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Background of the Study

Social media is the most recent form of media and have also gained astounding

worldwide growth. It has become a part of everyone's life. Social media is a very broad term and

really encompasses several different types of media, such as videos, blogs, etc. It is a place

where you can transmit information about other people. Social media is a vehicle for

communication and it lets everyone share content that other people can share, in turn, with their

online connections. It provides young people with a range of benefits and opportunities to

empower themselves in a variety of ways. Young people can maintain social connections and

can access more information than ever before. It has become a place where we spend many hours

for the purpose of business or leisure or socializing with others or other purposes.

Facebook is described as a website for online social networking, where individuals can

create profiles, share information about themselves, such as photos and quotes, and react to or

connect to information posted by others. While Twitter is a social networking platform where

you can post 140 character status updates that can be seen by anyone who has chosen to follow

you, better known as " tweets. You can connect to other articles or videos within the tweet.

Although Twitter networks ideas and subjects, Facebook networks individuals. Facebook

helps you (not that someone is going to read it) to write a novel. Twitter restricts each tweet to

140 characters. In order to organize ideas / subjects, Facebook and Twitter make the use of

hashtags. These concepts were implemented by Facebook, patterned after Twitter. Both networks

are capable of allowing the branding to be used in any personalization. As Twitter's call to action
is to follow, Facebook makes likes and contacts. You're going to like or post something on

Facebook. Yet you can ReTweet or Favorite Something inside of Twitter. Your old elementary

friends or high school love interests can be found on Facebook. The newest subject trends, such

as the Oscars, News, Celebrity Stories and more, can be found on Twitter.

According to Pascual Bea (2019) the effects of social media such as Twitter and

Facebook to the filipino culture. It makes it easier for someone on the optimistic side to

communicate with friends and family. It also made it hassle-free to start events and activities. On

the other hand , the negative consequences are as follows : first, It has made it possible for poor

and potentially dangerous knowledge to be disseminated; second, it has become a new forum for

abuse and crime, such as fraud and identification.

The purpose of this study is to determine the effects of Facebook and Twitter on the

online behaviour of filipino youth.

Through this study, The various aims of Twitter vs. Facebook need to be understood.

Twitter is intended mainly to share thoughts, whereas Facebook is intended to communicate with

friends and family. In comparison, Facebook has a broader audience with all age groups, while

the audience with Twitter is mainly between the ages of 18-29. However, it 's important to decide

which one the audience likes and customize the content to fit any platform.
This research, using Twitter and Facebook, will raise questions about the impact of

online activity on Filipino youth. Furthermore , this research won't support how technology will

break your life and lead you to illness.

Research Procedures:

Researchers gathered the data for the analysis by means of a questionnaire.

1. The researchers would check first the questionnaire by transmitting it to the online users

of twitter and facebook.

2. The researcher will distribute the questionnaire to the respondents of the study.

3. The researcher prepared a data analysis as soon as the information was processed.

Research Instrument:

A descriptive approach was used to collect further information. The data collection

method for this analysis is the Questionnaire. The respondents will be given questionnaires made

by the researchers.

Forsey, C. (2020) Twitter, Facebook or Instagram which platform should be on. Retrieved from


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