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P1 / 15th June 2020


 ●  Setup of activity and explanation = good

 ●  Further explain ‘slow’ - relate to concept of music

 ●  Good idea to make the reason for the activity explicit before starting - can promote buy in
(did this at

the end)

 ●  Activity = super engaging

 ●  Gave context @ end - how does this game relate to music? Tempo (check), ensemble



 ●  “Can anyone see the rhythm on the board?” → “Have a look at the rhythm on the board

 ●  “Or something” - be super explicit... Do this (take the choice / guess work out of the

 ●  Made everyone participate

 ●  Differentiate sounds between the two hands - might make it easier for you as teacher to
identify which

students aren’t performing with both hands

 ●  Explanation of the LH and RH good - demonstrate on the piano! Don’t be afraid to play
something for

the students

 ●  Melody line? → chords

 ●  Distribution of music? (forgot to talk with you about this!!!)


 ●  Monitored students (keys)

- I didn’t see much of this (as I was working with the guitarists)... let’s discuss what you were

how they went with the piece

 ●  Watch the time - pack up earlier (I have this problem ALL the time)

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