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1. What are you good at in terms of knowledge?

I am not good in memorizing, not like the others but I think memorizing is not as
good as comprehending. Some moment, I didn’t memorize some lessons or
thoughts but I can familiarize and sooner remember some thoughts for I do
comprehension on each lesson not only in class but in life also.

2. What are you good at in terms of skills?

I never doubt that I am skillful and talented, most specially in dancing skills.
Maybe it was through genes or by experience. I am now a leader and a
choreographer of the Luke 1:37 dance group in our municipality. I am good in
making steps, synchronizing it with the perfect music. It was easy to me to
choreograph formations and creates a good theme for the particular dance

3. What are you good at in terms of attitude?

In relation to my dancing skills, I am really good in leadership since I am leading
the mention dance group above and I am once a president of the Supreme
Student Government back when I was senior high school. I was able to supervise
the student’s welfare and the events of our school.

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