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Conic Sections 1

Standard equation of the hyperbola Special form of hyperbola


Let S be the focus, ZM be the directrix and e be the eccentricity of If the centre of hyperbola is (h, k) and axes are parallel to the co-
x2 y2 ( x−h ) ( y−k )
2 2
− =1 − =1
the hyperbola, then by definition, a2 b2 , where ordinate axes, then its equation is a2 b2 .
2 2 2
b =a (e −1) .
Auxiliary circle of hyperbola
(x,y) Q
L1 M L
M P x2 y2
− =1
Let a2 b2 be the hyperbola, then equation of the
x + y =a2 .
2 2
X X auxiliary circle is
(–ae,0)S (–a,0) A ZY C Z A (a, 0) S
∠QCN=φ . Here P and Q are the corresponding points

Q P (0≤φ<2 π ) .
L on the hyperbola and the auxiliary circle
Conjugate hyperbola 90o Q
TheX hyperbola whose transverse
x=–a/e and x=a/e axis areX
Y conjugate
(– a,0)A (0,0)C A(a,0)
respectively the conjugate and transverse axis of a given hyperbola is
called conjugate hyperbola of the given hyperbola.

(0, be) Parametric equations of hyperbola
The equations x=a sec φ and y=b tan φ are known as
x2 y2
− =1
B(0,b) y= b/e the parametric equations of the hyperbola a2 b2 . This
(asec φ, btan φ) lies on the hyperbola for all values of φ .
y= –b/e
X Position of a point with respect to a hyperbola
B (0,–b)
x2 y2
− =1
Let the hyperbola be a2 b2 .
Difference between both hyperbolas will be clear from the
following table : Then P( x1 , y1 ) will lie inside, on or outside the hyperbola
S : 18.12
Hyperbola (0,–be) x2 y2
x2 y2 x 21 y 21
− + =1 − =1 − −1
x2 y2 a2 b2 or a2 b2 according as a 2
b2 is positive, zero or
Imp. − =1 2 2
terms a2 b2 x y negative.
Y P (outside) − =−1
a2 b2
Centre P (0, 0) (0, 0)
Y (on)
Length of transverse axis 2aP(inside) 2b
X of conjugate axis
Length 2b X 2a
Foci (± ae, 0) (0, ±be)
Equation of directrices x=±a /e y=±b /e
a 2 +b2 a 2 +b2

Length of latus rectum

√( a2
2b /a2
) e=
2a /b
) Intersection of a line and a hyperbola
y=mx +c
The straight line will cut the hyperbola
Parametric (asec φ , btan φ) (b sec φ , atan φ ) 2 2
co-ordinates x y
0≤φ<2 π 0≤φ<2 π − =1
SP=ex 1 −a SP=ey 1 −b a2 b2 in two points may be real, coincident or imaginary
Focal radii '
S P=ex 1 + a '
S P=ey 1 + b according as c >, =, <a2 m2−b2
Difference of focal y=mx +c
' 2a 2b Condition of tangency : If straight line touches
radii (S P−SP ) 2 2
Tangents at the
x y
x=−a , x=a y=−b, y=b − =1 2 2 2 2
vertices the hyperbola a2 b2 , then c =a m −b .
Equation of the
transverse axis
y=0 x=0 Equations of tangent in different forms
Equation of the
conjugate axis
x=0 y=0

2 Conic Sections
(1) Point form : The equation of the tangent to the hyperbola (4) Condition for normality : If y=mx +c is the normal of
x y2 xx 1 yy 1 2
m(a +b )
a b
− 2 =1
at ( x1 , y 1 ) is a
− 2 =1
b . S=0 , then
√ a2−m2 b2 or
(2) Parametric form : The equation of tangent to the hyperbola 2 2 2 2
m ( a +b )
x2 y2 x y c 2= 2
− =1
(asec φ , btan φ)
sec φ− tan φ=1 ( a −m2 b 2 ) , which is condition of normality.
a2 b2 at is a b .
(5) Points of contact : Co-ordinates of points of contact are
(3) Slope form : The equations of tangents of slope m to the
x2 y2 a2 mb2
− =1
a2 b2 are
ordinates of points of contacts are
y=mx±√ a m −b 2 2 2
and the co- ( ± , ∓
√ a2−b2 m2 √ a2−b 2 m2 ) .

