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Jurnal Psikologi Islam dan Budaya Edisi April 2020, Vol.3, No.

ISSN online 2615-8183 / print 2615-8191 Hal. : 23-36
DOI : 10.15575/jpib.v3i1.5591

School Well-being of Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) and Madrasah Aliyah

(MA) in Yogyakarta

Nurus Saadah1*
Prodi Sosiologi Agama, Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, Indonesia
e-mail: *'

Abstract / Abstrak Keywords / Kata kunci

This study aims to identify the level of schools well-being in Madrasah Aliyah (MA) School well-being;
and Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs). This phenomenology study involved 9 Guidance Islamic school;
Counseling teachers of 6 MTs and 7 teachers of 4 MA in Yogyakarta. The respondents Madrasah
were collected using purposive sampling and involved in Focused Group Discussion.
The results showed that several schools, both Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) and
Madrasah Aliyah (MA), have begun to recognize and implement various innovations
towards school well-being. The innovations that have been carried out by some schools
are as follows. In the term of loving, rolling classes were applied to reduce the students’
boredom, get them to socialize with friends, and reduce bullying. Also, to develop health,
several schools collaborate with public health centre, health clinics, and the UGM
Faculty of Medicine. Besides, appreciating students’ achievement, and activating
parents and school forum were conducted to develop the sense of being.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi tingkat well-being sekolah di Madrasah School well-being;
Aliyah (MA) dan Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs). Penelitian fenomenologi ini melibatkan Sekolah Islam;
guru Bimbingan Konseling (BK) yaitu 9 guru dari 6 MTs dan 7 guru dari 4 MA di Madrasah
Yogyakarta dengan metode pemilihan purposive sampling dalam Diskusi Kelompok
Terarah. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa beberapa sekolah, baik Madrasah Tsanawiyah
(MTs) dan Madrasah Aliyah (MA), sudah mulai mengenal dan menerapkan berbagai
inovasi menuju school well-being. Inovasi yang sudah dilakukan oleh pihak-pihak
sekolah diantaranya adalah sebagai berikut. Untuk mewujudkan loving, melakukan
rolling kelas untuk mengurangi kejenuhan anak didik dan mengenal banyak teman, serta
mengurangi bullying. Selain itu, untuk mewujudkan health, beberapa sekolah
melakukan kerjasama dengan puskesmas, klinik kesehatan, dan Fakultas Kedokteran
UGM, untuk mewujudkan being dengan mengapresiasi siswa berprestasi, untuk
mewujudkan having, mengaktifkan forum silaturahmi orang tua dan sekolah.

Introduction Tarmizi Taher. Mukti Ali previously tried to

Madrasah derived from the word "Darosa" bridge the madrasah imbalances with public
means a place to learn. Some people equate the schools by offering alternative development of
term madrasah with school, but the term is madrasah through SKB (Surat Keputusan
different in meaning. According to Ismail Raji Bersama) 3 minister which align the madrasah
Al-faruqi (in Sjazuli, 2014), madrasah is an with public schools with 70% regular curriculum
education system that combines traditional portion and 30% religion (Sjazuli, 2014).
education system with the modern (western) Referring to the Letter of the 3 Ministers, this
system. In this case, the madrasah has two research proposed madrasah is aligned with the
advantages, namely the effort to eliminate the school.
weaknesses of each system and the adaptation of A school is a place for children and
the methodology. Then, the financing is not only adolescents to experience life’s growth and
based on waqof funds but also the government. development (Kumara, 2012). At school,
Madrasah is public schools characterized by the students learn many things from their teachers
Islamic religion, whose curriculum content is and friends. Therefore, they grow and develop
similar to non-madrasah schools, as defined by into a people who can perform individually and
the Minister of Religious Affairs Policy of socially. In line with this, school should be a


