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COLÉGIO ESTADUAL PROFª Mª TEREZINHA DE C. MACHADO – 1º ano, 2º bim - recuperação
Nome: Número: Turma: Professor: Matéria: Data:
Carlos Eduardo Inglês 28/06/2018

Texto 1

1. Correlacione as figuras do texto com as informações abaixo.

a. Violet and Dashiell “Dash” Robert Parr from The Incredibles.

b. Hazel Grace Lancaster and Augustus Waters from the Fault in our Stars.

c. Edward Cullen from the Twilight saga.

d. Harry Potter from the Harry Potter series.

2. Circule as frases sendo certas T (true) e erradas F (false).

a. Edward is a vampire and he is bad.

b. Augustus and Hazel are boyfriend and girlfriend.

c. Harry’s brothers and sisters are dead.

d. Violet’s father is a strong man.

3. Circule a alternativa correta.
1. They speak / speaks soccer.
2. I play / plays soccer.
3. We do / does our homework on the weekend.
4. She eat / eats at home.
5. They live / lives in the city.

4. Passe as frases acima para a forma negativa.

1. __________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________
4. __________________________________________________
5. __________________________________________________

6. Leia o blog sobre a família de Jack e circule a melhor opção com o Simple Present dos verbos.

1 lives living live doesn’t live

2 don’t work works work working

3 teaches is teach teach not teach

4 works working are work work

5 going goes not going go

6 studies is study studying study

7 no speak speak speaking speaks

8 is watch not watch watches watch

9 does doing not do do

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