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Borja, John Mark E.


1. Choose at least 5 principles of symbolic interactionism and

 Human beings unlike lower animals, are endowed with a
capacity for thought.
- We humans are blessed with a higher thinking skills
than any other creature, so we should use it wisely.
 The capacity for thought is shaped by social interaction.
- The way we thought are mold by the people and
environment that surround us.
 Meanings and symbols allow people to carry on
distinctively human action and interaction.
- By means of symbols and meanings that were man-
made, these are also the means of human to interact
and relay message to one another.
 People can modify or alter meanings and symbols that they
use in action and interaction based on their interpretation
of the situation.
- As one of the principles stated above, humans are
endowed with a capacity for thought, it means that
people can distinguished and choose the right
reaction and interpretation for certain situation.
People can change the meaning of symbols and
reacts accordingly to the situation they were in.
 The intertwined patterns of action and interaction make up
groups and societies
- Patterns and interactions make up all an individual
and every indivual is part of society.

2. Explain Structural functionalism, interactionist theories and

symbolic interactionism

 Structural functionalism
- It is basically about the structure of society, how
government, law, education, religion, etc. make up
the society and view its relationship towards each
other forming as one society. It also deals with the
stability and social order of the people which shapes
the society as a whole.

 Interactionism 
- is a theoretical perspective that derives social
processes (such as conflict, cooperation, identity
formation) from human interaction. It is the study of
how individuals shape society and are shaped by
society through meaning that arises in interactions.

 Symbolic interactionism
-  is a micro-level theory that focuses on the
relationships among individuals within a society.
Communication—the exchange of meaning through
language and symbols—is believed to be the way in
which people make sense of their social worlds.
Theorists Herman and Reynolds (1994) note that this
perspective sees people as being active in shaping the
social world rather than simply being acted upon.

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