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The Paranoia Reflex- Delicious As Crime

It's no wonder if you live in a rural community where there's a sense of reliance on your
immediate surroundings that you'd want to vote for a party that wants to retain a localised
wealth by charging less to the national or federal government, just as in the city there's a
more diversified economy with many more co evolving aspects of being that people might
like to see emulated across the country. Those people like well-funded governments. It may
be simpler than people like to believe. If your past times are service economy jobs over
coffee (argh everything must run on coffee for those people, I cannot keep up with them)
and fear of plutocratic dystopian nightmare over cake you're one way inclined, or if you can
buy bread and milk earlier in the day and can put up with a quieter existence and the smells
and road traffic of agriculture with acquiesce and bliss in doing so, this could be an
elementary difference.

There are many spins that can be placed over this including modernism vs post modernism,
but this seems to me to be a similar debate in many regards. It's preservation of the old
frontier feeling played out against the pursuit of eternal answers for eternal questions. One
side at the extreme is too stuck in the past and one is too addicted to the future.

Left wing governments in a country with a rich plutocratic system turn into disasters, just
like right wing ones. It's not just a low-resolution debate of wrestling with your generosity
all the time.

Many devotees of such governments of the modern era can trace the basis of their
ideologies to post-modern thinkers who consider how a more regulated system can
manifest into a more equal system. But those people generally negate and attempt to offset
the phenomena of the Pareto principle. Even the distribution of stars in the sky are mirrored
in the Pareto principle. Ie any system allowed to play out over time will envelop into findings
that can be considered unequal. It's not sure how we change this without destroying the
system. Any system that has tried to address this problem has transpired into a dystopian
system that denies truth.

Post modernism, even with sometimes sensible appropriation of ideas is based on

consumption, a digression of the basis that everything must change constantly in order to
be revalidated as something already pre agreed upon as only being temporarily useful. And
the perspective that we've graduated in the world and streamlined our species as a precise
tool bearing animal who can now measure our planetary co-existence with other species of
the world and attempt to roughly mitigate the adverse effects of industry for example.

To offset these effects on external experience of others is a form of group identity politics
which appears to have a strong proclivity to descend into tribalism, seeing as there is a vast,
polarised attitude towards this subject from people in general, shaped by economic, cultural
and social construction.

Animals have a history of hunting themselves to death in a splicing with nature where the
same nature that opened a door to existence of a species, equally closes down the
conditions of survival in an arbitrary way.
Humans have several versions of an introspection as to how this may look (there's some
good films about it, maybe you've seen some?), and the claim is that a centralised
regulation of resources may prevent this.

We pass through a membrane of life seeing obvious examples of sustainability which have
been destroyed by a thirst for resources, and a diversified economy that peddles and
enhances the value of resources in conjunction with other resources. Such as precious
minerals in an iPhone which can be used as a tool to order more things, maybe more
phones. It wouldn't surprise me if we were more on the path to ecology in the 60s. Perhaps
it makes sense to order the replanting of a tree when ordering that flight across the world.
The neo liberal market has ordered the tree whether you buy it or not when you think about

Like I mostly don't get nationalism. Nations only really change when they are not complicit
with the corporate types who pay the way. Politicians don't control what we want,
commerce does. The world map hasn't changed radically in a thousand years because of
Mel Gibson's Braveheart or Winston Churchill smoking his cigar with peace sign. They're the
pseudo conscious of the people what the popularity contest decided upon in an election
say.  So the world map is not stable historically, and it might be due a change sometime

Economic democracy that doesn't look like a utopia, but is nonetheless a reflection of the
collective you have faith to work together with. Does the route of an education aspire
towards an equilibrium that promotes environment, diversity and welfare by altering
current instincts of behaviour by manipulating you on social media, as has been tried
successfully with other recent causes? Or what are the consessions which can be considered
a safety release valve of freedom? Tax meat by making it more expensive to produce? Make
fuel so expensive that you watch every mile? Make markets so unviable that no one has a
business thats not carbon neutral? The nuance is where these ideas live and die, ie the poor
family who'd be fucked by higher prices, and a more expensive/principaled economy

When people are removed from their associations they have huge potential to be more
something that never existed than if they assimilate. Groups buttress and enforce power at
various levels of a hierarchy, but somewhere there is an individual at the top

Subversion of existence by improvised means is the modernist view. If we're playing the
democracy game then we cannot fault any vote.

Then if interchangeably present as appalled and then hungry, eating doner kebab then
welfare standard local meat produced with the highest levels of care and attention (they
sing the cow a bedtime story there, and cry a funeral march when slaughter day comes).
Had apprenticeship, 5 years on a vegetarian diet, so my sensitivity of 'the cause' has shown
in my life course (take out the 'a' and put an 'r' in front of the 'u'). Now back on the meat,
like back on the odd cigarette with a cider before concession alarm at death just makes me
jack the whole thing in, so that I have mindscape to consider a fruit orchard I will own
sooner or later. It's like a bottle of Moet for decoration in the alcohol cabinet (don't touch
it!) Played off against the encircling cause of consumption deal.

Perhaps the Chinese will take over the world with Tathātā played out against the
sovereignty of the markets when all’s reflecting back at a customer base that just like the
convenience of on demand service that stimulates a royal level by contemporary standards.

You might like the danger of infidelity of the impulses switching over newfound freedom
with abstract basis, but then your later life is likely to be an investment of 'people need
repatriation'. Be prepared for fluidity of circumstances

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