comfortable and pleasant place for everyone so opens her phone to see the Quran translation.
that the school well-being can be achieved. Suddenly, it was reported and hit the victim got
However, the reality shows that not all schools punishment by using a belt. As a result, the
can be a comfort place for people are inside it. victim suffered a wound in the back. The victim
Dirty school environments, poorly harmonized cannot bear the punishment and it was reported
relationships, teachers lacking understanding of to the South Jakarta Police by his parents.
student's needs, and unhealthy facilities are Directly, the Protection of Women and Children
examples of the discomforts in schools and (PPA) and Police of South Jakarta conduct
madrasah. Even some parents feel anxious of visum for the victim. According to the victims,
their children’s safety because of the growing other students also often receive such treatment.
number bad news happened at school. Hidayat The cases reported in mass media indicate
(2015), explained the existence of a video that many schools or madrasah still have not
displaying teacher violence by kicking students performed their functions properly. Schools
and asking others students to beat the students cannot provide well-being so that the function is
who was assigned to solve problem on the class inhibited. The cases of violence experienced by
board. students in school cause a sense of anxiety and
Ari (2014) also explained that KPAI discomfort for students, teachers, and parents
(Komisi Perlindungan Anak Indonesia) and even the wider community. Parental
investigated the case in Lumajang, East Java. concerns are not only caused by negative
The case is the students was pinched by the interaction among teachers, students, and parents
classmates under the teacher's orders. Wiyono as described above. Additionally, less safe and
(2015) reported about the tragic fate that has healthy school trigger parents’ concern. It is
experienced Lintang (13), female students of related to snacks sold and then consumed by
SMP Negeri I Palasah Majalengka Regency, students. While Ramdhani (2012) states that a
West Java. Lintang was dying after getting positive life will only grow in a positive
punishment for not doing homework. She was environment. Even it is added by Susetyo (2012)
punished to jog around the field ten times, but that the ideal school is a school that can meet the
she lost consciousness after two laps due to her needs of its students, namely love, feel and
physical condition. and eventually died. Cases possess, being, and health. In line with Ramberg
on schools’ violence are not only executed by (2019), the characteristics of students who are
teachers but also among students in one class or not well-being is seen from their perceptions of
other class. Wiyono (2015) explained that a the teachers’ care and their perceptions of the
grade V elementary school (SD) student in school.
Semarang City, Central Java becomes the victim So far, research on school well-being has
of bullying from her class. KA (10) was been mostly done in schools under the Ministry
persecuted many times after winning the race of Education and Culture. In contrast, research
meticulously. It was happened because the other on school well-being under the Ministry of
class can not accept the lost. Bullying cases in Religious Affairs (MoRA) or so-called madrasah
schools have existed for a long time, even since are limited. Research on school well-being had
1999 there have been legal requirements for conducted in schools under the Ministry of
handling bullying in schools (Soetjipto & Education and Culture such as in international
Soetjipto, 2012). high schools (Ahmad, 2010); elementary and
Violent cases are also prevalent in Islamic junior high schools in Yogyakarta Special
school or madrasah. Rafkha (2014) reported that Region (Kumara, 2002); at SMPN 19 and SMPN
there had been violence committed by school Lab School Kebayoran Baru Jakarta (Misero &
principals and teachers to students in RH Hawadi, 2012); at SMA 82 Jakarta
Madrasah. The case now handled by South (Puspitaningrum, 2015).
Jakarta Police. The chronology is that the victim

24 JPIB : Jurnal Psikologi Islam dan Budaya, April 2020, Vol.3 No.1

Also, some of the existing studies still well received in the social environment so that
partially discuss on school well-being, whereas life feels meaningful.
in this study will discuss it from a psychological, Furthermore, Soutter (2011) found in his
sociological, and religious perspective to obtain research that students' sense of well-being is
a comprehensive understanding of well-being in multidimensional which means students
school. In this study, to reveal how well-being prosperity is not the only aspect, but it is also
levels in school, it will also find an appropriate seen from loving, having, health, and being
model and distinctive for a madrasah. Such aspects. These four dimensions are a recognized
research is very feasible and important to primary need in line with individual student
conduct as explained earlier, there are many values. Each of these school well-being
madrasah still not well-being. Besides, this categories has aspects of student life in school
research explains the assessment and (Konu et al., 2002). Based on the results, the
intervention stage to advance the madrasah school well-being will also use the four
through the concept of school well-being to be categories. Well-being is often interchangeably
used as a reference for other madrasah. with others, such as happiness, flourishing,
According to Allard in Ahmad (2010), the enjoying a good life and life satisfaction
term well-being relates to welfare concept and (Gallavan, 2020; McLellan & Steward, 2014).
as the fulfilment of inner needs. Soutter (2011) Well-being in school or school well-being is a
describes the terms well-being differently school effort to have high awareness in
according to scientific perspectives. The understanding the development of mental health
sociologist describes the well-being from social and emotional management in schools, through
cohesion indicator; disease experts describe it a variety of extracurricular activities, religious
from liver disease or cancer. Those affects the activities, and community service (Kumara,
health of environment. Nowadays, educational 2012). This is by the mandate of the Law of the
specialists have realized the importance of well- Republic of Indonesia number 20 of 2003 article
being in the school context, thus describing the 3 (in Saptandari, 2012) describes as follows:
term well-being in the environment at school,
home, and other settings (Nelson et al., 2015). "National education functions to develop
Dunlop-Bennett (2019) and Stevens & Jarden the ability and shape the character and
(2019) added that the concept of school well- civilization of dignified nation in order to
being is universal, but it is influenced by the educate the nation's life, aims to the
surrounding culture. development of the learners potential to be
The term well-being is an offensive term in a human being who believes and cautious to
legislation. It is not familiar for Indonesian God Almighty, noble, healthy,
educators. Another term that comes first in knowledgeable, capable, creative,
Indonesia is mental health. Mental health independent, and become a responsible and
services refer to prevent and cope with emotional democratic citizen"
and behavioural problems (Susetyo, 2012).
Mental health in schools is an effort to realize not The law shows that the purpose of
only physical handled by UKS (School Health education is not only regard on students
Care) but also psychological health. intellectually but also well-performed
According to Nelson et al. (2015), the individually and socially. Based on this mandate,
concept of well-being is described as a global the concept of school well-being seeks to restore
health, quality of life, and overall sustainability. the school to its function as stated in the law.
Psychological health is the elaboration of well- Efforts to realize a well-being school require
being meaning. Prosperous means fulfilled the good cooperation between school principals and
needs of physical and psychological, feel free to teachers, parents, and students; teacher and
be creative and develop theirselves optimally, teacher, student, and parent; students and