a2 m b2 Equation of chord of contact of tangents drawn

√ a2 m2 −b2

√ a2 m2−b 2 ) .
from a point to a hyperbola
x2 y2
− =1
Equation of pair of tangents Let PQ and PR be tangents to the hyperbola a2 b2
x2 y2 P ( x 1 , y1) .
− =1 drawn from any external point
If P( x1 , y1 ) be any point outside the hyperbola a2 b2 xx 1 yy 1
then a pair of tangents PQ, PR can be drawn to it from P. 2
− =1
2 Then equation of chord of contact QR is a b2 or
The equation of pair of tangents PQ and PR is SS 1 =T T =0 ,


2 2
x y (x1,y1) Equation of the chord of the hyperbola whose
S= 2
− 2 −1
where, a b , R
mid point (x1, y1) is given
x 21 y 21 xx 1 yy 1 x2 y2
S 1 = 2 − 2 −1 , T = 2 − 2 −1 − =1
a b a bY Equation of the chord of the hyperbola a2 b2 , bisected at
Director circle : The director circle is the locus of points from
xx 1 yy 1 x 21 y 21
which perpendicular tangents are drawn to the given hyperbola. The − 2 −1 − −1
( x , y ) is a
b a 2
x2 y2 the given point 1 1 =
− =1 T =S 1 .
equation of the director circle of the hyperbola a2 b2 is i.e.,
2 2 2 2 (x2,y2) Q
x + y =a −b .
Equations of normal in different forms
A to the hyperbola (x1,y1)
(1) Point form : The equation of normal
x2 y2 x b2Ry
− =1 + =a2 +b 2
a2 b2 at ( x ,
1 1y ) is x 1 y 1 . Equation of the chord joining two points on the
(2) Parametric form: The equation of normal at hyperbola
x2 y2 The equation of the chord joining the points
− =1
(asecθ, b tanθ) to the hyperbola a2 b2 is P(asec φ1 , btan φ1 ) Q(a sec φ2 , b tan φ2 ) is
ax cosθ+by cot θ x 2 y2
φ −φ φ +φ φ +φ

= a2 b2
x y
x y2
− =1
a2 b2
(3) Slope form: The equation of the normal to the hyperbola

in terms of the slope m of the normal is .

a 2 (b 2 )
cos 1 2 − sin 1 2 =cos 1 2
2 ( ) (
2 2 2 Pole and Polar
x − y =a . The locus of the point of intersection of the tangents to the
hyperbola at A and B is called the polar of the given point P with
respect to the hyperbola and the point P is called the pole of the
Conic Sections 3

polar. The equation of the required polar with ( x1 , y 1 ) as its pole is Let the tangent and normal at P( x1 , y1 ) meet the x-axis at A
xx 1 yy 1 and B respectively.
− =1 Length of subtangent
a b2 .
A (x1, y1)P AN =CN −CA=x1 −
x1 .
(h,k) Q
A Pole Length of subnormal
Polar X
N B 2 2
P(x1,y1) (a +b )
X X BN =CB−CN = x 1 −x 1
(h, k)Q B 2
B b
x =( e2 −1) x 1
2 1
A Y = a .
B Asymptotes of a hyperbola
Pole An asymptote to a curve is a straight line, at a finite distance from
P the origin, to which the tangent to a curve tends as the point of contact
a given line A lx+my+n=0
Pole of a given line: The pole of(x1,y1) goes to infinity.
x2 y2 The equations of two asymptotes of the hyperbola
− =1 x2 y2
x 2=4 y
Q x y
with respect to the hyperbola a2 b2 is ( x1 , y 1 )= − =1 ± =0
a2 b2 are or a b .
a2 l b2 m
n .
) Some important points about asymptotes
(i) The combined equation of the asymptotes of the hyperbola
2 2
Properties of pole and polar x2 y2 x y
− 2 =1 2
− 2 =0
(i) If the polar of P( x1 , y1 ) y1 , y2 , y3 ,
passes through a b is a b .
then the polar of Q( x 2 , y 2 ) goes through P( x1 , y1 ) and such
(ii) When i.e. the asymptotes of rectangular hyperbola
points are said to be conjugate points. x 2− y 2 =a 2are y=±x , which are at right angles.
(ii) If the pole of a line lx+my+n=0 lies on the another (iii) A hyperbola and its conjugate hyperbola have the same
2 Y asymptotes.
line 4 x −( 4 h−k ) x−1=0 then the pole of the second line will
lie on the first and such lines are said to be conjugate lines.
(iii) Pole of a given line is same
B as point of intersection of
tangents as its extremities.
Diameter of the hyperbola A
C points of a system of parallel chords of a
The locus of theA middle
hyperbola is called a Y
diameter and the
x 2 (x1,y1)P
y2 (iv) The equation of the pair of asymptotes differ the hyperbola
point where the B
 2 1 and the conjugate hyperbola by the same constant only i.e., Hyperbola
diameter intersects
the hyperbola is
a b – Asymptotes = Asymptotes – Conjugated hyperbola or
Y 2 2 x2 y 2 x2 y2 x2 y2 x2 y2
called the vertex of
the diameter. X

