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2, APRIL 2019

Interleave-Division Multiple Access in High Rate Applications

Yang Hu , Chulong Liang , Lei Liu , Chunlin Yan, Yifei Yuan, and Li Ping, Fellow, IEEE

Abstract—Interleave-division multiple access (IDMA) is a nonfading additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channels.
multiple access scheme that has been considered in several recent We outline several practical matching techniques including
proposals for the 5th generation cellular system. In this letter, modulation, power control, repetition coding and zero padding.
basing on evolution analysis, we show that the performance of
IDMA can be enhanced using the transfer function matching
Incidentally, we also show that zero padding together with
principle. Such matching can be realized by superposition coded cyclic shifting can reduce the implementation cost related to
modulation, power control, repetition coding, and zero padding. user-specific interleaving in IDMA. Our analysis is based on
Zero padding together with cyclic shifting also leads to reduced AWGN channels and we will provide experimental results for
implementation complexity. Our analysis is based on additive fading channels. We will show that the proposed techniques
white Gaussian noise channels and we show by simulations that can provide noticeable performance enhancement.
the matching techniques can also provide impressive performance
in fading channels.
Index Terms—IDMA, evolution technique, system design.
A. Transmitter Principles
I. I NTRODUCTION Consider a K-user up-link multiple access system with
NTERLEAVE-DIVISION multiple access (IDMA) [1] is received symbols:
I inspired by the success of low-density parity-check (LDPC)
codes [2]. Recently, IDMA has been discussed for the 5th y(j ) =

hk xk (j ) + η(j ), j = 1, 2, . . . , J , (1)
generation (5G) cellular system [3]–[5]. k =1
For LDPC codes, decoding performance can be optimized where hk is the channel coefficient of user k, xk (j ) a transmit-
by matching the transfer functions of local decoders [2]. This ted symbol, η(j ) a complex AWGN sample with mean zero
matching principle was later extended to different iterative and variance σ 2 , and J the frame length. We assume an under-
systems [6]–[8]. An IDMA receiver also involves two local lying orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM)
processors named as, respectively, an elementary signal esti- layer that resolves the intersymbol interference problem and a
mator (ESE) and a decoder (DEC). (See Section II.) As quasi-static channel that remains unchanged over a frame.
shown in [9], the performance of IDMA can be improved The principle of IDMA is illustrated graphically in Fig. 1.
by tuning an underlying LDPC code for better matching The graph is randomized with user-specific interleaving, which
between ESE and DEC. There are, however, some obstacles is illustrated in Fig. 1 by the shuffled edge connections
for this strategy. First, in 5G, the LDPC code used has already between {ck (j )} and {xk (j )}. Fig. 1 can be seen as a graphic
been specified [10] so other alternatives, instead of alter- extension of a single-user LDPC code to a multiuser system.
ing code structure, should be used for system optimization. The randomness resulting from interleaving reduces short
Second, there is also a lack of efficient matching method when cycles in the graph, which facilitates low-cost message passing
high order modulation is involved for high rate applications. decoding. More details can be found in [1] and [11].
Third, matching for multiuser systems is generally a difficult Fig. 1 involves a user-specific interleaver for each user. This
problem. Very limited progress is made in this direction. interleaver can be combined with the inherent interleaver in
In this letter, we consider IDMA system design in high the LDPC code involved. This is equivalent to the scheme
sum-rate situations. We first derive the achievable rate for in [12], in which each user employs a unique interleaver for
IDMA using the matching principle. We show that, with its code. Later we will show that such an interleaver can be
perfect matching, IDMA is potentially capacity approaching in realized by cyclic shifting (see Fig. 5 below), which further
Manuscript received July 19, 2018; revised October 5, 2018; accepted
reduces the hardware implementation cost for IDMA.
October 9, 2018. Date of publication October 17, 2018; date of current version
April 9, 2019. This work was supported in part by the Research Fund of ZTE B. Receiver Principles
Corporation, and in part by the University Grants Committee of the Hong
Kong Special Administrative Region, China, under Project CityU 11280216 We divide an iterative detector for the system in Fig. 1 into
and Project CityU 11216817. The associate editor coordinating the review of two local processors: an ESE and a DEC. The iterative process
this paper and approving it for publication was W. Zhang. (Corresponding
author: Lei Liu.)
is outlined below.
Y. Hu, C. Liang, L. Liu, and L. Ping are with the Department of Initialization: Assume that the modulation constellation of
Electronic Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong (e-mail: {xk (j )} is with zero mean and unit average power. Then;;; E(xk (j )) and Var(xk (j )) are respectively initialized to 0 and
C. Yan and Y. Yuan are with the Algorithm Department, ZTE 1, ∀k , j .
Corporation, Shenzhen 518057, China (e-mail:; ESE Operations: We rewrite (1) as
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/LWC.2018.2876538 y(j ) = hk xk (j ) + ζk (j ), (2a)
2162-2345 c 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

