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15 Things to Stop Doing to Yourself

15 Things to Stop Doing to Yourself

October 16, 2013 by Mark DeNicola (http://w w w 19 Comments. (http://w w w .collective- e-need-to-stop-doing/#comments)

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I was recently inspired to put together a list of tendencies that I have found in both the observation of myself and those
around me. These tendencies, in my opinion, can make life a lot more complicated and difficult to go through than it
needs to be. Read through the list, see how many apply to you and feel free to add any others that you may want to
share through the comment section of the article.

1. Stop Running From Your Problems - You cannot run from something forever, and believe it or not the longer you
run from something the more difficult it becomes to face. Challenges arise for a reason, and as difficult as many of
them can be to both face and overcome they always give you the opportunity to become a stronger and more capable
version of yourself. There are also fewer things more liberating than the feeling of finally facing something that you had
put off or had been afraid of for so long.

2. Stop Lying To Yourself & Others – Lying is in my opinion the most naturally cumulative process. What starts as a
simple and small lie (possibly even with the intention of not hurting someone) quickly spirals into an entirely false
reality where the biggest factor preventing you from sharing the truth is the unwanted reputation of being known as a
liar. We lie to one another, but even more so we lie to ourselves most often to protect our oh so fragile ego. We might
even be inclined to lie to ourselves when reading this list, not wanting to admit how many of these tendencies we
actually do. Remember that in the end the past has helped to make you who you are but does not define you, you
therefore always have the ability to make the transition to full honesty & you will probably be pleasantly surprised by
how much lighter an honest existence can be.

3. Stop Letting The Fear Of Making A Mistake Stop You From Doing Something – Mistakes certainly can be a
frustrating experience but never are they worth holding yourself back from doing something you feel pulled to do. We all
know we learn from our mistakes but we need to also remember that we learn even more from stepping outside of our
comfort zone and doing something different or new.


4. Stop Comparing Yourself To Others – Whether it’s an iconic figure or even a friend or co-worker many of us have
a natural tendency to compare ourselves or our circumstance to that of another. Think of how many times you may
have said, either vocally or under your breath, “must be nice” when looking at a facet of another person’s life. Just as
the famous saying goes: the grass will always seem greener on the other side. Whether or not the grass actually is
greener has no true bearing on the only grass we should be focused on, the one right below our feet. The moment we
stop comparing and instead focus on our own experience the more likely we are to both find peace in things being the
way that they are and motivation to change them should we feel pulled to.

5. Stop Living For Something In The Future – Whether it’s something as temporary as an upcoming vacation or as
permanent as retirement, living for something in the future is great for one key thing: preventing us from living right now.
One thing is for certain, in this life we are never going to be any younger than we are right now, so what time is better
than right now? I’m not suggesting that we stop making all future plans, since they certainly can be useful, but that we
instead focus on the present and allow the future to be what it will when the time for it comes.

6. Stop Trying To Get People To Feel Sorry For You – Nobody likes a negative Nancy or a pessimistic Peter, yet
so many of us regularly make a habit of sharing nothing but the unpleasant or unfavorable. As nice as it can feel at one
level to receive sympathy from another person we all know it does absolutely nothing to change the situation that we
are complaining about. In fact it actually makes it a bigger part of your reality since now you aren’t the only one to
identify with it. Accept whatever it is that seems to be plaguing you and choose to move on from it rather than bask in
the stories or emotions that could be made from it.

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