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Kristinelou Marie N.

Reyna May 20, 2020

BSN – 101 REED

Activtiy #4

Trivia #1
 The letter 'A' is for 'Approval'. According to the Gospel of Matthew, a leader of the day
who gave approval to demands to crucify Christ was told just beforehand by his wife to
have "nothing to do" with Jesus. Who was the leader, as per Matthew 27:19?

Trivia #2
 How many people are mentioned by name in the genealogy found in Matthew 1 in the
NIV Bible?

Trivia #1
 Who visited Zechariah in the temple with a message? (Luke 1:11-20)

Trivia #2
 When Jesus went to Nain, who accompanied him? (Luke 7: 11)

Trivia #1
 Who visited Zechariah in the temple with a message? (Luke 1:11-20)

Trivia #2
 When Jesus went to Nain, who accompanied him? (Luke 7: 11)

Trivia #1
 According to John 11:1, where did Lazarus live?

Trivia #2
 According to John 8:1, where had Jesus spent the evening before he was asked to rule on
the woman caught in adultery?

Trivia #1
 Just before His Ascension into Heaven, Jesus promised a gift to his disciples, which they
later received on the day of Pentecost. What was this gift?

Trivia #2
 In Acts 9, where was Saul coming from when the light came down from Heaven?
Trivia #1
 Paul begins his letter to the Romans with a few words of self-introduction. Why is this
particularly relevant?

Trivia #2
 This letter was written to the believers in Rome. Who was the writer of the epistle, who
described himself as "a servant of Christ Jesus, called to be an apostle."? (Romans 1:1)

Trivia #1
 Modern translation uniformly translate the Greek word "agape" as "love." In the King
James Version, how is agape translated? (Hint: Faith, hope, and _____.)

Trivia #2
 Corinth was a prosperous city in southern Greece. It also hosted an event that inspired
Paul to the analogy quoted below. Which event was this? "They do it to get a crown that
will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever" (1 Corinthians 9 v. 25).

Trivia #1
 Paul states in the first chapter that he had intended to visit Corinth. What reason does he
give for not having done so?

Trivia #2
 A major theme of the letter is that of weakness. One way that Paul conveys this is by
talking about the treasure of the gospel being carried in what?

Trivia #1
 How did Paul of Tarsus, who wrote a critical if not scathing letter to his friends in
Galatia, begin life?

Trivia #2
 What was happening among the churches of Galatia that prompted Paul to write the

Trivia #1
 Ephesus was one of the greatest cities in the Roman Empire. What country are the ruins
of this great city located in at this time?

Trivia #2
 According to Ephesians 1:13, what are believers "sealed with"?
Trivia #1
 Philippians is a letter Paul wrote to the church in Philippi, a city located in Macedonia.
Where was Paul when he wrote this letter?

Trivia #2
 "Paul and ________, bondservants of Jesus Christ,To all the saints in Christ Jesus who
are in Philippi, with the bishops and deacons..." (Philippians 1:1). Whose name belongs
in the blank?

Trivia #1
 Paul is believed to have written this letter to the church at Colosse and it seems he had
never personally visited this church. Whom did he credit with bringing the gospel to

Trivia #2
 What does Paul say he and Timothy do not cease to do?

Trivia #1
 With whom does Apostle Paul wrote the letter of the first chapter and also sent greetings
and helped the Apostle Paul write the letter?

Trivia #2
 Paul is writing to the Christian community in Thessalonika. Of which Roman province
was Thessalonika the capital? Hint: it is mentioned in chapters 1 and 4.

Trivia #1
 The situation faced by the Thessalonians has changed since the writing of Paul's first
letter and the church is now facing persecution. Nevertheless, Paul says that he boasts
about which of their attributes?

Trivia #2
 Paul told the Thessalonian church he was always thankful to God for them because their
faith was always growing. What did he boast to other churches about the church in

Trivia #1
 I Timothy was an epistle written by the Apostle Paul to a young minister named Timothy.
What does Paul call Timothy in the greeting of this epistle?
Trivia #2
 Where was Timothy preaching?

Trivia #1
 In II Timothy 1:5 we learn the names of Timothy's mother and grandmother. What was
the name of his mother?

Trivia #2
 According to the letter, Paul is writing from captivity and anticipating that he will soon
be put to death. From which city was he writing?

Trivia #1
 When Paul wrote this letter, Titus was overseeing the church located on which
Mediterranean island?

Trivia #2
 Along with I Timothy and II Timothy, what type of letter is Titus classified?

Trivia #1
 To whom does Paul refer to as the fellow soldier?

Trivia #2
 The letter is addressed to "Philemon our dear friend and fellow worker, to Apphia our
sister, to Archippus our fellow soldier and to the church that meets in your home." Then
comes a customary prayer of greeting in which Paul prays which two blessings upon

Trivia #1
 Who is the author of Hebrews?

Trivia #2
 Only two people are said to have never died. The faith of which one of the two is
mentioned in Hebrews, chapter 11?

Trivia #1
 Who is the book of James addressed to?

Trivia #2
 According to James, a man who endures what shall receive the crown of life?
Trivia #1
 In 1 Peter 1:18-19 (RSV), Peter speaks of how Christians were ransomed "not with
perishable things such as silver or gold". With what does Peter say Christians were

Trivia #2
 What animal is Jesus compared to in I Peter 1:19?

Trivia #1
 It is highly questionable whether the letter is written by the apostle Peter but, for the sake
of convenience, this quiz will use the name when referring to its writer. How does Peter
describe himself in the opening words?

Trivia #2
 What did he say would be multiplied in verse two of chapter one

Trivia #1
 In 1 John 1:1 John makes it clear that he is going to be talking to his readers about what?

Trivia #2
 Historically, the apostle John has been regarded as the author of this letter. In what way
does the writer, in his introduction, seek to reinforce the truth of his message?

Trivia #1
 How does John introduce himself in both letters?

Trivia #2
 Where does the author say that the "truth dwelleth"?

Trivia #1
 What does John refer to himself as in verse 1 (NIV)?

Trivia #2
 What does the author say is the greatest joy?

Trivia #1
 In the understanding of Protestant Christianity, who was Jude, most probably?
Trivia #2
 Where does the author say the Lord delivered the people from?

Trivia #1
 The book of Revelation started out as a letter to churches. According to Revelation 1:1,
what was God's purpose for inspiring the letter?

Trivia #2
 Let's begin with a triple parallel. In the three sets of judgments, there is one event that
occurs in all three. What is it?

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