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- Good morning ladies and gentleman…

- How are you today? (I’m fine thanks)

- First of all, I would like to introduce myself; my name is aaaaaaa. I am a marketing director
happy group.
- “The importance of public speaking skills”
In this modern time, public speaking skill is very important.
Public speaking is an important skill in communicating knowledge and expressing ideas to group
of people. It’s a primary medium for presenting and selling your product and ideas. Being able to
verbally communicate effectively to other individuals or to groups is essential in campus, school,
business, as well as your personal life.
Uhmm…yes, I know that public speaking is not easy.
Many things that make people become less confident when speaking in front of audience.
Many people of you are nervous, shy appear, difficult to speak and soon.
- Stop this way, you must be leaving that!!!
- You have to learn! Moreover, you are candidate of teacher, entrepreneurs, leaders, and top
manager. All right??
- You need a special school to improve your ability in public speaking.
- Don’t worry happy public speaking school ready to assist you in becoming a good speaker.
- Happy public speaking school present for you with new program menu
1. Foundations of Excellent Public Speaking Course
Only one hundred and forty five thousand rupiah
You will learn how to inspire using your body language, vocal delivery & nerve management.
Ideal for:  Speakers of all levels, from Nervous Beginners to Experienced Professionals
2. Speak like a finest speaker
Only four hundred ninety nine thousand rupiah
You will discover how to construct an inspiring talk like the very finest Speakers.
Ideal for:  Thought Leaders, Experienced Entrepreneurs & Senior Professionals
3. Inspiring Speakers Programme
Only two million and four hundred thousand rupiah
You have learning revolutionize your speaking in 6 months as you absorb the 6 qualities of
an inspiring speaker.
Ideal for:  Senior Managers, Spokespeople, Entrepreneurs, Thought Leaders
- You will also have facilities such as:
1. Comfortable class = with large room are air conditioner, it will make you comfortable, right?
2. Professional tutors = that will teach you in public speaking
3. You will get Certificate
4. Stationary = such as notebooks, pens, rulers, eraser and etc
5. Delicious snack = so, you will not feel hungry when studying
- Are you interested?
Let’s come and join us “happy public speaking school”
- If you have any questions, send me an email or
- Ok, I think that’s all. Thanks for your attention and see you

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