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Media for Students

Top 5 Bene)ts of Social Media

for Students


Social media is a platform where people from all

over the world can connect and interact with each
other. Social media has gained a lot of momentum
in the past few years. As almost everyone have a
smartphone with them, it becomes easier for
them to use social networking sites. Everyone will
have at least one account in any one of the social
media websites. Social media plays a key role in
everyone’s life. Students are also using social
media extensively. While there is a general
perception that students end up wasting lot of
time in Social media, it can be used for many
beneAts. Now let’s read the top 5 bene)ts of
social media for students.

Before jumping into beneAts of social media, let

us try to understand it better. There are diFerent
types of social media that exist today :

Social Networking (Facebook, Linked-In,

Micro blogging (Twitter, Tumblr)
Photo Sharing (Instagram, Snapchat, Pinterest)
Video Sharing (YouTube, Facebook-live,
Periscope, Vimeo)

Combining all of them together, social media has

gained a lot of importance because of the drastic
increase in the number of users. As we can see
(ref – statistics below) that there are 2.27 billion
active monthly users on Facebook alone, which
alone covers about 40% of the world’s
population. Thanks to their age group and easy
access, various social media sites are accessing
them. According to one of the recent report,
percentage of students who use each platform
goes as follows:

Facebook – 96%
YouTube – 84%
Blogs – 20%
Twitter – 14%
MySpace – 12%
LinkedIn – 10%

Social media has emerged as a powerful force,

which can be leveraged for a wide variety of
beneAts. Here are the top 5 bene)ts of social
media for students, using which a student can
leverage social media.

1. Learning & Networking:

The Arst beneAt of top 5 bene)ts of social media

for students, is Learning and Networking.
Learning has gone beyond class-rooms where
social learning is promoted in almost all the
leading e-learning website. Students can take
classes from e-learning websites and discuss their
learning’s or doubts using various social media
channels. For Example NPTEL, Udemy, YouTube,
etc. Students can make use of live video that is a
part of so many social networking sites to engage
themselves in classes. Students can share study
materials through social networking sites
like Facebook, Instagram and even Whats App.

In this process of social learning, it’s becomes very

important for students to stay connected to peers.
Students can make friends with friends of friends
and build a strong network. They can get to know
many new people and start building new
connections with them. Earlier it was very di_cult
to get any information about famous
personalities. Everyone had to just see them on
televisions and newspapers. After social media
has come to the limelight it is very easy for
everyone to follow famous personalities and
in`uential people. Hence, social media has played
a very important role in connecting students to
the people who they take aspiration from.

Also networking via social media will help students

to get to know about the activities and events
happening in and around them. Furthermore, they
can even get to know about the Hackathons,
Quizzes, Sudoku, Marathon, Sports and
Cultural competitions and many more. This will
give the students an opportunity to participate
and win. By participating in such activities
students will get to do a lot of extracurricular

2. For Creative Expression:

Social media is a beautiful platform for students to

express themselves. Many students will be scared
with the thought of what will happen if they
express themselves. It helps students to share
their thoughts without any fear. Social media
allows students to express in many ways, like by
posting photos, blogs, individual articles, videos,
audio clips etc. This helps students to come out of
the box and explore their talents. Such events will
identify the student’s talents and give them
opportunities further in life.

Compared to before it’s very easy to communicate

with others now. This has become possible only
with the help of social media. Social media has
helped us to do away with the old methods where
students had to wait for an opportunity to
participate in an event and showcase their talents.
From when social media has come into picture it
has given students a beautiful platform for them
to showcase their talents. Thanks to mechanism
like crowdfunding, students can also raise funds
for their creative ideas. Many students have their
own YouTube channels where they upload videos.
Based on the number of views they get payed.
Many of them even have their own blogs where
they get to write and earn some money through
that. Example, Around the World is a blog written
by a girl called Sush, who is basically from Delhi.

3. Experience Global Exposure:

Social media is such a broad platform that

students can connect with anyone in the world.
When it allows students to interact with people on
such a broad platform, indeed they get immense
knowledge from it, which is amazing, isn’t it. They
even get to know about the diverse cultures
present around the world. That includes their
culture, traditions, language, lifestyle, food habits,
and many more interestingly beautiful things.
They can even learn about the diFerent courses
present in universities from all around the world.

They can watch recorded classroom sessions for

particular courses. Such sessions also provide with
notes, most of the time. Students can share their
ideas and thoughts on a global platform. Social
Media gives individual identity to each person. It
gives students recognition in such platforms at
such a young age which is incredible. Students get
a lot of opportunities also. Students will gain
knowledge immensely.

4. Employment Opportunities:

As we all know that academia gap, is one of the

major issues students are facing nowadays. In
Spite of a student Anishing his/her degree it’s very
di_cult for them to get a job. Social media helps
them to grab opportunities. Many companies
update about openings in their social media
accounts. Students following these companies on
social media can apply by sending them their
resumes. LinkedIn is one such social media
platform where students apply for internships and
jobs extensively.

Social media helps students to research about the

company and get information about all the Aelds
they are interested in. They can read the reviews
and comments posted by others and get an
overall view of the company. The ratings given by
others are also very important for a company.
Students can view on social media the ratings
given to a particular company. It helps students to
be visible. Students can make themselves visible
by speaking up conAdently and building good
relations with everyone. Students can showcase
their talents on social media. They can post any of
their projects or models which they have
constructed. They can even take instructions and
help from senior lecturers and professors.
Students can take recommendations from their
professors or people whom they know. Students
can showcase their GIT hub proAles also. For
Example, Devendra Dora. These methods will
help the students in securing a job.

5. Social Media Marketing:

Let’s talk about social media marketing, in our

focus of top 5 bene)ts of social media for
students. Students can promote any college
festivals or activities using social media. Every
college has a cultural fest every year. Students
will have to promote their fest to ensure students
from other colleges also participate. Hence, social
media helps students to promote on a big

Some students might be doing some work other

than the usual curriculum of the schools and
colleges. Like for example, work of art and craft or
any other work for that matter. They can advertise
their work on social media. It is one of the easiest
and best way to advertise. It doesn’t cost them
anything to advertise also. Social media is a good
platform for fund raising. As the number of people
using social media are in such huge numbers. It
becomes easy for us to collect funds. We can even
sell anything on social media. It has got a huge
number of users as we said earlier and hence
selling any goods is very easy. We can attract
customers from all over the world using social
media. In the same manner we can buy any item
that we are interested in. For example, Vintage
Watches. We can even have campus ambassador
programs, where a student from each college
represents the brand and promotes the brand


As a result of reading the top 5 bene)ts of social

media for students we got to know that, social
media has become one of the biggest platform
ever in history. Social media has changed so many
things. Earlier people used to read the newspaper
in the morning, but now everyone looks into their
social media accounts for updates. People’s
lifestyle is changing because of the evolution of
social media. Consequently, everyone is almost an
addict to social media in one or the other way.
Above all, it is a wonderful place to interact with
friends and peers. But if the same thing is used in
a wrong way then it becomes very disastrous.
Hence, we should use social media up to a limited
extent but not beyond that. In this article, we have
discussed only about the top 5 beneAts of social
media for students, but social media is useful to
students in many ways.

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