 1 X ( a 2
b )( a b a b )(
− 2 −1 − 2 − 2 = 2 − 2 − 2 − 2 + 1
a b )( )
Let a 2 bC 2 .
y=mx +c a R(h,k) (v) The asymptotes pass through the centre of the hyperbola.
system of parallel (x2,y2)Q (vi) The bisectors of the angles between the asymptotes are the
chords to coordinate axes.
x2 y2 Y (vii) The angle between the asymptotes of the hyperbola
− =1
a2 b2 x2 y2 b
for − =1 2 tan −1
a2 b2
different chords then the equation of diameter of the hyperbola is S=0 i.e., is a
or 2 sec e .
b2 x (viii) Asymptotes are equally inclined to the axes of the
y= 2 hyperbola.
a m , which is passing through (0, 0).
Conjugate diameter : Two diameters are said to be conjugate when Rectangular or equilateral hyperbola
each bisects all chords parallel to the others. (1) Definition : A hyperbola whose asymptotes are at right angles
y=m1 x , y=m2 x be conjugate diameters, then to each other is called a rectangular hyperbola. The eccentricity of
b2 rectangular hyperbola is always 2 . √
m1 m 2= 2
a The general equation of second degree represents a rectangular
. 2 2
hyperbola if   0, h > ab and coefficient of x + coefficient
Subtangent and Subnormal of the hyperbola 2

of y = 0.
4 Conic Sections
(2) Parametric co-ordinates of a point on the hyperbola XY = c {t 1 t 2 (t 21 + t 1 t 2 +t 22 )−1} c {t 31 t 32 +(t 21 + t 1 t 2 +t 2 )}
c2 : If t is non–zero variable, the coordinates of any point on the
rectangular hyperbola xy=c 2 can be written as (ct ,c/t ) . The
( t 1 t 2 (t 1 +t 2 )
t 1 t 2 (t 1 + t 2 ) ) .
point (ct,c/t ) on the hyperbola xy=c is generally referred as
the point ‘t’.
For rectangular hyperbola the coordinates of foci are
(±a √2, 0) and directrices are x=±a √ 2 .
For rectangular hyperbola xy=c , the coordinates of foci are
22 2 2 2  The area of the triangle inscribed in the parabola y 2 =4 ax is
a l +b m =n and directrices are x+ y=±c 2 . √ 1
(3) Equation of the chord joining points t1 and t2 : The equation ( y ~ y )( y ~ y )( y ~ y ), y 1 , y 2 , y 3 are the
8a 1 2 2 3 3 1 where
c c
of the chord joining two points
( ) ( )
ct 1 ,
and ct 2 ,
on the
ordinates of the vertices.
 The length of the side of an equilateral triangle inscribed in the
c c
− parabola y =4 ax is 8a √ 3 . (one angular point is at the
c t2 t 1 vertex).
y− = ( x−ct 1 )
hyperbola xy=c 2 is t 1 ct 2 −ct 1 
y =4 a( x+a) is the equation of the parabola whose focus is
⇒ x + y t 1 t 2 =c (t 1 +t 2 ) . the origin and the axis is x-axis.
(4) Equation of tangent in different forms  y =4 a( x−a) is the equation of parabola whose axis is
(i) Point form : The equation of tangent at ( x1 , y 1 ) to the x-axis and y-axis is directrix.
x y  x =4a ( y+a) is the equation of parabola whose focus is the
2 + =2
2 xy 1 + yx 1 =2 c x1 y origin and the axis is y-axis.
hyperbola xy=c is or 1 . 2
 x =4a ( y−a) is the equation of parabola whose axis is
(ii) Parametric form : The equation of the tangent at
( )ct ,
y-axis and the x-axis is directrix.
 The equation of the parabola whose vertex and focus are on x-
x axis at a distance a and a' respectively from the origin is
2 + yt=2 c
to the hyperbola xy=c is t .On replacing
x1 y 2 =4(a'−a)( x−a) .
c  The equation of the parabola whose axis is parallel to x-axis is
by ct and
y 1 by t on the equation of the tangent at x= Ay +By +C
2 2
y= Ax +Bx +C
and is a parabola with its
( x1 , y 1 ) axis parallel to y-axis.
x  If the straight line lx+my+n=0 touches the parabola
2 + yt=2 c
xy 1 + yx 1 =2 c we get t
i.e., . y =4 ax ,then l n=am2 .
Point of intersection of tangents at
' t 1 ' and
' t 2' is x cosα + y sin α= p
 If the line touches the parabola
2 ct 1 t 2 2 c 2
y =4 ax , p cosα+a sin α=0
( ,
t 1 +t 2 t 1 +t 2
) 2
(a tan α ,−2a tan α )
and point of contact is

