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Lecture 2 Listening assignment

Task 1 Complete the statements in any way you choose

1. Task. 1. What are the differences between listening to Language 1 (L1) outside the
classroom and Listening to English inside the classroom? Give at least three

It is normal for us to hear our mother tongue outside the classroom, because it
is our mother tongue and there can be nothing difficult in this, if we do not take into
account the environment. There may be noise and the student not being able to
understand the lesson being explained, or the student may be distracted by
something else. But, it is also possible to do more activities, the teacher can do
activities that make the students more motivated.
As for the English lesson in the classroom, the student is more motivated
because he has to understand and listen to a foreign language, the teacher can use
video or audio material (which we can’t use outside, because the student can’t
understand anything due to environmental conditions), the student is more attentive
and focused On new words.
When we hear in our mother tongue you do not need to listen carefully,
because whether we like it or not we still listen because we understand and thus
remember, but when we have to listen in English we are more careful because we do
not miss anything and can understand the content.

2. Task 2. I Rate (from the least difficult to the most difficult (1-5) these types of
listening in terms of their likely difficulty for a second language learner

 Watching the news on TV

 Listening to the news on the radio
 Listening to a song on the radio
 Talking about the news with a friend face to face
 Talking to a recording of the news in the classroom

1. Talking about the news with a friend face to face

2. Talking to a recording of the news in the classroom
3. Watching the news on TV
4. Listening to a song on the radio
5. Listening to the news on the radio
Lecture 2 Listening assignment
Task 2. II Justify your order in written form and try to talk about it during the

In my opinion, according to the difficulties, it is easiest to hear a face-to-

face conversation with a friend, because you can talk more clearly, you
have the opportunity to ask a friend to speak to you slowly and explain a
word that you can’t understand.
As for the second difficulty it is talking about a new topic in the
classroom. This is also of medium difficulty as the action takes place in the
classroom, here too we can ask the teacher or classmate to speak loudly and
clearly, in case of error the teacher will help you to pronounce the word

Next in difficulty is watching the news on TV. With listening here,

we can even watch and better absorb information, but we can’t scroll or
ask for explanations of words unknown to us. While watching the news,
we focus on what interests us, while not listening to the rest of the

Fourth place went to listening to a song on the radio. We listen to

our favorite music and take pleasure in it, sometimes if we come across
familiar words we even say it, we do all this unknowingly.

Listening to the news on the radio is the most recent in terms of

difficulty. At this time, we do not know when the information of interest
to us will be broadcast on the radio, so we listen carefully to every word
and look forward to the information we want. This is more difficult
because at this time you are completely dependent on hearing, often
speaking quickly on the radio, which can interfere with your listening.

Task 3. Six myths I Express you opinion in written form concerning the following
1. You can’t teach people how to listen
2. Listening is a passive skill
3. It is easier for speakers to understand native speakers than foreign speakers of
4. The skills involved in listening to a foreign language are the same as those that
we use for listening to our native language
5. While listening in class, students should not try to understand every word.
Lecture 2 Listening assignment
6. Students should not be allowed to read the scripts of the recordings.
I think in order to teach people to listen we must first learn to listen to each
other. Listening is not a passive skill at all, on the contrary it requires more
attention in order to understand what is being heard correctly. Listening to a
native language is always easier than listening to a foreign language because we
mainly think, speak and write in our native language. When we hear a foreign
language, we strain to understand every word. As for listening skills, when
listening in the native language we do not need to hear anything special, we
understand and analyze all the words in the mind, while it is completely different
when listening to a foreign language, we sometimes need help even if we do not
understand a foreign word, we need to listen more carefully.
In school, the student should always ask questions if he / she does not understand
something, and the teacher is obliged to help the student to understand and
understand foreign words. As for students, they may in part have the right to read
the record because reading interferes with listening.

Task 3 II Read the text about the six myths written by JJ Wilson uploaded on
Argus: Listening and language learning - six myths? and
compare your answers with the ideas expressed by the expert in written form. Be
ready to take part in the discussion during the seminar.

Task 4. Make a glossary. Find up to 5 terms in the lecture. Write them in the left-
hand column and give definitions in your own words in the right-hand column. Do
not copy from the lecture.

1. LI
2. BBC British broadcasting company
3. Sea speak The language used
by sailors to ease communication between
4. gist The gist of a speech, conversation,
or piece of writing is its general meaning.
5. Lingua franca A lingua franca is a language or way
of communicating which is used between
people who do not speak one
another's native language.

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