 9.
3. Grace is the sister of Dylan / Jessica.
4. Dylan / Jessica is fourteen years old.
5. Dylan is in Room 9 / 10.

SPEAKING 10 points

1 Colour the picture. Make each item a different colour.

2 Ask questions to complete the sentences about your partner's picture.

1. The pencils are …………………… .
2. The ruler is …………………… . What colour is the ... ?
3. The schoolbag is …………………… .
4. The notebooks are …………………… . What colours are the ... ?
5. The rubber is …………………… .

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