Fig. 1. A factor graph of a 2-user IDMA system with LDPC coding. J = 8. {ck (j ), j = 1, 2, . . . , J } is a codeword that is interleaved and modulated to
produce {xk (j )}. Circles represent variables and squares constraints. Three types of constraints are presented: a white square for an LDPC coding constraint,
a square with “×” for a modulation constraint and a square with “+” for a multiple access constraint defined in (1).

where If the system is symmetric for all k, we can drop index k

and use two common functions to characterize the behaviors
 of all users as:
ζk (j ) = y(j ) − hk xk (j ) = hk  xk  (j ) + η(j ) (2b)
k  =1,k  =k ESE: snr = φ(v ), (6a)
includes the interference and noise seen by user k. We model DEC: v = ψ(snr ). (6b)
ζk (j ) ∼ CN (μk (j ), vζ,k (j )) using Gaussian approximation In this case, the final performance is determined by the first
(GA). Given a priori {E(xk (j ))} and {Var(xk (j ))}, we can fixed point of φ and ψ as shown in Fig. 2.
evaluate μk (j ) and vζ,k (j ) and then estimate xk (j ) based
on (2a). For example, for binary phase shift keying (BPSK) III. IDMA D ESIGN T ECHNIQUES BASED ON E VOLUTION
modulation, each xk (j ) ∈ {−1, +1} and the estimation A NALYSIS
outputs are log-likelihood ratios (LLRs):
A. Matching Principle
Pr(xk (j ) = +1) Re(2hk∗ (y(j ) − µk (j ))) For an LDPC or a turbo code, it is known that the over-
LLR(xk (j )) = = . (3)
Pr(xk (j ) = −1) vζ,k (j )/2 all performance can be optimized by matching the transfer
Similar results can be obtained for quadrature phase shift functions of the two local decoders [2], [14]. Following
keying (QPSK) and other modulations. this principle, a symmetric IDMA system can be optimized
DEC Operations: The DEC is further divided into K con- by matching φ and ψ in (6). The matching condition is
stituent decoders {DEC 1, DEC 2, · · · DEC K}, one for given by
each user. The LLRs in (3) are used as the inputs to the ψ(z ) = φ−1 (z ), (7)
DEC. Assume soft-output decoding, by which {E(xk (j ))} and
{Var(xk (j ))} are updated. For an LDPC or a turbo code, such where φ−1 is the reverse function of φ. The analytical treat-
decoding follows the standard procedures in [2], [13], and [14]. ments on general situations are beyond the scope of this letter.
Iterative Process: The DEC outputs {E(xk (j ))} and We will only provide derivation for AWGN channels and rely
{Var(xk (j ))} are fed back to the ESE. Then (3) is re-evaluated on simulation results for fading channels below.
and the iterative process continues.
B. Optimality of IDMA in AWGN Channels
C. Evolution Analysis Consider an AWGN channel in which hk = 1 in (1) for all
users. Assume the same code for all users. In this case, (6a)
Let vk be the average of Var(xk (j )) over j and snrk the
is given by
average signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) related to {LLR(xk (j ))}
in (3). From [1], snrk can be expressed as a function: snr = φ(v ) = 1/((K − 1)v + σ 2 ). (8)
 Following the minimum mean square error (MMSE)-SNR
snrk = E |xk (j )| /E(vζ,k (j )) ≡ φk (v1 , . . . .vk −1 , vk +1 , . . . , vK ). (4)
relationship developed in [6], [8], and [15], the achievable rate
Now let the input-output relationship of DEC k be charac- of each user is given by
terized by a function vk = ψk (snrk ) that can be generated  +∞
numerically. The behavior of the iterative process can be char- R= mmse(snr )dsnr , (9)
acterized by the following recursions (initialized to vk = 1): 0
where mmse is the MMSE at the output of DEC k with snr at
its input. Then, following [8], we have
ESE: snrk = φk (v1 , . . . .vk −1 , vk +1 , . . . , vK ), (5a)  −1
DEC: vk = ψk (snrk ). (5b) mmse(snr ) = snr + (ψ(snr ))−1 , (10)

Fig. 2. An example of evolution trajectory.

