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Badminton is a popular sport that is commonly played in various countries.

This includes using a

racquet, and a shuttlecock that is struck back and forth around the net. The badminton racquets used in
the game are lightweight and have an oblong striking web made of steel. The racquet rod is made of a
rubber grip that makes it comfortable to keep throughout the game. The badminton court is split into
two sections with a net and the players wear lightweight shoes so that they can run easily to hit the
shuttlecock into the opponent's field.

The primary goal of the game is to rapidly strike the shuttlecock with a racquet so that it touches
the court of the opponent's field. On the other side, the attacker takes the best possible attempt to
avoid the shuttlecock from dropping to the ground and strike it back. Usually, a match is performed
between two opponents or two sets of opponents.

There are several advantages to playing badminton since it is a kind of physical activity of the
body and mind. It keeps us fit and improves the strength of our muscles. Additionally, it helps to keep
our bodies agile, and it also creates athleticism in us. Besides, it also serves as a big stressbuster and
decreases our anxiety and depression. Also, it is beneficial for our general well-being as it makes us
healthier and decreases the risk of high BP, obesity, and diabetes. The most significant advantage of
playing badminton is that it helps you shed weight as it facilitates calorie burning and thus reduces your
weight. Therefore, playing badminton is a perfect way to improve our muscles and boost our quality of
life. One must involve himself in playing badminton in his spare time to enjoy a stress-free and healthy

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