JPIB : Jurnal Psikologi Islam dan Budaya, April 2020, Vol.3 No.1 25

students, and teachers, students, parents with and talent through feedback, encouragement,
school attendants. Harmonious interaction and support; fourth, health status consists of
between these components is the key to the psychosomatic symptoms and youth mental
realization of school well-being. health issues.
Referring to the research, Konu et al. In relation to the development of school
(2002), said that the concept of school well- well-being, the first thing schools need to know
being can be used to assess the condition of is student brings his or her own problems to
students or general school conditions. It means school so that they are not uncommonly complex
that this concept can be applied to discuss micro- and beyond the capacity of students to complete.
well-being students such as interactions between This condition sometimes disrupts the students'
students and social agents in the case of bullying learning concentration and results in incomplete
by one or two students at school and can also be subjects. Therefore, teachers need to understand
used to discuss macro well-being of all how to manage good classes, identify signs of
components at the school. This study refers more mental health disorders, behavioral disorders,
to the implementation of school well-being on a detection of human rights violations such as
macro basis to see the well-being level in MTs bullying, interaction comfort, and detect
Al Mubarok Rembang Central Java. indications of declining learning achievement.
School success is not marked by school This research is conducted in Yogyakarta
rankings in academic achievement but refers to Special Region. Yogyakarta is famous as a
Konu et al. (2002) theories that a good school is student and cultural city. Therefore, it is
a school that develops four things, namely: appropriate that MA and MTs under the Ministry
having, loving, being, and health. Having means of Religion be upgraded to a well-being school.
a safe and comfortable school condition that Well-being means safe and comfortable for the
motivates sense of belonging and being a part of learning process to enhance the positive image
it; Loving means a well-established social of madrasah along with the slogan "I love
relationship between the academic and social Madrasah”. This study aims to identify the
relationships with people outside; Being means description of school well-being in MA and MTs
students feel valued for their work, abilities, throughout Yogyakarta and looking for
interests and talents, creativity, and getting innovative models to improve well-being.
adequate career guidance; Health means
detecting the health status of the people in it and Methods
free of cigarette smoke and drugs.
This research includes as a field research by
Susetyo (2012) measures the school's
taking locations in MA and MTs throughout
success more on how schools meet the four basic
Yogyakarta. This study involved 16 teachers of
needs of these students. This statement is in line
Counseling Guidance in MA and MTs
with Allard in Konu et al. (2002) that loving,
throughout Yogyakarta which was selected by
being, health, and having is the student's need to
purposive sampling. There were from MA Al
be met by the school. Susetyo (2012) also
Ma’had An-Nur Bantul, MA Ummatan
describes that the development of well-being in
Wasathon Imogiri Bantul, MAN Yogyakarta III,
schools is divided into four categories, namely:
MA Muállimat Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta,
first, school conditions consist of the physical
MTSN Wonokromo Bantul, MTsN Bantul,
health provision services development,
MTsN Janten, Kulonprogo, MTsN Babadan
psychological counselling and services, and
Baru, MTsN Pakem and MTSN 1 Yogyakarta.
school security; second, social relationships
Data collection was conducted through
includes relationships among students, teachers,
Focused Group Discussion (FGD) in MGBK
teachers and students, parents and school; third,
(Musyawarah Guru Bimbingan dan Konseling)
self-development relates to students'
and observation to identify informants'
opportunities to learn according to their ability

