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I am a very curious person. I want to get to the bottom of everything. I love observing people, their
reactions, behavior, and body language. My biggest purpose in life is to try a lot of things. Experiences
enrich my life. I come from a design background, and I love all expressions of creativity. I see the beauty
in everything I come across. This makes me score high in openness to experience. In terms of
conscientiousness, in my regular life, I’m very disorganized. But when it comes to my professional,
academic, or any relationship role that I’m playing, I put in my hundred percent. When it comes to
taking responsibility in situations where I am not obliged to, I prefer to take a back seat. I score slightly
above medium in conscientiousness. I love people, and I gel well among them. But my me-time is crucial
for me. I love to spend my day with people, but I want my time entirely to myself when the day ends. I
am not a party animal. Instead I prefer brunches or dinner with 3-4 qualitative people. I am medium in
extraversion. I am extremely empathetic, soft-spoken, I treat people with respect, and usually agree
with people – as long as the stakes aren’t high! When there are, I speak my mind in the best way
possible. I score above medium in agreeableness. I tend to worry a lot. I am anxious, and have a hard
time coping with negative emotions. I have set such high perfectionism standards that pursuing them
stresses me. I expect a lot from myself and judge myself basis that. I cling onto negative experiences, can
be pessimistic, which makes me score slightly above medium in neuroticism.

Openness to experience

I score 0.96 raw score and 97 percentile in openness to experience

My raw score does reflect who I am. My strongest quality is my curiosity in exploring new things and in
people around me. Trying to observe the minute textures in nature, the hidden feelings in poetry; in the
tone of people, their actions that reveal so much more than their words, their eyes, and thought process
- I want to know it all. Since childhood, I’ve explored myself using mediums like Taekwondo,
Bharatanatyam, Bollywood dance, doll making, dressmaking, cooking, poetry, arts and crafts, farming,
clay modeling, jewelry making and learning the guitar apart from the new skills I learned at NIFT. I’ve
experienced adventure sports such as sky diving, scuba diving, rock climbing, paragliding, rafting. I am so
enthusiastic about building experiences that I even end up breaking rules and barriers at the end. This
has been harmful for me a few times.

Since percentile is a relative term, understanding the accuracy of my percentile is difficult. But based on
the people that I have met and I know of, my percentile score does depict the diverse experiences I’ve
been through. My openness does make me stand out from others.


I score 0.67 raw score and 68 percentile in conscientiousness

I believe my raw score should have been around 75. I am organized in my professional life. I plan in
advance, start my work ahead of time and complete my assignment within time. I do not procrastinate
and give utmost importance to all my responsibilities, be it personal or professional. As a person, I am
extremely dependable. If I say something, I stick to my words. I believe in action rather than words, and I
do what I say. I’m careful in my professional life and believe in efficiency. In my personal life, I tend to be
disorganized. I am unable to manage my things and often misplace them. My room, my wardrobe, my
surroundings are usually messy.
I may get a bit laid back before taking new responsibility or initiatives, but when I do I give my 100% to
it. In terms of discipline, I do not follow a fixed routine. Most of it is flexible as per my convenience apart
from my professional/academic plans. I’m extremely rigid about punctuality. I am always 5 minutes
before time, and I am particular about that.

In terms of percentile, I believe I should have scored at least an 80 as I find a lot of these qualities
missing from most people I’ve met.


I score 0.69 raw score and 73 percentile in extraversion

My raw score should have been around 60. I am neither an extrovert neither an introvert. I enjoy my
personal space. I can be extremely happy alone, yet at the same time, being around people energizes
me. I am famous amongst my circle, I share good relations with a wide circle of people, but this is
because all my relations have been strengthened on a one to one conversation basis. I am not usually
someone to be in a group of more than five people. I enjoy being with a maximum of four friends. I am
not a party animal, and I usually prefer dinners and brunches than a loud party. At a party, after 1 hour
of dancing, I would probably be found at a corner, sitting with my phone, or calling my friends, passing
my time. I enjoy people, but I cannot be with them for the whole day. At the end of the day, I need a few
hours just to myself.

My percentile should have been lower than 73. But then again, my levels of extraversion keep
fluctuating as per my moods. When I am happy, I am highly extraverted. When I am normal to low, I am


I score 0.73 raw score and 57 percentile in agreeableness.

While I tend to be highly agreeable in a group surrounding, my agreeableness depends on many factors.
If the work is extremely important, I will be less agreeable. If the group size and majority are smaller, I
will exert more control. At times, internally, I may be highly disagreeing with the group consensus, but
externally I might agree with them, especially when the majority is high and stakes are low. Because of
this, my behavioral outcome is usually agreeable in spite of my inner thoughts.

When it comes to day to day discussions and everyday scenarios, I am extremely agreeable. I am highly
empathetic, so I understand people easily and agree with them even when I might think otherwise. I
understand everyone’s point of view and respect it to the point to not disagree. I am extremely polite
and I hate hurting people, so that makes more agreeable. In spite of this, in past instances where the
stakes were high, I disagreed and directed the group to what I thought was right, but such instances are
minimal. So, I believe my raw score reflects my agreeableness accurately. My percentile, is an accurate
reflection because only a few people voice out their opinions firmly. Even though I am highly agreeable,
my quality of standing up when the situation is grim makes my agreeableness percentile go down.


I score 0.67 raw score and 82 percentile in neuroticism

I tend to worry a lot and get upset over little things. Thinking about situations ahead in the future makes
me panic. I tend to overthink at times and doubt myself. If I fail at something, I take time to deal with it,
and trying it again brings fears of failure and doubts. I can be pessimistic a lot of times. I try to reduce it
all by thinking practically and doing constant self-evaluations. I have a hard time coping up with negative
emotions. I rarely go through mood swings, but I usually experience extreme emotions – extreme
happiness, excitement, sadness.

When I panic, my heartbeats become extremely fast. But at the same time, good experiences push my
optimism and efforts to an empowering level. It is those moments I try to focus on to reduce my
neuroticism. Practicing yoga and meditation too brings my neuroticism levels down.

I feel that my percentile should be around 70-75 as these emotions are experienced by a wide range of
people, and although what I feel is intense, I manage and control it a well.

Summing up my personality score

Overall, my personality scores in the Outofservice Big 5 Personality assessment are 0.96 in openness to
experience, 0.67 in conscientiousness, 0.69 in extraversion, 0.73 in agreeableness and 0.67 in
neuroticism. My most prominent trait as per this is openness to experience, followed by agreeableness,
extraversion, conscientiousness, and neuroticism.

I was an introvert till class 12th, after which I transitioned to an extrovert. This was possible due to my
high openness to experience which is reflected by my score. My high agreeableness added to this and
helped me in the transition helping me gain likability and a large circle. My neuroticism and
conscientiousness levels are almost similar as per my score. Although I am an extremely reliable person,
who is punctual and gives in 100% at whatever she does, my neuroticism pushes down my
conscientiousness score by stopping me from taking responsibility when not required. At the same time,
it also adds to my conscientiousness score by making me start my work ahead in time. My neuroticism
also facilitates creativity in me. My extreme emotions are expressed through art. My predominant trait
is curiosity, so my openness to experience score remains intact in spite of neuroticism.

Putting it all together, my summed-up score reflects my personality, but my conscientiousness score
should have been higher. Also, these scores, I believe, give a reflection of our personality as per a certain
point in time based on the mood and mindset with which we gave the test and is not a hard and fast

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