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Andrews Superhero Themed Field Day: Monday June 10th


1. Pizza Box Relay (TMNT):

o Players will balance a stack of pizza boxes down to a cone, around it, and back to their teams.
o Students will then pass off the boxes to their next teammate in line. Each player goes once, sit down in
the back of the line after turn. First team to finish wins

2. Aquaman Sponge Relay:

o 2 small buckets marked with a line across from each team. 2 buckets filled with water and a sponge at
the starting point for each team.
o Students will fill their sponge with water, run it down to the empty bucket and squeeze out the water.
First team to fill the bucket up to the line wins.

3. Superman Obstacle Course:

o Students on each team will run down through an obstacle course once each. When they reach the end
they will run back and tag the next teammate to go.
o First team to finish wins

4. Wonder Woman Lasso Toss:

o 2 hula-hoops and 2 large traffic cones per team.
o The 1st player on line will run down to a distance marker (tape or cone) and throw the hoop trying to get
it around the cone. They will then retrieve the hoop and run it back to the next teammate on line.
o Each student gets one turn, first team to finish wins

5. Hulk Tire Relay:

o Students will pick up and flip over a tire down to a cone and back.
o One turn per player. First team to finish wins.

6. Captain America’s Shield Throw:

o 2 hula-hoops sticking up from 2 large traffic cones across from each team
o Students will run down to a distance marker (tape or cone) and throw a frisbee through the hoop. They
will then retrieve the frisbee and run it back to the next player on their team.
o One turn per player, first team to finish wins.

7. Flash Speed Relay:

o Students will run weaving through cones and back to their team.
o One turn per player, first team to finish wins.

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