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Advertisments advertisements and publicity makes people have different opinions

about it?. Some people always believe all the way in things they watch on TV or
see in Instagram, Facebook, media, etc, and others don´t trust

In my opinion, there are plenty of things created every year,for instance

like in technology for example: new cellphones with more apps and settings that
makes easier lot of things such as GPS, camera, etc. But there are lots of new
products that really people don´t need but publicity convince them that they are
(necessary) it is "the new salvation", for example: watches that are connected to
your cellphone. I really don´t think it is they are essential because, if you already
have a great cellphone, why would you need a watch to replace it?

It has been is investigated that lots of companies have in there their Marketing
area, psicologyst who studies the way people act and think in order to create a
packaging or publicity that attracts customers’ attention and manipulate their needs
costumers. For example, when a product that has been sold since 1990 all of a
sudden appears with a new appearence appearance and says "New recipe". I trully
truly believe it is 100% manipulation and it is has the same ingredients. But they do
that strategy to get some new costumers or to mantain the ones they already have.

To be concluded, I believe the companies try to manipulate costumers every time.

That is there their way to sell and get their products into our homes. I do not critize
criticize them, I think it is a really intelligent way to sell, but we as costumers, we
should be aware that not everything that is sold, it is essential.
Please check the difference between the adv there and the possessive their.

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