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PATTS College of Aeronautics


I Rectangular Coordinate

A. Distance Between Two Points

y P2
d = P1P2
From Pythagorean Theorem: p y2 –y1
d2 = (x2 – x1)2 + (y2 – y1)2

d = P1

O x
B. Midpoint of a Line Segment

The coordinates of the point (x,y) y p2

Midway between P1 (x1,y1) and P2 (x2, y2) are
x  2 ( x1  x 2 )

y  2 ( y1  y 2 )

O x

C. Division of a Line Segment

1. Internal division

If the segments P1P, PP2 are such that

y P2


Then, the coordinates of P are: P1

o x

2. External division y P
Since P1P and PP2 are measured in opposite
Directions, their ratio must be negative P2

e.i. of the numbers r1, r2, one must be taken positive, P1

the other negative.
O x
D. Inclination

The angle of inclination of a straight line is the smallest positive angle from the positive x-axis to
the line. y y
O x O x

E. Slope (m)

The slope of the line is the tangent of the angle of inclination.

m = tan 

A line sloping upward to the right has positive slope.

A line sloping downward to the right has negative slope.
The slope of the line parallel to the x-axis is zero

m = tan 
P1 y 2 – y1


O x

F. Parallel Lines

If two line are parallel, they have the same slope

y L1 L2
m1 = m 2

1 2
O x

G. Perpendicular Lines
Two lines are perpendicular if and only if their
slopes are negative reciprocals. L2 L1

m2 =

1 2
O x

H. Angle between Two Lines

y L2

tan β = β L1

1 2
O x

I. Area of Triangle

A  1 2  x1  y 2  y3   x 2  y3  y1   x3 ( y1  y 2 )
y P2
x1 y1 1
A x2 y2 1
2 x3 y3 1
O x

II Polar Coordinates y

A. Distance Formula in Polar Coordinates P2 (r2, O2)

from Law of Cosines: d

d2 = r12 + r22 - 2r1 r2 cos (  2 -  1) O2 – O1 P1 (r1, O 1)

o x

III Curves; Functions

A. Locus of an Equation

The locus of an equation is a curve containing those points, and only those points, whose
coordinates satisfy the equation.

B. Intercepts on the axes

1. x – intercept. The directed distance from the origin cut off by the curve on the
x –axis.
2. y – intercept. The directed distance from the origin cut off by the curve on the

C. Classification of Curves

1. Algebraic Plane Curve One whose equation in rectangular coordinates is a

polynomial in x and y, equated to zero.

e.i x2 – xy = xy + x + 3y – 5 = 0
x3 + 2x2y – y3 + 5 = 0

2. Transcendental Curve – One whose equation in rectangular coordinates involves

transcendental functions.

e.i y = sin x, y=log x, y = 2x

D. Degree of an Algebraic Curve

An algebraic curve whose equation is of the n the degree is called a curve of the nth degree.

e.i. 3x2y + 2x2 – y = 6 is of third degree

=1 is of first degree

= is of fourth degree

IV The Straight Line

A. General Equation of First Degree

Ax + By + C = 0
Every straight line may be represented by an equation of the first degree.

B. Line Parallel to a Coordinate axis

y x=k y=k

O x
O x

C. Point-Slope Form

y – y1 = m (x-x1)

o x

D. Two- Point form of a line

y P2


O x

E. Slope – Intercept Form

y = mx + b

o x

F. Intercept form

y =

b p
+ =1
o a x

G. Polar Equaiton of the Straight Line


r cos (  -  ) = p
(p, β)

β 

H. Change of Coordinate System

x = r cosθ
y = r sinθ
y x 2 + y 2 = r2
r r=
θ x
o x cos  =

sin  =

I. Normal Form of the Equation of a straight Line

x cos  + y sin  = p
p y
 x
o x

To reduce to the normal form:

1. The equation Ax + By + C = 0
Divide through by , using the sign of b in front of the square root, then
transfer the constants term to the other side of the equation;
2. The equation Ax = C =0,
Solve for x.

J. Directed Distance from a Line to a Point

P(x1, y1)

o x

The directed distance from the line Ax + By + C = 0 to the point (x1,y1) is:


Where the ambiguous sign is taken like the sign of B, or if B = 0, like the sign of A.

V The Circle

A circle is the locus of a point that moves at a constant distance from a fixed point.

A. General Equation

An equation of the second degree in which x2 and y2 have equal coefficients and the xy – term
is missing represents a circle.

