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ANUL SCOLAR 2011-2012


Nrcr Conţinuturi ale unitǎţii de învǎţare Competenţe ore Saptǎmâna Observaţii
t - detalieri tematice specifice alocate (amenda-mente)
- elemente de construcţie a comunicǎrii vizate
- funcţii comunicative
1.1; 1.2; 1.3; 1.4;
UNIT I : IDENTITY 1.5; 2.1; 2.5; 3.1;
3.2; 3.3; 4.1; 4.2;
Warm-up 4.3
Vocabulary: personality adjectives
Listening: monologues
Speaking: describing people

1. Autobiography
Vocabulary: wordbuilding
Reading: biographical extracts
Reading Strategies: revision

2. Who Are You?

Grammar: Tenses
Pronunciation: contractions
Reading: handwriting styles

3. National Identity
Function: preference; colloquial expressions
Vocabulary: multi-part verbs
Listening: a radio phone-in programme; an interview
Listening strategies: revision
Speaking: about own area

Communication Workshop
Writing: a formal and informal letter
Linking: revision
Chatroom: vague language
Linking: revision
Speaking: a short presentation
Speaking Strategies: revision

Language Awareness 1
Grammar: Reference (1): Determiners
Reading: a ‘Sherlock Holmes’ story

1.1; 1.2; 1.3; 1.4;

UNIT II : LAUGHTER 1.5; 2.1; 2.2; 2.3;
3.1; 3.2; 4.1; 4.2;
Warm-up 4.3;
Vocabulary: laughter words and expressions
Listening: types of laughter; monologues
Speaking: talking about humour; personal experiences

4. A Comic Novel
Vocabulary: collocations
Reading: a literature extract
Reading Strategy: multiple choice
Listening: a literature extract
Speaking: personal experiences

5. Crazy But True!

Grammar: Past Tenses; Past Perfect Continuous
Reading: newspaper stories

6. What’s So Funny?
Function: telling jokes
Pronunciation: emphasis
Vocabulary: multi-part verbs
Listening: a TV programme
Listening Strategies: multiple choice
Speaking: telling a joke

Communication Workshop
Writing: a personal anecdote
Linking: sequence linkers; linking with participles
Listening: an American comedian
Speaking: a roleplay
Chatroom: reacting
Speaking Strategies: reacting

Language Awareness 2
Grammar: Simple and Continuous Tenses
Reading: a short story

Review: Modules 1 and 2

Grammar and vocabulary revision
Pronunciation : word stress

Culture Corner 1
The History of English


Vocabulary: opinion adjectives
Speaking: a questionnaire
Listening: monologues

7. Street Art
Vocabulary: street entertainment; verbs make, have, get
Listening: musical extracts
Reading: a magazine article
Reading Strategies: matching headings and paragraphs
Speaking: about own area

8. Body Language
Grammar: Relative and Participle Clauses 1.1; 1.2; 1.3; 1.4;
Reading: a magazine article 1.5; 2.1; 2.3; 3.1;
3.2; 4.1; 4.2; 4.3;
9. Branded
Function: preferences; describing people
Pronunciation: modifiers
Vocabulary: multi-part verbs
Listening : a conversation ; a radio programme
Listening Strategies : true/false questions
Speaking: describing a person

Communication Workshop
Writing: a description of a person and place
Linking: so and such
Listening: a song
Speaking: discussing a photo
Chatroom: colloquial expressions
Speaking Strategies: gaining time


Vocabulary: opinion adjectives
Listening: dialogues
Speaking: about beauty

10. Poetry
Vocabulary: idiomatic language
Reading: a poem
Reading Strategies: reading poetry
Speaking: discussing images

11. Wrapped Up
Grammar: The Passive
Reading: an article

12. Music
Vocabulary: multi-part verbs
Pronunciation: intonation
Listening: film music; a discussion
Listening Strategies: matching people and opinions
Function: giving opinions; agreeing and disagreeing
Speaking: personal tastes in music; reacting to music

Communication Workshop
1.1; 1.3; 1.4; 1.5;
Writing: a film review
1.6; 2.1; 2.3; 3.1;
Linking: revision; either … or, neither … nor
3.2; 4.1; 4.2; 4.3;
Speaking: planning an event
Speaking Strategies: taking turns in group discussions
Listening: a conversation
Chatroom: colloquial expressions

Language Awareness 3
Grammar: Reference (2): Pronouns
Reading: a magazine article

Review: Modules 3 and 4

Grammar and vocabulary revision
Pronunciation: /s/ and /z/

Culture Corner 2
English Around the World

1.1; 1.2; 1.3; 1.4;

UNIT V : NEW FRONTIERS 2.1; 2.2; 2.3; 2.5;
2.6; 3.1; 3.2; 3.3;
Warm-up 4.1; 4.2; 4.3
Vocabulary: scientific words
Listening: radio programmes
Speaking: discussing science today

13. Eureka!
Vocabulary: compound words
Reading: a magazine article
Reading Strategies: true/false/no information questions
Speaking: about scientific discoveries

14. Futurology
Grammar: The Future; Future Perfect: Future Continuous
Reading: a magazine article

15. Artificial Intelligence

Function: clarifying and asking questions
Vocabulary: multi-part verbs
Listening: an interview; a film story
Listening Strategies: completing notes
Speaking: explaining how a robot works

Communication Workshop
Writing: an article
Linking: reason and purpose
Listening: a song
Speaking: a presentation
Speaking Strategies: giving presentations
Chatroom: presenting

1.1; 1.2; 1.3; 1.4;

