Anne Margareth B. Martinez ABM 12-1

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Anne Margareth B.

ABM 12-1


• I want to be in a business field since I think and believe in my

self that I can do good in the field of business. My relatives owns
their own small businesses that’s why I have a knowledge on how
a business works that’s why I’m also interested to it.

• To reach this goal of mine, I have to take a lot of steps and goals
to achieve it. First; I need to finish my study, learn and give myself
knowledge about business, and lastly is to have passion.
Career: I choose to be in a marketing field, and to be able to
work in this is field is my goal.

Financial: To be honest, I want to earn lot of money. Business

field pays a good salary that’s why I a business manager will be
a good idea.

Education: having a good skill with communication and

negotiation is a must in business field. Leadership also need to
be acquire.

Family: For now, having a family is the least thing I want to

have for the future but of course I want to be a parent. How am I
going to be a good parent? This generation opens a lot of topic
about how their children struggles with mental illnesses because
of lack and poor communication between their parents. For me,
asking and letting your children speak their selves will be a good
way to become a good parent.

Artistic: I want to achieve this skill but I like to procrastinate a

lot and too lazy to learn about this skill.
Attitude: I have this attitude that if I can’t get things right I’ll
give up easily, and I wanna change or remove this kind of
personality. I am overcoming this attitude by thinking of my
future and what will I be if I give up easily.

Physical: My parents let me learn to swim at a young age so in

some time of my life, I dreamt of being a professional swimmer
but now I don’t have any athletic goals.

Pleasure: being able to do what I want for myself is really

enjoyable for me.

Public Service: I surely want to make this world a better

place. I can help to better this world by joining and advocating
about the right of every human kinds.

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