26 JPIB : Jurnal Psikologi Islam dan Budaya, April 2020, Vol.3 No.1

assessment of having, loving, being, and health. schools have maximalized the school health
It was done by research assistants. The research efforts, but indeed there were still some students
data will be analyzed qualitatively based on the who have certain diseases. In terms of having
integration of data obtained from the assessment. and loving, it was good. Only, it needs to be
In addition to identify the current school well- optimized.
being levels, it takes a series of scientific efforts From the observation, it was seen that the
to examine what teachers, students, parents, and school environment is clean, but the garbage has
administrative personnel need to feel not been separated even though the trash has
prosperous, comfortable, peaceful and safe in separated. In the classroom, it was still hot (no
madrasah. Therefore, the assessment is also Air Conditioning). For a prayer facilities, wudlu/
directed to reveal what potentials can be water is still lacking. The tasks assigned by the
developed for the advancement of well-being teachers are burdensome because students who
madrasah. live in dormitories also got problems. and the
Data collection in this study used the punishment given by the teacher does not work
qualitative method by Focused Group on it. Lunch is provided only for students live in
Discussion (FGD) and observation around the boarding while others need to buy at cafetaria.
school. The data analysis used was descriptive Schools have provided health center (UKS) and
analysis (Tae et al., 2019), which described the medicine. The school had provided counselling
scope of activities that need to be maintained and services includes counselling services.
changed. As it to achieve the school well-being The school well-being profile at MA
and everyone feels comfortable and proud to be Muallimat Yogyakarta is described as follows.
in this madrasah. Based on the four components, loving, and the
FGDs have conducted at district level called relationship between teacher and student is good.
MGBK (Musyawarah Guru Bimbingan dan However, sometimes it still needs coaching.
Konseling) forums in 5 districts. Then Regarding to extracurricular activities or self-
observation was done to some Madrasah Aliyah development in schools, they have not met the
(MA) and Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) in each needs of students. Thus, for health component,
district. In addition, data collection was obtained there were still many students who are sick with
through observation of school environment and infectious diseases such as fish eyes.
surrounding areas. Research data were also Improvement efforts that have been done by
obtained from madrasah documents such as school such as the extracurricular activities,
student data, acreditation documents and although it does not meet the needs of students’
photographs of school documentation. yet. The temporary results obtained that
students’ development do not maximally
Results develop. The recommendations solution is in
determining extracurricular activities. It needs
Result of FGD was in terms of loving. The
special attention on students’ interests and
average relationship between parent, teacher and
talents. School already provides trash bin in front
student has been running positively. Even
of the class, install the fan but not AC (Air
though, the beginning of new students
Conditioning). The wudlu facilities was
admission, there were often problems between
repaired, but the water and faucet were not
students due to mutual adjustment. Bullying still
sufficient for the students' needs. Teachers’ tasks
exist but is still in the verbal stage, and can be
have been adapted to the circumstances of
overcome with ongoing anti-bullying guidance.
female students living in dormitories with
Besides, it can be concluded that in terms of
various activities they have. Enforcing student
being, recognition of student achievement has
discipline under school rules by teacher’s advice
been formed. There were schools already in
will provide another touch of the student.
international stage. In terms of health, some
Schools provide lunch for children whose

JPIB : Jurnal Psikologi Islam dan Budaya, April 2020, Vol.3 No.1 27

dormitory is far from Madrasah, so they do not difficult to follow the lesson and to manage time.
go very far. Schools also provide canteens and Meanwhile, the student organizations are quite
encourage non-boarders students to bring lunch. good especially OSIS (School Organization) and
For the sick students, it can be handled in the Madrasah Magazine. In addition, the punishment
UKS, but if they have to see the doctor, then the for students is much influenced by the guidance
school will refer to a doctor or hospital with system style of Pesantren (Islamic Boarding
DSM cooperation. Counselling services are School) that sometimes contradict students'
carried out with more interesting methods. psychological reviews. Then, the security at the
In MA Al Ma'had An-Nur Bantul, love is a Madrasah is good enough where the Madrasah
feeling of satisfaction of living conditions and have a security unit. But, because there are many
the environment of madrasah such as madrasah classes and two locals branch of the Madrasah in
climate, group dynamics, teacher-student which one local branch is already fenced while
relationships, peer relationships, no bullying and another is not yet, so the potential of students
madrasah relationships with parental support. In who skip the Madrasah is bigger and the
reality, students' judgments on madrasah climate supervision is more difficult. Moreover, for the
situations vary influenced by situational and case of ghosop at Pesantren is large enough. This
individual factors. Situational factors of physical Madrasah has Puskestren (Pesantren Health
and psychological exhaustion due to many Center) which is open every afternoon until
activities and the burden of student tasks both in night. For the morning, the sick students are
madrasah and boarding schools. It makes usually referred to the Sewon 1 Community
students exhausted, bored, and lazy to learn. Health Center who has worked together.
Then, students were coming late, sleeping in the Furthermore, the Madrasah cafeteria has already
classroom, and lazy to do task. In addition to existed, but the management is still less than the
individual factors in the form of personality maximum standard.
characteristics, is the locus of control (Amrullah One of the efforts that have been done to
et al., 2018). improve the Madrasah is holding massive work
every three months and holding daily classroom
Discussions cleaning schedule of students for cleaning
classes. Students who were late were told to
Based on the component of having, ideally,
clean up garbage in the yard. Then, the mosque
the Madrasah conditions cover some
is always cleaned and worship equipment
components including the surrounding area and
(mukena and prayer rugs) is always washed in a
Madrasah, subjects, organization, lesson
laundry service once a week. Another effort is
schedule, punishment, security, health services,
that subjects are scheduled in the afternoon at the
public services, and canteen that all of those can
Madrasah Diniyah. The Madrasah also classify
be seen from relationships with others and the
students in the classroom based on their abilities
feeling of happiness. The reality is that the
to anticipate students who have difficulty or
condition of Madrasah regarding comfortable
students who are left behind than their friends.
space is good enough, but some facilities such as
In this study, results reveal that some
bathrooms and mosques are not clean enough.
classes are often dirty even though those classes
Awareness of the cleanliness of students is still
have been cleaned by students. This happens
lacking; there are still many students who throw
because at the the evening, the class is used for
garbage carelessly even though it has been
Islamic Boarding School agenda called “ngaji
provided with the trash can. Subsequently, there
wetonan". There are many food wastes or
are still many traders around the Madrasah who
cigarette wastes from those who use the space,
peddle less healthy food.
and not from students. Also, the mosque is often
Regarding subjects in Madrasah, the
used to sleep, so the carpet is often smelly.
number of lessons often makes the students
However, after being given guidance and

