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Cheese contains the bad kind of fat

Usually, there are two kinds of fats, which are saturated fats and unsaturated
fats. Saturated fats are mostly found in animal products. For example,
chicken, beef, pork, and some dairy products. Unsaturated, or overt fats, can
obtained in nuts, seeds, avocados, and olives.

Cheese is loaded with tons of saturated fat, sodium, and cholesterol.

Saturated fats are thefat that we want to either consume in moderation or try
to avoid completely. For the information, saturated fats not only increase our
cholesterol levels but it also increase your chance of heart disease and

2. Hello Hormones
Your cheese may contain infected pus from a cow’s bladder infection. Usually,
most cows are pumped with hormones and antibiotics that make them
produce more milk. THus, it can cause the infections in the bladder. When we
eat it, definitely true that it will increase the risk of infection.

3. Inhumane
Similar to humans, cows are only able to produce milk when they are
pregnant. This means that from their time of birth, cows are raised to mate.
Then, it will pumped full of hormones, caged up, and treated inhumanely to
produce milk for dairy products. When a cow is no longer able to give birth
and produce milk, the cow will be slaughterd.

4. It’s not always vegetarian

Many kinds of cheese are manufactured using an animal stomach enzyme
called rennet. Rennet usually comes from one of two sources: the stomach
lining of a slaughtered newborn calf or the fungus of genetically modified
micro-organisms. Unless your cheese specifically states it’s vegetarian, it
most likely contains rennet. Hencem think before when eat the cheese.

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