X2 + y2 + Dx + Ey + F = 0
y p
B. Equation of a circle 1. If the center is the origin, x2 + y2 = r2
r 2. If the center is the point (h,k), (x-h)2 + (y-k)2 = r2

O h x
VI Conic Sections

The path of a point which moves so that its distance from a fixed point is in a constant ratio to its
distance from a fixed line.

P FP = (eccentricity)

F Focus – fixed point

Directrix – fixed line

Line of symmetry - line through the focus perpendicular to the directrix.

Latus rectum - line through the focus parallel to the directrix.

A. Parabola

The locus of points which are equidistant from a fixed point and a fixed line. The conic whose
eccentricity is 1.

1. General Equation

An equation of the second degree in which the xy-term is missing and only one square term is
present represents a parabola with its axis parallel to a coordinate axis.

Cy2 + Dx + Ey + F = 0
Ax2 + Dx + Ey + F = 0

2. Standard Forms

D y L

V a F (a,0)
o x

Axis of the curve-line through the focus perpendicular to the directrix

Vertex – the point midway between the focus and the directrix

a. V (0,0)

Y2 = 4ax curve open to the right, axis Ox

Y2 = -4ax curve opens to the left, axis Ox
X2 = 4ay curve opens upward, axis Oy
X2= -4ay curve opens downward, axis Oy

b. V (h,k)

(y-k)2 = 4a (x-h) curve to the right, axis // to Ox

(y-k)2 = -4a (x-h) curve to the left, axis // to Ox
(x-h)2 = 4a (y-k) curve to the upward, axis // to Oy
(x-h)2 = -4a (y-k) curve to the downward, axis // to Oy

Parts and Properties of Parabola

1. The fixed point F is called the focus
2. The fixed line D is called the directrix
3. The point on the parabola which is halfway from the focus to the directrix is the vertex
4. The axis of symmetry (axis of the parabola) is the line passing through the focus and
perpendicular to the directrix, This axis divides the parabola into equal branches.
5. A chord connecting two points of the parabola passing through the focus and perpendicular to
the axis of symmetry is called the latus rectum.
Important Lengths and Distances Involved in a Parabola
1. a= distance from vertex to focus or from vertex to directrix
2. 2a = distance from focus to an end of latus rectum
3. 4a= length of the latus rectum

B. Ellipse

The locus of a point which moves so that the sum of its distance from two fixed points is constant.
The conic section for which e  1.

1. General equation

An equation of the second degree in which the xy-term is missing and the coefficient of x 2 and y2
have the same sign represents an ellipse with axes parallel to the coordinate axes.

Ax2 + Cy2 + Dx + Ey + F = 0

2. Standard Forms
D2 L4 B1 L1 D1

c a x
V2 F2 o F1 V1

L3 L2

a. C (0,0)

x 2 + y2 = 1 major axis is Ox
a2 b2

y2 + x 2 = 1 major axis is Oy
a2 b2

Where : b2 = a2 (1 – e2)
b. C (h,k)

(x-h)2 + (y-k)2 = 1 major axis is // to Ox

a2 b2
(y-k) + (x-h)2 = 1 major axis is // to Oy.

a2 b2

Parts and Properties of an Ellipse

1. The two fixed points F1 and F2 are called foci (plural of focus)
2. The point midway between F1 and F2 is the center of the ellipse
3. The axis of symmetry passing through the foci is called the principal axis of the ellipse
4. The line segment through the foci and joining two points of the ellipse is called the major axis
lies on the principal axis
5. The line segment through the center and perpendicular to the major axis is the minor axis,
endpoints of the minor axis are points of the ellipse.
6. The graph of an ellipse is symmetric with respect to both its major and minor axis,
7. The intersection of the ellipse with the major axis determines the two points V 1 and V2 are called
the vertices.
8. The endpoints (B1 and B2) of the minor axis are called the co-vertices of an ellipse
9. The line segments through the foci perpendicular to the major axis and joining two points of the
ellipse are called latera recta (plural of latus rectum)
10. The fixed lines (D1 and D2) referred to in the definition of an ellipse and parallel to the latera recta
are called the directrices (plural of directrix)
11. The length of the major axis is always greater than the length of the minor axis.

Important Length and Distances Involved in an Ellipse

1. a = distance from the center to an end of major axis ( length of semi- major axis)
2. b = distance from center to an end of minor axis ( length of semi- minor axis)
3. c = = distance from center to focus
4. 2a = length of major axis
5. 2b = length of minor axis (major axis > minor axis)
6. 2c = distance between foci

7. = length of each latus rectum

8. = distance from focus to an end of a latus rectum

9. = = distance from center to directrix

10. = eccentricity of the ellipse


C. Hyperbola

The locus of a point which moves so that the difference of its distances from two fixed points is
constant. The conic section for which e  1.

