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Unit 1, Practice 1a.

Dialogue 1:

Tus personajes son:

Jenny Martinez (from Venezuela) y Adolfo Beltran (from Mexico).

JENNY: Hi, my name __Jenny_. What´s _your_ _name_?

ADOLFO: I am Adolfo Beltran

JENNY: Where _are_ you_from, Adolfo?

ADOLFO: I am ___from Mexico_. How about you, where are you from?

JENNY: I am from Venezuela.

Termina el dialogo usando it´s nice to meet you:

ADOLFO: It´s __nice to meet you_, Jenny.

JAIME: It´s, nice to meet you _, too, Adolfo

ADOLFO: Hello Mrs. Abbot. My name is Adolfo

Mrs. ABBOTT: Hello, Adolfo. Where are you from?

ADOLFO: I am _from Mexico_. How about you, Mrs. Abbott?

Mrs. ABBOTT: _I am from New York.

Ahora para terminar el dialogo vamos a variar el vocabulario para hacerlo mas formal. Vamos a
usar: I´m glad to meet you en lugar de It´s nice to meet you:

ADOLFO: I am __ It´s nice to meet yo , Mrs. Abbott.

Mrs. ABBOTT: It´s nice to meet you too, Adolfo. Welcome to our School.

ADOLFO: Thank you, Mrs. Abbott.

Unit 1, practice 4

1. This is Tina and Bill and they lawyers. They are from USA
2. This is Frank and Mary and they teacher. They are from Colombia
3. This is Mitchel and Thomas and they businessmen. They are from England
4. This is Teresa and Albert and they cooks. They are from South Africa

Unit 1/Writing.

JACK: Hi, my name is Jack. What is your name.?

MARIA: I am Maria

JACK: where are you from?

MARIA: I am from Venezuela..?

JACK: I am from Canada.

MARIA: Glad to meet you, Jack.

JACK: glad too meet you, too, Maria.

Unit 2/Writing

Completa las palabras con la nacionalidad de las personas. Donde te aparezca el espacio
____ usa la forma del verbo to be que corresponda:

Por. ejem. Colombia Colombia (Colombian)

1. Maria is from Venezuela. She is from Venezuela _

2. Catalina is from Italy. She is from Italy

3. Paco is from Bolivia . He _is_ from Bolivia_

4. Raul is from Mexico. He is from Mexico

5. Xu Chi is from Mongolia. She is from Mongolia

6. Bettina is from Africa. She is from Africa

7. Shao Li is from Asia. He is from Asia

8. Karnell is from India. He _is from India

ii. Tu turno (Your turn)

Llena los espaci�n con informaci�n sobre tu persona.

1. My name is Sergio

2. I come from Colombia

3. I am a _student_ (profesion )

4. For me English is difficult_ (easy/difficult)

Convierte los valores indicados en numeros en letra. Envia tu documento por e-mail a tu

Example: $1.25 = one dollar twenty-five cents

1. $2.50 ____tow dollars-five cents__

2. $3.75 _____tree dollars – seventh five cents___

3. $4. 87 __four dollars-eigth sevent cents__

4. $25. 36 ___twenty five dollars-thirty six cents___

5. $0. 15 __zero dollars-fiveteen cents_

Unit 3/Phonetics

Escribe en el clipboard y graba tu trabajo en un documento de Word que enviaras a tu instructor

por correo electronico como: 

1. [tu: ] = _too_____ o __two__

2. [yu: ] = _you____

3. [yu: tu: ] = _you too____ o U2_

4. [blu: ] = __blue___

5. [du: ] = do___
Unit 3/Writing

Cambia las palabras subrayadas por las que estan entre (parentesis). Copia la frase completa y
envia tus respuestas a tu instructor por correo electrónico:

1. I prefer a blue sweater.
2. Give me a t shirt.
3. How much is this blouse?
4. It´s 28.35.
5. How much are those socks?

6. They are six dollars.

7. She is a teacher.
8. They are pilots.
9. It´s a red one.
10. They are white ones

Unit 5/Writing

Dialogo Abierto (Open Dialogue) 

Llena los espacios con la respuesta apropiada. Manda tu trabajo a tu instructor por correo
FRANK: Hello, my name is Frank, what�s your name?

YOU: My name _Sergio Bello

FRANK: Are you a teacher, _Sergio_? (su nombre)

YOU: No, I am student__

FRANK: Well, it´s nice to meet you, _Sergio_. (su nombre)

YOU: ___ it´s nice to meet you ___

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