28 JPIB : Jurnal Psikologi Islam dan Budaya, April 2020, Vol.3 No.1

counselling service, the numbers of truant follow various activities that drain energy and
students and late students reduce. A mind but it is not balanced with the need of
recommendation for Integrated Islamic adequate foods as the source of energy.
Boarding School and Madrasah is to socialize Efforts done by the Madrasah is providing
the importance of hygienic and healthy rewards including providing guidance and
environment. In addition, in determining assistance specifically to students who follow
standards and criteria of the subject’s mastery, the championships, providing support, and
teachers should measure the ability of students providing facilities. Then, it is important also to
and should provide services in accordance with provide counselling and guidance services
the needs of students such as special guidance for concerning the importance of healthy lifestyle
students who are left behind or under academic and time management. The schools also need to
ability or for high ability students to reach the work closely with public health centers for early
maximal goals. As a result, they will feel detection of students’ health and the provision of
motivated because each child gets what she or he vitamins for preventing anaemia so that students
needs. The stakeholder needs to reaffirm the can learn with the healthy condition.
teacher-student learning contract so that the The results proof that the school are
truancy and delay issues can be addressed and winning several national championships.
identified more quickly. Next, the stakeholder Students’ achievements also increase. Therefore,
needs to conduct socialization regarding how to it is very recommended for the school to meet the
be a good mentor so that she or he meets the needs of students both physical and
criteria as a mentor that always pays attention to psychological needs such as improving the
the psychological and the development of quality of food as a source of students’ energy.
students. It is important also to hold health Pesantren and parents need to cooperate to add
training in Islamic Boarding School to activate students meal costs, add facilities that support
the activity in the dormitory and to help sick activities, provide opportunities that give
students during learning activities. chances for the students to work creatively, and
Based on the components of being, ideally add the coaching cost for students who will
the means of self-fulfilment are in the form of follow the championship.
appreciation for students’ work such as the Based on the component of health, ideally
ability of students to do something or self- health status is related to the mental health,
efficacy, the encouragement or support from the physical health, and the absence of
Madrasah (teacher’s support) or self-esteem, and psychosomatic views of individual that relate to
the development of creativity (Amrullah et al., the society and nature. The reality is that
2018; Ramdani & Prakoso, 2019). The reality is students' mental health is influenced by the
that the outstanding students are awarded condition and mindset of students. Students
rewards such as award certificates, money for often complain of pain. Efforts that have been
students who get high score in doing TPM (Try done by the Madrasah are providing
Out Test) and UN (National Examination) based socialization to new students about the picture of
on the agreement, books and stationery for life in boarding schools and the obligations in the
students who get academic achievement and Islamic Boarding School and Madrasah so that
follow various championships such as students are more stable, and explaining how to
AKSIOMA (Art and Sport Competition of the be happy especially in the Boarding Schools and
Madrasah) Olympiad, and other championships in the Madrasah. It is important for both Islamic
from the level of Madrasah to National. Students Boarding School and Madrasah to cooperate
in this Madrasah have enormous potential but with various parties such as Public Health
they cannot maximize their abilities due to the Offices to campaign regarding the importance of
some problems such as minimal facilities and health and clean life and to examine sick
minimal supports. Students are also required to students.

