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Lopez, Trisha Larraine P.

BSA 2-4
GEED 20142

Why critical thinking matters?

Critical thinking is one of the essential life skills that we should possess. It helps us
solve problems and make decisions effectively. It improves the way our minds examine,
produce and assess solutions to challenges, taking into consideration the different
outcomes that will happen in every decision. It promotes creativity. It encourages us to
think out of the box - generating new ideas which can be evaluated and modified to
ensure its usefulness and relevance to the situations on hand. Thinking critically also
stimulates independence. We generally think for ourselves; we come up with our own
decisions, we have our own perception about different things, and we are the ones who
are primarily affected by our own judgements. Lastly, it fosters lifelong learning. In line
with independence, considering our experiences and mistakes, we need to think
critically in order to grow and live smart. Critical thinking is an important life skill thus, it

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