Fig. 3. Evolution functions for the 3GPP NR LDPC coded IDMA system.
σ 2 is set to −9dB. Power levels of the two SCM layers are 0.2 and 0.8 for
ψ (2) .
which includes the contributions of both a priori information
(related to snr) and extrinsic one (related to ψ(snr )). From (7)
and (8), we have symbols. Then (8) becomes

ψ(snr ) = 1, 0 ≤ snr < 1/(K − 1 + σ 2 ), snr = φ(v ) = 1/((K  − 1)v + σ 2 ), (14)
ψ(snr ) = (K1−σ snr , 1/(K − 1 + σ 2 ) ≤ snr ≤ 1/σ 2 . (11)
where K is the nonzero symbols transmitted simultane-
Here the first equation in (11) results from the constraint ously (assume that ratio of zero symbols is uniform over
Var(xk (j )) ≤ 1 so that ψ(snr ) ≤ 1. all resources). ZP can shape φ to a certain extend and
Substituting (10) and (11) into (9) and with some straight- can also lead to reduced multiuser detection complexity.
forward manipulations, we have the achievable rate per user Repetition coding does not provide coding gain. However,
R = K −1 log(1 + K /σ 2 ). (12) it can be useful in multiuser systems to shape ψ.

For K users, the sum-rate is IV. N UMERICAL R ESULTS

Rsum = KR = log(1 + K /σ ), (13) We follow the 3GPP NR requirement [17] of frame length
of 864 symbols with information bits Jinfo = 616 per user. We
which achieves the K-user channel capacity. This demonstrates
consider AWGN first. Fig. 3 shows the φ and ψ functions in
the optimality of IDMA under perfect matching.
AWGN channels. φ is the ESE function of K = 4. ψ (1) is the
Equation (13) extends the conclusions in [8] from single-
DEC function of the 3GPP NR LDPC code and QPSK modu-
user systems to multiuser ones in AWGN channels. With
lation. We can clearly see poor matching between ψ (1) and φ.
practical coding constraints, it can be difficult to design per-
ψ (2) is the DEC function of a two-layer SCM scheme with the
fectly matched φ and ψ. Also, the situation is much more
3GPP NR LDPC code followed by a rate-1/4 repetition cod-
complicated if the received powers are random variables due
ing. (The power levels of the two SCM layers are obtained by
to fading. Detailed analytical discussions on the matching prin-
exhaustive searching.) We can see a staircase shape of ψ (2) ,
ciple for fading channels are beyond the scope of this letter.
which is due to the different convergence behaviors of differ-
Nevertheless, the matching condition in (7) suggests a way
ent SCM layers with different powers: the higher-power layer
for performance optimization. Below, we will discuss some
leads the convergence in the first stage (see Fig. 3) and then the
empirical results along this direction.
lower-power layer follows in the second stage. Clearly, such
staircase shape improves the matching between ψ (2) and φ.
C. Design Strategies Based on the Matching Principle Fig. 4 shows the frame error rates (FERs) of different
The followings are some strategies to shape either φ or ψ, schemes in a 4-user AWGN system. Schemes 1 and 2 cor-
so as to improve matching. respond to ψ (1) and ψ (2) in Fig. 3 respectively. We can see
1) A standard approach is to shape ψ by adjusting the degree that scheme 1 does not work at all, while scheme 2 works well
polynomials for an LDPC code [2], [9]. This method due to better matching. Let M be the number of SCM layers.
requires different code structures for different situations, Although increasing M may improve matching in theory, there
which may cause difficulty in hardware implementation. is a limit in practice since the value of M will influence the
In this letter, we will examine options with fixed codes. coding gain of each layer under a given Jinfo . We observed
2) Properly designed modulation and labeling methods can that, for Jinfo = 616, M = 2 represents a best compromise.
be used to shape ψ in the high rate region. In partic- We now consider fading channels, in which the fluctua-
ular, with superposition coded modulation (SCM), two tions of channel gains provide more diversity to support more
or more layers of modulated codes (with, say, QPSK users. ZP can be used to reduce receiver complexity. A cyclic
modulation) are scaled to different power levels and then shifted ZP (CSZP) scheme is shown in Fig. 5. Each user is
linearly superimposed, as demonstrated in [16]. active only in half of a frame (i.e., with 50% ZP) and the
3) Other simple options include zero padding (ZP) and rep- active half of a frame for user k is cyclically shifted by an
etition coding. With ZP, some users are silent on some amount of (k −1)J /K  where J is the frame length. Assume

Fig. 6 also includes the performances of sparse code multiple

access (SCMA) [17]. The sparse codebook in SCMA is an
equivalent form of ZP in IDMA. The performance advantage
of IDMA over SCMA mainly attributes to the freedom of
curve shaping using SCM.
In conclusion, in this letter we examined several design
techniques for IDMA following the transfer function match-
ing principle. We showed that IDMA is capacity approach-
ing in AWGN channels under perfect matching. We also
showed by simulations that the matching techniques for
IDMA can provide impressive performance in fading chan-
nels. Some of the softwares used in this letter are available
Fig. 4. IDMA in AWGN channels. K = 4. SNR per user = 1/σ 2 . Sum-rate in the following site:
= KJinfo /864 = 2.85.

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