JPIB : Jurnal Psikologi Islam dan Budaya, April 2020, Vol.3 No.1 29

The profile of school well-being of happening that there is no responsibility among

Madrasah Aliyah Ummatan Wasathon Imogiri, one teacher and others and there is no action
as it is seen from the component of being is as whatsoever from the headmaster toward the
follows. The relationship among the seniority of a civil servant that has longer
stakeholders in the school is not harmonious, experience in the Madrasah. Counseling teachers
enough such as among the principals, teachers, often discuss with the homeroom teacher in
employees, students, the foundation, parents or relation to student issues, especially those which
guardians. The principal is often unwise enough are related to relationships among teachers,
when solving a problem so that it makes the bad employees, principals and parents or guardians.
relationship among the stakeholders in the But, the discussion is not sustainable. It happens
school. The headmaster who sometimes because the ages of many students’ fathers or
instantly solves the problems by himself make mothers are far above the teachers so that
teachers, employees and students indifferent. sometimes they do not want to know what
The bad attitudes of the headmaster make happened to the students. Only a few teachers
teachers, employees or students dislike them in concern with the students and cooperate with
which if they make a mistake, they will be some parties whole-heartedly. When there is a
immediately reprimanded at that time without task distribution meeting, there are some
seeing the surrounding conditions. The teachers who are absent so that they do not know
relationship among civil servant teachers, fixed the information of the meeting result. Therefore,
teachers, and non-permanent teachers (GTT) are they use their own decision in teaching that
not harmonious because there is no justice makes uncooperativeness. This case reduces
among them especially related to the teaching students' trust toward teachers. To improve the
hours in which civil servant teachers add their communication system among students,
teaching hours due to the certification program. teachers, and parents, the headmaster holds a
That case happens because there are no school meeting to re-assign the tasks so that the problem
rules for each teacher. Thus, the headmaster is regarding lack of communication with students
unfair to the permanent teacher and the non- and parents can be solved and the principal also
permanent teacher. determines the person that will be responsible
Beside teachers and employees, there are with each policy.
also some groups that often dispute. The In addition, school representatives have
headmaster, teachers, and employees do not been communicating with the foundation, but it
have a sense of responsibility, togetherness, and has not been done. Their heart feelings need to
cooperation so they often do something be expressed in a forum so it can be discussed
individually. The one who has high position openly. Meanwhile, when holding an agenda, the
becomes a ruler. Madrasah always gives information and invites
The relationship between teachers and the parents or guardians by giving letter to them,
students are sometimes not harmonious also. but, in reality, only a few parents are present that
There are some teachers who exclude students make the communication becomes substandard.
because they dislike them. Teachers also have In addition, when there are student problems that
few consequences on what should be decided so cannot be solved by themselves, then the BK
that students' beliefs in teachers lessen. Then,, teacher will help to solve the problems, and
the relationship of employees with the other are sometimes the teacher needs to cooperate with
less compact. They are also lack of the homeroom teacher (depending on the
communication. Ultimately, there is no problems encountered). Dealing with those
harmonious relationship at all. problems, every year the Madrasah must conduct
Another case is that many teachers rarely performing art festival activities for students
provide homework for students. Seniority is still with the hope that the Madrasah can create a
a terrible case between employees. It has been harmonious relationship so that there is no

30 JPIB : Jurnal Psikologi Islam dan Budaya, April 2020, Vol.3 No.1

bullying at all. At the begining of entrying the results are supported by Hidayah (2016) who
Madrasah, the Madrasah always records the says that the psychological well-being of the
data, the phone number of parents or guardians. school in Yogyakarta is very good.
But, the problem is that sometimes the students Then, the component of being has been
write it themselves and sometime they do not good, for example, the teacher always gives
write parent’s phone numbers or they write the appreciation to the students’ work. Teachers
numbers but the numbers is unreachable. As a always motivate students to continue to learn in
result, the Madrasah gets difficulty in reaching the goals. Morse et al. (2019) explain
communicating with parents, especially the that school well-being provide opportunities for
students who are living in the Islamic Boarding students to develop effective and creative
School. Meanwhile, the keeper’s age or the one thinking skill and problem solving. It is just
who will be responsible for every room member means of self-fulfilment in the form of
of the boarding school is not much different from extracurricular activities that can support self-
the students, so their responsibility are still development of students in which their interests
lacking. are not the same with the interests of children. In
Ideally, health (health status) component is addition, based on the health component, the
seen in a simple form, namely the absence of program has not been implemented in health
disease sources and students who are sick. The education program in the Madrasah by
reality is that almost every day, one to three counselling teachers. Ill students are usually
students visit UKS (School Health Clinic) handled in the UKS. No students suffer from
because of the illness but there are no medical severe psychiatric disorders. Students who
health officers (nurses) in the UKS room. The cannot be handled in the UKS will be referred to
profile of school well-being in Madrasah Aliyah the health centre or hospital. Subsequently,
Negeri Yogyakarta III is as follows. Regarding concerning component of loving, the
loving component, the reality is that the teacher relationship between teacher and student is
relationship with the student has not been so relatively good. Meanwhile, regarding the
good. However, the relationship of students with having component, there are many garbage in
peers is pretty good. The cooperation between the class especially in the student’s drawer. Also,
schools and parents is still not well programmed. there are still many students who throw the
Efforts that have been done are holding garbage not according to its separation (papers,
extracurricular activities to create a close bottles and organic garbage). Moreover, there is
relationship between teachers and students, and a new dormitory and classroom construction
conducting learning outside the classroom such project that can disturb the learning process due
as study tours, camp activities as well as parents to the noise. Then, in some classrooms, students
meeting with the school to build cooperation. still feel hot because there are some fans which
Meanwhile, regarding having component, the are in damaged condition. Subsequently, there is
school environment is pretty clean and neat. The a new schoolyard in which there is a tree. Then,
classroom environment is clean and tidy. Toilets regarding lighting, some classes are still lacking
for teachers and students are clean. The mosque of windows so it needs lighting from the lamps.
is very adequate. The subjects provided by the Furthermore, some facilities in the school are
teacher are based on the applicable curriculum. equipped with refrigerator, including the library,
Student Organization (OSIS) is not run meeting room, and laboratory. Astolfi et al.
maximally. The punishment provided by the (2019) say that the school environment is a
teacher is done properly so that the student can vehicle for health promotion. The environment,
understand the purpose of the rules. Teachers in which there is a positive conversation, will
have been given the school attendant lists well, make easier for students to catch the lesson. It is
the school's services including lunch service better than the environment in which there is a
(canteen), health services, and counseling. The lot of negative talk because this case will inhibit