(5) Equation of the normal in different forms :

x y
(i) Point form : The equation of the normal at ( x1 , y 1 ) to the + =1
 If the line l m touches the parabola
2 2 2
xy=c xx 1− yy 1=x 1 − y 1 2
m (l+b )+al 2=0
hyperbola is . y =4 a( x+b) , then .
( ) ct ,  If the two parabolas andy 2 =4 x x 2=4 y
intersect at
(ii) Parametric form : The equation of the normal at t
point P, whose absiccae is not zero, then the tangent to each curve at
2 3 4
to the hyperbola xy=c is xt − yt−ct +c=0 . P, make complementary angle with the x-axis.
x 1 by ct y 1 by c /t  Tangents at the extremities of any focal chord of a parabola meet
On replacing and in the at right angle on the directrix.
equation.  Area of the triangle formed by three points on a parabola is twice
2 2
We obtain xx 1− yy 1=x 1 − y 1 , the area of the triangle formed by the tangents at these points.
 If the tangents at the points P and Q on a parabola meet in T, then
yc 2 2 c 2 2
xct− =c t − 2 ⇒ xt 3− yt −ct 4 +c=0 ST is the geometric mean between SP and SQ, i.e., ST =SP . SQ
t t .
 Tangent at one extremity of the focal chord of a parabola is
This equation is a fourth degree in t. So, in general four normals
2 parallel to the normal at the other extremity.
can be drawn from a point to the hyperbola xy=c , and point of 2
y =4 ax
 The angle of intersection of two parabolas and
t t
intersection of normals at 1 and 2 is
Conic Sections 5
1/3 1/3
3a b
tan−1| 2/3 2/3 |  The focal chord of parabola y 2=4 ax making an angle α
x =4 by is given by . 2( a +b ) with the x-axis is of length
4 acosec α and perpendicular on it
 The equation of the common tangents to the parabola from the vertex is asin.
1 1 2 2
2 3 3 3 3 2  The length of a focal chord of a parabola varies inversely as the
y =4 ax and x =4by is a x +b y +a b =0 . square of its distance from the vertex.
 The line lx+my+n=0 is a normal to the parabola  If
l1 and l2 are the length of segments of a focal chord of a
2 2 2
y 2 =4 ax , it al(l +2 m )+m n=0 . 4 l 1 l2

 If the normals at points (at 21 ,2at ) and (at 22 ,2at 2 ) on the parabola, then its latus-rectum is l 1 +l2 .
2 2
parabola y =4 ax meet on the parabola, then t1 t 2 =2 .  The semi-latus rectum of the parabola y =4 ax is the
2 harmonic mean between the segments of any focal chord of the
 If the normal at a point P(at ,2at ) to the parabola parabola.
y =4 ax subtends a right angle at the vertex of the parabola then lx+my+n=0
 The straight line touches the ellipse
t =2 . 2
x y 2
2 + =1
 If the normal to a parabola y =4 ax , makes an angle φ a2 b2 , if
2 2 2
a l + b m =n
2 2
with the axis, then it will cut the curve again at an angle
 The line xcos α+ y sin α= p touches the ellipse
tan−1 ( 2
tan φ ) .
x y
+ =1
a2 b2

a2 cos 2 α +b2 sin 2 α=p 2

2 , if and that point of
 If the normal at two points P and Q of a parabola y =4 ax 2 2
intersect at a third point R on the curve. Then the product of the
ordinate of P and Q is 8a .
2 contact is
( a cosp α , b sinp α ) .
 The chord of contact joining the point of contact of two x2 y2
+ =1
perpendicular tangents always passes through focus.  A circle of radius r is concentric with the ellipse a2 b2
If tangents are drawn from the point ( x1 , y 1 ) to the parabola
, then the common tangent is inclined to the major axis at an angle

