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Constructivism is a learning theory that explains how people acquire knowledge and
learn. The theory asserts that learners actively construct new knowledge, meaning, and a
perspective of the world based on individual experiences and internal knowledge. Since
everyone has a different set of experiences and perceptions, learning is unique for each

About Constructivism
Constructivist theorists believe the learner is a constructor of his or her own knowledge.
They believe individuals actively construct mental models based on prior knowledge and
experience in order to understand the world around them.

Other learning theories such as behaviorism and cognitivism view knowledge as external
to the learner and the learning process as the act of internalizing knowledge.
Constructivism, however, assumes that learners are not empty vessels to be filled with
knowledge, rather they are actively attempting to create knowledge and meaning.

Knowledge Is Constructed
Learning is an Active Process
New Learning is Influenced by Past Experiences
Knowledge is Personal
Knowledge is a Subjective Representations of Reality
Learning should be Interactive

Knowledge Is Constructed

Constructivism is about learning being constructed, rather than simply being acquired.
Learners build new knowledge upon the foundation of previous learning and by
discovering connections between different ideas and areas of knowledge. As they perceive
each new experience, new information is linked to prior knowledge. An individual’s
understanding is constantly evolving, and one’s knowledge of a particular topic or concept
takes on new meanings every time it is applied in a new situation or from a new

Learning is an Active Process

Learning is an active process, rather than a passive one. The passive approach views the
learner as an empty vessel to be filled with knowledge, whereas constructivism believes
that learners construct meaning through active engagement and interaction with the world
around them.

Information can be passively received, but actual understanding comes from making
meaningful connections between prior knowledge and new knowledge.

New Learning is Influenced by Past Experiences

The learner is not a blank slate, rather they bring past experiences and knowledge to a
situation. New learning is shaped by those past experiences and mental models the learner
formed from those experiences. This prior knowledge directly influences new knowledge,

thus, learning is a process of continuously adjusting one’s mental models to accommodate
new experiences.

The culture and environment in which individuals grow up will also influence how they
think and what they think about.

Knowledge is Personal
Knowledge is constructed by the learner and since everyone has different experiences and
perceptions, learning is unique for each person.


experience life differently based on numerous physiological and emotional factors

have a distinctive point of view, based on existing knowledge and experiences
bring perspective and past experiences to a current situation
have a different interpretation and construction of the knowledge process

Thus, the same information or situation experienced by different people may result in
different learning for each individual, as their interpretations and prior experiences differ.

Knowledge is a Subjective Representations of Reality
Constructivists believe learners apply new knowledge to their own realities, therefore, they
will construct their own meaning from the knowledge being acquired. In other words,
learners develop their own individual mental model of the real world based on their
perceptions of that world. Basically, they create their own subjective representations of
reality – how they believe the world is. They continually update their own mental models
to reflect the new information and construct their own interpretation of reality.

Learning should be Interactive

Learning should be interactive to promote a higher-level of understanding, and to help
develop personal meaning. Interacting with other learners allows people share and
challenge ideas. A collaborative learning approach encourages theories and ideas to be
discussed with and built upon by fellow learners.


Learning Theories

Cognitive Learning Theory

Social Cognitive Theory

Observational Learning




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