UNIT VI : SOFT MACHINE 1.5; 1.6; 2.1; 2.2;
2.3; 3.1; 3.2;
Warm-up 4.2; 4.3
Vocabulary: parts of the body
Listening: a quiz
Speaking: personal habits and routines

16. Life Savers

Vocabulary: illness and disease; synonyms
Reading: a newspaper article
Reading Strategies: texts with paragraph gaps
Speaking: the future of medicine

17. Super Athletes

Grammar: Conditionals; Mixed Conditionals
Pronunciation: contractions
Reading: a magazine article
18. Brain Power
Function: giving and asking for advice
Vocabulary: multi-part verbs
Listening: a lecture; a radio phone-in
Listening Strategies: completing a text
Speaking: advising a friend

Communication Workshop
Writing: a discursive essay (1)
Linking: concession and contrast
Listening: a TV programme
Pronunciation: emphatic stress
Speaking: a discussion
Speaking Strategies: avoiding problems
Chatroom: colloquial expressions; formal and informal expressions

Language Awareness 4
Grammar: Modality
Reading: a magazine article

Review: Modules 5 and 6

Grammar and vocabulary revision
Pronunciation: sounds and spelling

Culture Corner 3
The USA (1): History


Vocabulary: describing places
Listening: travel experiences
Speaking: travel preferences

19. On The Road

Vocabulary: wordbuilding
Reading: travel literature extracts
Reading Strategies: sequencing events
Speaking: about holiday

20. Migrating 1.2; 1.3; 1.4; 1.5;

Grammar: Verb Patterns: -ing form and infinitive 1.6; 2.1; 2.5; 3.1;
Reading: photo captions 3.2; 3.3; 4.1; 4.2;
21. Trans-Continental
Vocabulary: multi-part verbs
Function: polite requests
Pronunciation: politeness
Listening: an advertisement; dialogues
Listening Strategies: identifying situations and people
Speaking: a roleplay
Speaking Strategies: being polite

Communication Workshop
Writing: a formal letter
Linking: condition
Speaking: a roleplay
Chatroom: showing sympathy; ellipsis
Listening: a song

1.1; 1.2; 1.3; 1.4;

UNIT VIII : GLOBAL ISSUES 1.5; 2.1; 2.5; 2.6;
3.1; 3.2; 4.1; 4.2;
Warm-up 4.3;
Vocabulary: global issues
Listening: the news; statistics
Speaking: discussing global issues

22. Unnatural Disasters

Vocabulary: disasters; prefixes
Reading: a magazine article
Reading Strategies: completing texts with sentence gaps
Speaking: disasters and aid

23. Global Warming

Grammar: Reporting
Reading: a newspaper report

24. Rich and Poor

Function: justifying arguments
Pronunciation: stress in multi-part verbs
Vocabulary: solutions to social and environmental problems; multi-part verbs
Reading: graphs and statistics
Listening: a lecture; a dialogue
Listening Strategies: taking lecture notes
Speaking: a discussion: problem solving

Communication Workshop
Listening: a radio programme
Writing: a report
Linking: formal linkers: a review
Speaking: discussing photos
Speaking Strategies: using photos in discussions
Chatroom: giving opinions; impersonal ‘you’

Language Awareness 5
Grammar: Impersonal Report Structures
Reading: a newspaper article

Review: Modules 7 and 8

Grammar and vocabulary revision
Pronunciation: word stress

Culture Corner 4
The USA (2): The History of Popular Music

1.1; 1.2; 1.3; 1.4;

UNIT IX : SOCIETY 1.5; 1.6; 2.1; 2.2;
2.3; 3.1; 3.2; 4.1;
Warm-up 4.2; 4.3;
Vocabulary: social problems; describing trends
Listening: a news report
Speaking: a discussion

25. Golden Ages

Vocabulary: rich language
Reading: a magazine article
Reading Strategies: summarising
Writing: a concluding paragraph

26. Consumer Society

Grammar: Complex Sentences (1): Persuasion
Reading: a newspaper article
Listening: a dialogue

27. Utopia
Function: making suggestions
Pronunciation: strong and tentative suggestions
Vocabulary: multi-part verbs
Listening: a story; a dialogue
Listening Strategies: understanding cultural differences
Speaking: roleplays

Communication Workshop
Writing: a discursive essay (2)
Linking: reason and result
Vocabulary: crime and punishment
Listening: a song
Speaking: problem solving
Speaking Strategies: preparing for problem solving
Chatroom: exaggeration and understatement; reacting to suggestions
Pronunciation: assimilation and elision


Vocabulary: conflict words
Listening: TV news
Speaking: speculating

28. War Memories

Vocabulary: word families
Reading: a magazine article
Reading Strategies: reading under pressure

29. Neighbours From Hell

Grammar: Complex Sentences (2): Emphasis
Reading: a newspaper story

30. Conflict Resolution

Vocabulary: multi-part verbs
1.1; 1.2; 1.3; 1.4;
Function: arguing
1.6; 2.1; 3.1; 3.2;
Pronunciation: mood
3.3; 4.1; 4.2; 4.3
Listening: a dialogue; a radio programme
Listening Strategies: identifying mood
Speaking: roleplays

Communication Workshop
Writing: a letter of complaint
Linking: a review
Speaking: a formal phone conversation
Listening: a filmscript
Chatroom: formal expressions

Language Awareness 6
Grammar: Perfective Verb Forms
Reading: a letter

Review: Modules 9 and 10

Grammar and vocabulary revision
Pronunciation: consonant sounds

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