JPIB : Jurnal Psikologi Islam dan Budaya, April 2020, Vol.3 No.1 31

students in capturing the lesson (Brännstörm et academic achievement and to students who have
al., 2017). abilities to do something which is useful and
School well-being profile at MTsN meaningful for the Madrasah. It can also be done
Wonokromo Bantul and MTsN Pakem is as by encouraging or supporting the Madrasah to
follows. Based on the component of having, the develop the creativity. The reality is that rewards
social relationships or frienships in the school are given to students who have academic
are harmonious. The communication among achievements and those who become the winner
teachers and students, teachers and principals, in a class meeting competition. Some students
schools and parents, schools and community follow OSIS and extracurricular activities, but
leaders are well established. The employees there are still a few students that do not follow
understand each other. There is no bullying with extracurricular activities. Some of them also
ridicule or coercion. The relation between school follow the outside-of-school competitions so that
and parents are harmonious. In reality disputes rewards are also given to the students who have
are rarely found. The communication between non-academic achievements. The Madrasah also
classes and groups of student are good but the monitor students’ presences. Moreover, the
Madrasah need to improve school relationships Madrasah facilitate the students to follow
with community leaders. Also, there is a small competitions. The results obtained are the
case of misunderstanding among peers and there schools are already good. Students are already
are small cases of bullying in the Madrasah. active. Competitions can be followed by
Therefore, school and parents meetings are held students. Thus, the recommendations for the
once a semester now. Innovations need to be Madrasah is to establish national championships
developed in which the innovations are some and establish fingerprint activity that can be
interventions and regulations that have been implemented at schools for the students who
made by schools. This is supported by Tobia et follow the championships.
al. (2018) that explain that the school makes the Based on the health component, ideally,
policies and interventions to improve student’s health status is in the form of mental health that
well-being. can be helped by BK teachers, psychological
There are some efforts that have been done guardians in the class and teachers so that there
by BK teachers such as conducting mediation are no students with the psychosomatic
among students who dispute by reconciling the symptoms by cooperating with all stakeholders.
class or group who dispute so that the problem is Then, physical health can be seen from the
solved. In addition, the stakeholders of the availability of equipment, medicines, and UKS
Madrasah also greet and gather with the rooms which are based on the standards.
community leaders every Syawalan (Eid Al- Therefore, the Madrasah carry out AMT
Fitr). There is a recitation followed by the (Achievement Motivation Training) activities
stakeholders of the Madrasah and parents also. coached well by BK teachers. In addition, there
As a result, the numbers of students or groups is already a separate UKS room for the boys and
who dispute or misunderstand about something the girls, but the cleanliness of the UKS for the
reduce. The recommendation for the Madrasah boys is lacking. The tools and medicines in UKS
is that holding intimate events for students that are available also. There are socialization
are held more than once a year and allocating activities regarding reproduction and drug abuse.
budget for recitation agenda. The guidances The Madrasah also cooperate with local
regarding the importance of friendship and Puskesmas (Public Health Center) to undergo
negative effects of bullying are also needed in health screening for students and to give
the schools. Based on the component of being, treatment to sick students. Meanwhile,
ideally, means of self-fulfilment are in the form psychosomatic symptoms are not found.
of awards of the students’ work by giving Therefore, efforts that have been done by the
rewards to students who get academic and non- Madrasah are holding AMT by cooperating

