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Advancing Neuro-Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy Practice


Gaza January 2017

Please select 1 answer for each of the following:

1: The most common form of clinical reasoning in musculoskeletal physiotherapy is:

a. Hypothetico-Inductive Reasoning
b. Pattern Recognition
c. Hypothetico-Deductive Reasoning
d. Ethical Reasoning

2: A list of potential diagnosis can be constructed in the subjective assessment by considering:

a. Joint Muscle and Nerve
b. History Signs and Symptoms
c. Biological Psychological and Social components of health
d. Active, Passive and Control Subsystems

3: When setting goals with a patient it is important to consider:

a. Joint Muscle and Nerve
b. History Signs and Symptoms
c. Biological Psychological and Social components of health
d. Active, Passive and Control Subsystems

4: When assessing movement we need to consider:

a. Joint Muscle and Nerve
b. History Signs and Symptoms
c. Biological Psychological and Social components of health
d. Active, Passive and Control Subsystems

5: When identifying the source of symptoms in the objective assessment we should consider:
a. Joint Muscle and Nerve
b. History Signs and Symptoms
c. Biological Psychological and Social components of health
d. Active, Passive and Control Subsystems

6: Which of these is not a factor in evidence informed practice:

a. Research Evidence
b. Clinical Judgement
c. Patient Preference
d. Funding

7: The most appropriate term for tests looking at nerve movement is:
a. Neurodynamic Tests
b. Nerve Length Tests
c. Neural Tissue Provocation Tests
d. Neural Range Tests

8: When rehabilitating movement it is useful to consider the flexibility strength, accuracy, speed,
adaptability and endurance. These are the components of the:
a. Movement Scale
b. Functional Ground Work Scale
c. Movement Continuum
d. Function Map

9: A useful acronym when considering exercise prescription is:


10:In an article published in the British Medical Journal by Bleakley et al 2011, the acronym
PRICE for soft tissue injury management was criticised and a new acronym was
recommended that reflects contemporary understandings of rehabilitation. What is the new
a. ARICE – Activity, Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation
b. POLICE – Protection, Optimum Loading, Ice, Compression, Elevation
c. RECIPE – Rest, Elevation, Compression, Ice, Protection, Exercise
d. SPICE – Stretch, Protection, Ice, Compression, Elevation

12: During manual therapy receptors are trigger around the joint which lead to which response?
a. Viscoelastic
b. Biochemical
c. Neurophysiological
d. Placebo

13: Kinesiology Taping cannot affect:

a. Lymphatic drainage
b. Muscle Size
c. Muscle Tone
d. Pain

14: The most powerful tool in a physiotherapists tool kit is:

a. Manual Therapy
b. Taping & Electrotherapy
c. Education
d. Exercise

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