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Griboyedov’s role in settlement of Armenians in the west part

of Azerbaijan territory
In 1828 after complete inclusion of the Northern Azerbaijan into the composition of the
Russian Empire systematic resettlement of Armenians from southern part of Aras to
Nakhchivan, Yerevan and Karabakh region began. Meanwhile, Armenians from the
territories of Ottoman Empire also were resettled in those territories. The 15 th article of the
Turkmenchay treaty concluded with the Qajar Iran, devoted to the problem of resettlement
of the Armenians, who most benefitted from this treaty. 40 thousand of Armenians from the
azeri provinces of Qajar Iran and over 84 thousand Armenians from the territory of Ottoman
Empire were resettled in the historical lands of Azerbaijan. Armenian Catholicon Nerses
Ashtaraketsi worked out this project the aim of which was to advance territories of Russia
further towards the East, open a way to the warm waters, strengthen the political positions
of country, the formation of support from the Christian population. A.S.Griboyedov also
contributed to the development and implementation of the plan. Nerses was invited from
Petersburg for leading the resettlement of Armenians in November of 1827. He wrote:

"I've just asked the devoted supporter of the Armenian people A.S. Griboyedov not to forget
my request about Christian refugees and their acceptance under the flag of Russian
masters…I am also writing about all Armenians living in Iran (Paskevich) and now I ask you
Ivan Fyodorovich Paskovich to return the towns and villages that are controlled by Iranian
government to Armenia under the protection of Russia during the reconciliation".

Armenians paid a great attention to the places they were going to settle in Transcaucasia.
A.S.Griboyedov wrote: “It's necessary to resettle Armenians from the regions occupied by
Russian Army that are Tebriz, Khoy, Salmas, Maragha to Nakhichevan, Yerevan and
Karabakh”. Griboyedov fulfilled his duty with a great dignity.

 See essay #2 Turkmenchay treaty

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