32 JPIB : Jurnal Psikologi Islam dan Budaya, April 2020, Vol.3 No.1

with outside institutions, holding socialization the birth and the mind. Life will be meaningful
which is done by cooperating with the public if people are physically and, psychologically
health center, making cleaning schedule of healthy including feeling unfettered and feeling
OSIS. Then, BK teachers, homeroom teachers, free to be creative. The Madrasah need to
and teachers motivate students continuously. As motivate and to support students optimally so
a result, students can be categorized as that they will be accepted and received in the
physically and mentally healthy. This condition social environment that make them feel
is very important to create an academic appreciated, and acknowledged of their
atmosphere that is able to support students to be existence so that life feels meaningful. Well-
creative. Moreover, in the era of industrial being in school or school well-being is efforts
revolution, creativity needs to be developed done by the schools to have high awareness in
early (Shahroom & Husin, 2018). Thus, there are understanding the development of mental health
some recommendations for the Madrasah such and emotional management in schools, through
as holding socialization, doing routine health a variety of extracurricular activities, religious
check-up, and holding a refreshing agenda such activities, and community service (Kumara,
as study tour regularly. 2012). In positive psychology, the well-being is
Psychological health is the elaboration of not simply the lack of mental illness but more
the meaning of well-being. Meanwhile, than it. Well-being is positive emotions
prosperous means the fulfillment of the needs of including life satisfaction, hope, gratitude,



School Condition: Social relationship: Means for self- Health status:

The school environment Relationship between In general, some
is clean, but the garbage parents, teacher and A reward for student schools have made
has not been separated student has been who get the best possible
even though the trash achievements have
running positively, it school health efforts,
can has been separated.
often occurs at the been programmed, but indeed there are
The classroom was still
beginning of the entry There are even still some students
hot (no refrigerator).
Equipment for worship, of new students. schools that have who have certain
especially the water reached the stage of diseases.
used to take ablution is the international
still lacking championship.

Figure 1. Well-being model modified by Konu et al. (2000)

JPIB : Jurnal Psikologi Islam dan Budaya, April 2020, Vol.3 No.1 33

school engagement, physical vitality, and smokes, and drugs. This condition is called
physical activity (Kern et al., 2015; Bharara et positive institutions (Seligman et al. in Waters
al., 2019). This is important for the students’ & White, 2015).
early experiences of social and emotional well-
being (Gleason & Narvaez, 2019). Conclusion
School well-being researches begin to be
Both Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) and
conducted by the researchers in the world of
Madrasah Aliyah (MA) have started to recognize
education. Regarding school well-being
the term of school well-being, especially some of
dimensions, as it has been reviewed by the
BK teachers. Some schools have already been
researcher, school well-being studies refer to the
performing their school functions. MTs and MA
theories of Konu et al. (2002). Ahmad (2010),
involved in this research have been able to
Kumara (2012), Misero & Hawadi (2012), and
describe the school well-being components
Puspitaningrum (2015) use the four dimensions.
including having, being, loving, and health.
Similarly, Zahra (2012) examines the
They are not perfect in describing those
relationship of the four dimensions of school
components because the real cases are indeed in
well-being with the academic achievement. The
the MTs and MA. In addition, some research
results of Zahra's research indicate that school
results obtained through interviews, FGDs, or
well-being has a significant positive relationship
observations are in accordance with the picture
with the academic achievement in academically
of Konu et al. (2002).
talented students.
Innovations that have been done for the
The dimension of having has a significant
school by the stakeholders are the schools
positive relationship with the academic
realize about the term loving, apply rolling
achievement in academically talented students
classes to reduce the saturation of students so
(Ramdani & Prakoso, 2019). Also, this study
that they know many friends, as well as apply
revealed a significant difference in student
rolling seating to reduce bullying cases. Also, to
achievement based on the maternal educational
stay healthy, some schools cooperate with health
background. There were also significant
centres, health clinics, and the Faculty of
differences between school well-being and
Medicine, UGM. Moreover, the schools also
gender, school well-being with a parental
appreciate achievers and activate the activities of
educational background, academic achievement
parents and schools through regular meetings.
with sex, and academic achievement based on
This research is fascinating because to get the
father's educational background.
real picture requires seriousness and excellent
School success is not marked by school
personal approaches. Researchers have sought to
rankings in academic achievement. Konu et al.
approach that and have educated the schools
(2002) state that a good school is a school that
involved in this research. It would be better to
develops four things: having, loving, being, and
develop similar research involving more schools
health. Having means a safe and a comfortable
under the Ministry of Religious Affairs to be
school condition that motivates the people so
able to realize the slogan "Love Madrasah."
that they will feel a sense of belonging and they
will feel that the are part of it; loving means a
well-established social relationship between the
academic community in the school and social Agustina, D. (2014, Oktober 17). Pelaku
relationships with people outside the school; kekerasan dalam video di Polewali ternyata
Being means students feel valued for their work, siswi Madrasah Aliyah. Tribunnews.
abilities, interests and talents, creativity, and get
adequate career guidance; health means 10/17/pelaku-kekerasan-dalam-video-di-
detecting the health status of the people in it and polewali-ternyata-siswi-madrasah-aliyah.
ensuring that students free form cigarettes,

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