(at12 ,2 at1 )Q r 2−b2
y =4 ax,
then the length of their chord of
contact is (x1,y1)P
tan −1
a2 −r 2
 The locus of the foot of the perpendicular drawn from centre
1 x2 y2
√( y 21−4 ax 1 )( y21+4 a2 ) . (at 22 , 2 at 2 )R + =1
upon any tangent to the ellipse a2 b2 is
 The area of the triangle formed by the tangents drawn from 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
2 ( x + y ) =a x +b y or r =a cos θ+b sin θ
. (In
( x1 , y 1 ) to y =4 ax and their chord of contact is terms of polar coordinates)
2 3/ 2
( y 1−4 ax 1 )  The locus of the mid points of the portion of the tangents to the
2a .
x2 y2
+ =1
ellipse a2 b2 intercepted between the axes is
 If one extremity of a focal chord is (at 21 ,2at 1 ) ,then the other
a2 y 2 +b2 x 2 =4 x 2 y 2 .
a −2 a
extremity (at 2 ,2at 2 ) becomes
( ,
t 21 t 1 ) by virtue of relation  If y=mx +c is the normal of a
x2 y2
+ 2 =1
b , then
t1 t 2 =−1 . m 2
(a 2
−b 2 2
c2= 2 2 2
(at ,2at ) condition of normality is (a +b m ) .
 If one end of the focal chord of parabola is ,then
a 1
 The straight line lx+my+n=0 is a normal to the ellipse
( t2
, −2 at ) =a t+ ( ) t 2
a b 2
a −b 2 2 2
other end will be

 The length of the chord joining two points

and length of chord
' t1 ' and
' t 2'

