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Critical Review

Submitted by

Name: Hajra Khan

Sap: 1536

Semester: 6th

Submitted to

Name: Ma’am Uzma

Department: social sciences and humanity

Faculty: applied psychology

Long term effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy for youth with

anxiety disorder


The article ‘Long term effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy for youth with

anxiety disorder’ is published in a journal ‘Journal of anxiety disorders’, volume 53, in

January 2018. This study was conducted by bunch of researchers which involved Arne Kodal

and Krister Fjermestad. The authors have given an overview of the research that was based

on anxiety disorders among youth and interventions provided through CBT as well as to

examine its long-term outcomes which according the author was missing in prior studies and

was new addition to the current research segment. The purpose of this study was to identify

long term outcomes of CBT with Anxiety disorders among youth, it also aimed to identify the

effects of different CBT treatments formats; individual and group CBT on long term

outcomes. Furthermore, it also investigated whether youth diagnosed with social phobia

(SOP) treatment outcomes were less as compare to those diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety

Disorder (GAD) and Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD). The study consisted of 179 youth

participants. The participants who were diagnosed with GAD SOP and SAD were selected

for the study and the participants were assessed pre and post treatment and at one year follow

up. The scales that were being used consisted of FRIENDS for life; child and adolescent

version, ADIS-C/P, ADIS-IV, SCAS-C/P, SMFQ-C/P as well as face to face and video

recorded interviews were obtained. At the end findings showed that there was significant

reduction in anxiety symptoms, there was no significant difference in individual and group

CBT treatment outcomes and also participants with SOP diagnosis had lower probability of

recovering compare to those diagnosed with SAD and GAD. Present study has been

compared with the past studies and much of results of it are consistent with past studies.

Title of article makes it clear to understand the purpose of the research, it has clearly

identified the variables and the sample. Abstract has clearly demonstrated all the objectives

that the study intends to find and has identified the sample, instruments and findings. It is

brief and to the point as expected. Introduction clearly defines the study variables and have a

total grasp on them with providing in depth understanding of variables. The author has

related the current study with the prior studies on CBT and anxiety disorders and has make

comparisons in a best way which makes the current study more comprehensible and

purposeful. Meanwhile it lacks to mention the global significance. Furthermore, the author

has clearly identified the steps taken during treatment in method section. All the details have

been elaborated giving a clear overview of how the research has been conducted but there

have been no such ethical considerations mentioned that were followed during the study. The

author, other than inform consent and agreeing of participants, has not stated other ethical

protocols that were followed specially during the treatment procedures since this study unlike

other social researches doesn’t merely involve picking up and participants and obtaining their

views or filling the forms, there must have to be shed some light on ethical considerations

such as respecting human rights, safety of clients and ensuring integrity of client-therapist

relationship etc. which I think is lacking here. The findings are clearly discussed with no

ambiguity, data has been represented through tables where required. Discussion part

interprets the results comprehensibly. Authors have shown efforts in comparing present study

with the past studies in a smooth flow to show if both findings are consistent. Furthermore,

easy terms and medium vocabulary have been used that can be understood easily. I think the

authors have done very great efforts because none prior studies have worked on CBT and

anxiety with focus on long term outcomes. This research has provided us with new pack of

knowledge, also since the research consisted of enough participants, we can generalize the

findings which I can say is a perk of using correlational research here.


Kodal, A., Fjermestad, K., Bjelland, I., Gjestad, R., Öst, L., Bjaastad, J., . . . Wergeland, G.
(2017, November 26). Long-term effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy for
youth with anxiety disorders. Retrieved June 20, 2020, from

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