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Multiple Choice Questions for OZYMANDIAS POEM

1)The poem is set in …………………….

a. The wilderness
b. An ancient land
c. A palace
d. A desert


2)The expression on the face of the statue is one of ………………….

a. Admiration
b. Anger
c. Despair
d. Contempt


3)The poem throws light on the ……………..nature of Ozymandias.

a. Cruel
b. Arrogant
c. Boastful
d. Aggressive


4)The sculptor was able to understand Ozymandias’ ……………………..

a. Words
b. Expressions
c. Feelings
d. Ambition


5)The tone of the poem is …………………….

a. Mocking
b. Nostalgic
c. Gloomy
d. Gloating



1. The poem “ Ozymandias” was written by ____________.

a. Keats b. Shelley c. Wordsworth d. Walt Whitman

2.”Ozymandias” is __________

a. an elegy b. a sonnet c. a narrative poem d. a lyric

3.”Antique” means _________

a. ancient b. beautiful c. modern d. familiar

4.”Antique” land stands for __________

5..In the poem “Ozymandias” , “ the desert” is ___________

a .the Arabian desert b. the Sahara desert c. any desert d. ancient

desert of Egypt

6.”Ozymandias” was _____________

a .Alexander b. Hitler c. Ramses II d. a well known king

7.”Visage” means ____________

a. legs b. body c. what is visible d. face

8. “Trunkless” means ___________

a. without the body b. useless c. without the legs d. without the hands

9. “Ozymandias” was a

a. noble king b. well known emperor c. powerful king d. a statue

10.In the sonnet “Ozymandias” , Shelley says _____________

a. life is permanent b. art is short c. life and art are permanent d. life is
short but art is permanent

11. A “Pedestal” is __________

. a. pedal b. a pedestrian c. one carves images out of stone or metal
d. base of a statue

12. “ Colossal” means ___________

a. costly b. huge c. beautiful d. Useful

13. The lone and level __________ stretch far away

a. grounds b. statue c. grass d. sands

14. The words that were carved on the pedestal of the statue of Ozymandias
must have been chosen


a. by the sculptor who made the statue b. by the post c. by Ozymandias

himself d. by the admirers of the king

15. The words on the pedestal bring out the King ‘s _________________

a. sympathy of the poor b. pride c. love his people d. his authority

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