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1. Choose a news agency.


2. Identify which type it is.

It is the official news agency of the Peruvian State, owned by the government that
control the agency.

3. Describe the most important caracteristics or qualities.

The most important characteristics that describe this agency are: credibility and
speed of information.

4. Write a text with 4 paragraphs (min. 6 lines and max. 7 lines each one) where
you support what is the role of this news agency.

Today, the profusion of content generated by multiple broadcasters and the

constant mutability of technologies accentuate Gans's approach (1979, cited
in Wolf, 1987) about the mass media competing to invent new spaces and
make exclusive about details and many news agencies have generated a
change in communication strategies, which is why today many agencies
have adapted to the technological age.

Andina is one of the companies that has had to go through this change, this
agency has gone from the time of delivering printed news, that is, to
newspapers that were waiting for official information to close their editions,
to its current Andina digital platform and it is visited daily by more than one
hundred thousand users.

In an article by Gonzales Maria (2016) she focuses on the strategies of the

agencies to get closer to their audiences, from the agreements established
and the treatment of very specific themes. Some solutions that contribute to
the future survival of these entities are also proposed that is why an
important point of this agency is that it offers users the latest news from
Peru and the world on politics, local news, sports, culture, entertainment,
economy, and technology.
Finally what characterizes Andina is that it allows users who want to be
informed to do so through multimedia reports, videos, photographs,
journalistic notes, etc, which is attractive to its readers, and today Andina
has gained positioning in social networks because Andina has a large
number of followers on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and thirty-two
thousand, eight hundred thirty subscribers on its YouTube channel.


GONZÁLEZ CLAVERO, María Victoria (2016): “News agencies, their constant

reinvention as a strategy to face the competition ”.

WOLF, Mauro (1987): The investigation of mass communication. Criticism and

perspectives. Barcelona, Paidós.

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