1. General Equation

An equation of the second degree in which the xy-term is missing and the coefficient of x2 and
y2 have unlike sign represents a hyperbole with its axes parallel to the coordinate axes.

Ax2 + Cy2 + Dx + Ey + F = 0

Where A and C have opposite signs.

2. Standard Forms
D2 y D1

L3 L1
F2 V2 a V1 F1
o x

L4 B2 L2

a. C (0,0)

X2 - y2 = 1 transverse axis along Ox

a2 b2

y2 - x 2 = 1 transverse axis along Oy

a2 b2

Where b2 = a2 (e2 – 1)

b. C (h,k)

(x-h)2 - (y-k) 2 = 1 transverse axis // to Ox

a2 b2

(y-k)2 - (x-h) 2 = 1 transverse axis // to Oy

a2 b2

Equations of Directrices of a Hyperbola

a. with horizontal transverse axis are

x= or x =
b. with vertical transverse axis are

y= or y =
Equations of Asymptotes of a Hyperbola
a. with horizontal transverse axis are
y-k = (x-h)
b. with vertical transverse axis are
y-k = (x-h)

Parts and Properties of a Hyperbola

1. The two fixed points F1 and F2 are called the foci

2. The point midway between F1 and F2 is the center of hyperbola
3. The axis of symmetry passing through the foci is called the principal axis of the
4. The line segment on the principal axis through the center and joining the vertices
transverse axis of the hyperbola
5. The line segment through the center and perpendicular to the transverse axis is the
conjugate axis.
6. Associated in the graph of a hyperbola is an auxiliary rectangle tangent at the vertices.
7. The graph of hyperbola is symmetric with respect to both its transverse and conjugate
8. The intersection of a hyperbola with the transverse axis is determines the two points V1
and V2 called the vertices.
9. The points B1 and B2 are the endpoints of conjugate axis.
10. The lines through the foci perpendicular to the transverse axis are called latera recta
11. The fixed line (D1 and D2) referred to a definition of a hyperbola and parallel to the latera
recta are called the directrices
12. The lines which come closer and closer to the hyperbola and passing through the
diagonals of the auxiliary rectangle are called asymptotes.
13. The length of the transverse axis can be greater or less than the length of the conjugate

Important Length and Distance Involved in a Hyperbola

1. a = distance from center to an end of transverse axis

2. b = distance from center to an end of conjugate axis
3. c=
4. 2a = length of transverse axis
5. 2b = length of conjugate axis
6. 2c = distance between foci

7. = length of each latus rectum

8. = distance from focus to an end of a latus rectum

9. = = distance from the directrix

10. e = = eccentricity of the hyperbola

11. c > a > c> b
Problem Exercises:

1. The point P1(x, 4) is 3 units from P2 (-4, 1). Find x. Ans.: x=-10, and 2
2. A circle with center at (4, 6) has a diameter that terminates at (-1, y) and (x, 8).
Find x and y.
3. The line through P1 (6,3) and P2 (-2,y) has an angle of inclination of Arctan (1/2).
Find the value of y.
4. The points A (-2, 3), B (6,-5) and C (8, 5) are vertices of a triangle. Find the
length of the median from A to the side BC.
5. If the area of a triangle with vertices (4,y), (5,2) and (8,6) is 11.5 square units.
Find y.
6. Find the equation of the line having an x-intercept 4 and a slope 5.
7. Determine the distance from (5,10) to the line x-y = 0.
8. If (x,4) is equidistant from (5,-2) and (3,4) find x.
9. Find the smallest angle between the lines 2x + y- 8 = 0 and
x + 3y +4 = 0.
10. What is the center of the curve .)
11. Find the area of the circle whose equation is .
12. An arch 18 m. high has the form of a parabola with vertical axis. The length of a
horizontal beam placed across the arch 8m. from the top is 64 m. find the width of
the arch at the bottom.
13. Find the area enclosed by the curve .
14. The earth satellite has an apogee 2450 miles and a perigee of 410 miles.
Assuming that the earth radius is 400 miles, what is the value of the eccentricity
of ellipse which is form with the center of earth at one focus and whose apogee
and perigee satisfy the conditions above.
15. Find the focus of the hyperbola .

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