x2 y2
+ =1 ,
a2 b2 if
l m
+ 2=
n2 ( .
2  Four normals can be drawn from a point to an ellipse.
the parabola y 2=4 ax is
a(t 1 −t 2 )Y√(t 1 +tNormal
2 ) +4 .  If S be the focus and G be the point
P(x1,y1) Where the normal at P meets the axis of
 The length of intercept made by line y=mx +c between the
an ellipse, then SG=e . SP ,
X4 2 X and the tangent and normal
y 2=4 ax
√ a(1+m
S )(a−mc)
parabola is . m2 at P bisect the external and
 Locus of mid-points of all chords which is inscribed a right angle internal anglesbetween the focal distances of P.
on the vertices of parabola is parabola. Y
6 Conic Sections
 Any point P of an ellipse is joined to the extremities of the major (a secθ 2 , btan θ2 )
axis then the portion of a directrix intercepted by them subtends a right passes through the focus of the hyperbola
angle at the corresponding focus. x2 y2 θ1 θ2 1−e
− =1 tan tan =
 The equations to the normals at the end of the latera recta and that a2 b2 2 2 1+e
4 2 , then .
each passes through an end of the minor axis, if e + e −1=0 . ( x1 , y 1 ) and ( x 2 , y 2 )
 The area of the triangle formed by the three points, on the ellipse  If the polars of with respect to the
2 2
x y 2 x y
+ =1 2
− 2 =1
, whose eccentric angles are θ,φ and ψ is
a2 b2 hyperbola a b are at right angles, then
φ−ψ ψ−θ θ−φ x1 x 2 a 4
2 ab sin
2 ( ) ( ) ( )
2 .
+ =0
y1 y2 b4 .
x2 y2  The parallelogram formed by the tangents at the extremities of
+ =1 conjugate diameters of a hyperbola has its vertices lying on the
 If the point of intersection of the ellipses a2 b2 and asymptotes and is of constant area.
x y2 2
+ =1  The product of length of perpendiculars drawn from any point on the
α2 β 2 be at the extremities of the conjugate diameters of the x2 y2
− =1
a 2 b2
a b2
hyperbola a2 b2 to the asymptotes is a2 +b 2 .
+ 2 =2
former, then α β c
 The sum of the squares of the reciprocal of two perpendicular  If the normal at
( )
ct ,
t on the curve xy=c
meets the
diameters of an ellipse is constant. 1
 In an ellipse, the major axis bisects all chords parallel to the t =− 3
minor axis and vice-versa, therefore major and minor axes of an ellipse curve again in 't', then . t
are conjugate diameters of the ellipse but they do not satisfy the  A triangle has its vertices on a rectangular hyperbola; then the
2 2
condition m 1 . m2 =−b /a
orthocentre of the triangle also lies on the same hyperbola.
and are the only perpendicular
conjugate diameters.  All conics passing through the intersection of two rectangular
 The foci of a hyperbola and its conjugate are con-cyclic. hyperbolas are themselves rectangular hyperbolas.
 Two tangents can be drawn from an outside point to a hyperbola.  An infinite number of triangles can be inscribed in the rectangular
lx+my+n=0 hyperbola xy=c whose all sides touch the parabola
 If the straight line touches the hyperbola 2
x y 2 y =4 ax .
− =1 2 2 2 2 2
a2 b2 , then a l −b m =n .
 If the straight line x cosα+ y sin α= p touches the
2 2
x y
− =1
hyperbolas a2 b2 , then a2 cos 2 α−b 2 sin2 α= p2 .
 If the line y =4 ax will be normal to the hyperbola Conic section-General
2 2 2
x2 y2 a2 b2 ( a +b )
− =1 − = 1. The centre of the conic represented by the equation
a2 b2 , then l2 m2 n2.
 In general, four normals can be drawn to a hyperbola from any
2 x 2 −72 xy+23 y 2 −4 x−28 y−48=0 is
point. 11 2 2 11
 If a2 −b 2 are the eccentric angles of three points on the (a)
( ) ,
15 25 (b)
( ) ,
25 25
x2 y2
− =1
a2 b2 , the normals at which are concurrent, (c)
(1115 , −252 ) (d)
(−1125 , −252 )
then, sin(α +β ) +sin( β+γ )+sin(γ+α )=0 . 14 x −4 xy+11 y 2 −44 x−58 y+71=0
2. The centre of
x2 y2 [BIT Ranchi 1986]
− =1 (a) (2, 3) (b) (2, – 3)
 The feet of the normals to a2 b2 from (h, k ) lie on
2 2 (c) (– 2, 3) (d) (– 2, – 3)
a y( x−h)+b x( y−k )=0 . 3. The equation of the conic with focus at (1, –1), directrix along
x y2
− =1
2 x− y +1=0 and with eccentricity √2 is
 The length of chord cut off by hyperbola a2 b2 from
[EAMCET 1994]
2 2
2 ab √ [c 2 −(a 2 m2−b 2 )] (1+m2 ) (a) x − y =1 (b) xy=1
y=mx +c (b2 −a 2 m2 ) (c) 2 xy−4 x +4 y +1=0 (d)
the line is .
2xy+4 x−4 y−1=0
 If the chord joining two points (a secθ1 , b tan θ1 ) and
Conic Sections 7

4. If a point ( x, y )≡( tanθ +sin θ, tan θ−sinθ ) , then locus of

(x, y) is [EAMCET 2002]
2 2/3 2 2/3 2 2
(a) ( x y ) +( xy ) =1 (b) x − y =4 xy
2 2 2 2 2
(c) (x − y ) =16 xy (d) x − y =6 xy
5. Equation

√( x−2)2 + y 2+√( x+2)2 + y2=4 represents

[Orissa JEE 2004]
(a) Parabola (b) Ellipse
(c) Circle (d) Pair of straight lines
6. Angle of intersection of the curves r=sinθ+ cos θ and
r=2 sin θ is equal to [UPSEAT 2004]
π π
(a) 2 (b) 3
(c) 4 (d) None of these
2 2
7. The equation y −x +2 x−1=0 represents
[UPSEAT 2004]
(a) A hyperbola (b) An ellipse
(c) A pair of straight lines (d) A rectangular hyperbola

1. If a double ordinate of the parabola y =4 ax be of length
8 a , then the angle between the lines joining the vertex of
the parabola to the ends of this double ordinate is
(a) 30o (b) 60o
(c) 90o (d) 120o

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