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Company Name and Description, Sector and Type of company.

Name: GRP Innovation.

Description: Our company is one of the largest in the country, our main objective is
customer satisfaction through the quality of our products and services. One of our main
objectives is to be able to innovate every day so that this project continues to grow and to be
able to keep up to date with everything new that technology brings us, and to be able to cover
more the different needs of our clients. Right now our company is focused on the
development and installation of water level measurement in water tanks and cisterns, without
neglecting the possibility of expanding our production to products other than this as well as
other services that meet the needs and demands of our clients.

Sector: commercial.
Type of company: In the type of company of our company we identify with: limited
liability company (S.R.L.): since our capital is divided in equal parts, so they cannot be
incorporated in the form of securities or shares called. Our partners are no more than 20.
Because it is a Limited Liability Company, our partners are not liable with their personal assets
for the debts of the company.

Include your mission and vision statements.

- Mission: be the most innovative company in the country with the lowest price
in terms of water equipment and the best quality in products and services.

- Vision: our vision is to become a benchmark for innovation in technology in

water that guarantees long-term customer satisfaction through innovative
products and reliable and quality services.

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