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NAME: Mountain Apple
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Syzygium samarangense

 Syzygium samarangense is a tropical tree growing to 12 metres (39 ft) tall, with
evergreen leaves 10–25 centimetres (4–10 in) long and 5–10 centimetres (2–4 in)
broad. The leaves are elliptic, but rounded at the base; they are aromatic when
crushed. The trunk is relatively short, with a wide – yet open – crown starting low on
the tree. The bark is pinkish-gray in color, and flakes readily.
 Do you know the macopa fmacopa fruitruit? In Indonesia, this fruit is known as Jambu
Klampok / Jambu Air. This fruit can often we plant in our yard. Macopa fruit is a fruit
that comes from southeast Asia. Macopa fruit has a sweet and sour taste that refreshes
us, and as the name implies, this fruit has abundant water content.


Controlling diabetes
As you can see above, macopa fruit contains jambosine which is a type of alkaloid that
serves to block or adjust the conversion of starch into sugar. Further research on the
effects of jambosine on blood sugar control is still underway. However, it has been
believed that these benefits are very important for diabetics.
 Smooth digestive system
Like Benefits of Papaya, macopa fruit also has fiber content that serves to regulate the
food travel through the digestive tract smoothly and eliminating digestive problems
such as constipation. The seed part of the macopa fruit has been used as a traditional
remedy to treat diarrhea and dysentery.
 Prevent cancer
Macopa fruit is one of the fruit that can Prevent Cancer Naturally. A study has shown
that prostate cancer and breast cancer can be overcome with macopa fruit that is used
as a diet. How? Macopa fruit has an active organic compound that contains vitamin C
and vitamin A which has been known as cancer treatment and effective cancer
 Detoxification
Macopa fruit is also used as a detoxifier. The seeds of macopa fruit that boiled are used
as diuretic substances that work to help the clear liver and kidney toxicity. Another
benefit is to improve the overall health of the body and for body metabolism.

 Keeps the heart healthy

Macopa fruit contains fiber and nutrients, which when they work together can produce
a significant effect on cholesterol levels. A study has shown results that the macopa
fruit can overcome atherosclerosis, thus preventing cardiovascular complications such
as heart attack, stroke, and coronary heart disease.

 Boost the immune system

Macopa fruit contains active and stable components that have antimicrobial and
antifungal effects. Research has shown that this can protect the skin from the
development of various infections, thereby increasing the strength of the immune
system against infectious diseases.

Healthy skin
To deal with dry and dull skin, it takes a lot of water content. Macopa fruit provides a
lot of water that can be relied upon to make your skin healthy. Macopa fruit contains
vitamin C which acts as an antioxidant that works to fight premature aging.
 These antioxidants are also useful for maintaining skin cell regeneration and increasing
iron intake for the body. You shpuld know more about Vitamin C Benefits For Health &
 Prevent dehydration
Because macopa fruit contains a lot of water, this content is very useful for
consumption when the body is weak, thirsty, tired and also dehydrated like watermelon
health benefits. The fibers of the macopa make you feel full longer, so this fruit suitable
for those of you who are on a diet.

 Healthy eyes
For those of you who often work using a computer, or who have a hobby to watch and
play games, macopa fruit is very useful for your consumption. Vitamin A in this fruit can
be relied upon to protect eye health and prevent various eye problems.

 Treating swelling
If you have swelling on the hands, feet, and some other body parts, do not quickly use
the ointment. Try to overcome it by using natural way, like using macopa fruit. How to?
Destroy the macopa fruit flesh and apply it to the swollen part of the body. Cold effects
produced from the fruit can make the skin feel more comfortable, relax and recover

 Thiamine (B1)
 Riboflavin (B2)
 Niacin (B3)
 Vitamin C


 Calcium
 Iron
 Magnesium
 Phosphorus
 Potassium
 Sodium
 Zinc


 Diabetes
 Cancer
 Heart disease
 Immune system
 Skin
 Eyes

Some types of macopa fruit may be harmful to the health of the body because they contain
toxins in them. Eating excessive macopa may result in coughing and itching in the throat. So,
to get the benefits, consume macopa fruit in the right amount.
NAME: Avocado
TAGALOG: Abokado
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Persea americana

 This fruit is prized for its high nutrient value and is added to various dishes due to its
good flavor and rich texture. It is the main ingredient in guacamole.
 There are many types of avocado that vary in shape and color — from pear-shaped to
round and green to black. They can also weigh anywhere from 8 ounces (220 grams) to
3 pounds (1.4 kg).
 It’s often called "alligator pear," which is very descriptive, as it tends to be pear-shaped
and has green, bumpy skin like an alligator.
 The yellow-green flesh inside the fruit is eaten, but the skin and seed are discarded.
 Avocados are very nutritious and contain a wide variety of nutrients, including 20
different vitamins and minerals.


 They Contain More Potassium Than Bananas

 Avocado Is Loaded With Heart-Healthy Monounsaturated Fatty Acids
 Avocados Are Loaded With Fiber
 Eating Avocados Can Lower Cholesterol and Triglyceride Levels
 People Who Eat Avocados Tend to Be Healthier
 Their Fat Content May Help You Absorb Nutrients From Plant Foods
 Avocados Are Loaded With Powerful Antioxidants That Can Protect Your Eyes
 Avocado May Help Prevent Cancer
 Avocado Extract May Help Relieve Symptoms of Arthritis
 Eating Avocado May Help You Lose Weight
 Avocado Is Delicious and Easy to Incorporate in Your Diet

Carbohydrates, Protein, Fat, Fiber, Calories
vitamin K, vitamin C, folate, vitamin E, riboflavin, niacin, and pantothenic acid

magnesium, potassium, copper, manganese



-½ to one avocado a day

-It’s worth noting that avocados aren’t low-cal, with a whole one generally having between 200 and 300
calories, depending on size. 
 Avocado Causes Allergy
Avocado effects on skin are adverse leading to terrible skin issues with allergies being the major
effect. Symptoms of allergy are hives, itching, redness in skin or eczema.

 Liver Damage
One of the serious side effects of avocados is that it can damage liver health. There are certain
types of avocado oil which may cause damage to your liver. Try to avoid Mexican avocado
which consists of estragole and anethole. These elements have been tested for carcinogenic
reactions. Thus, consumption of these may cause damage to the liver. If you are suffering from
compromised liver function and to avoid avocado oil side effects, stop eating this fruit.

 Cause Mouth Allergy

If avocado is consumed in adequate amounts then it may cause mouth allergy like itching
sensation in the mouth and swelling tongue.

 Drugs
Avocado in large amounts may decrease the effect of anti inflammatory medication. Hence, its
excess consumption leads to blood thinning.

NAME: Rambutan
TAGALOG: Rambutan
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Nephelium lappaceum

 The rambutan is a fruit that grows on tropical tree.

 The word rambutan is derived from the Malay word rambut which means “hair”, a
reference to the numerous hairy protuberances of the fruit.
 The rambutan is native to the Indonesian region, and other regions of tropical Southeast
 Around the 13th to 15th centuries, Arab traders, who played a major role in Indian
Ocean trade, introduced rambutan into Zanzibar and Pemba of East Africa.
 In the 19th century, the Dutch introduced rambutan from their colony in Southeast Asia
to Suriname in South America.
 Thailand is the largest producer of rambutan followed by Indonesia and Malaysia.

 Decreases unwanted fat
The fruit can be effective in reducing the body’s fat content because of its high fiber and water content
and low calorie count.

 Source of iron
Rambutan is rich in iron — a nutrient that is essential for the human body to function. It is used by the
body to transport oxygen from the lungs to the different tissues and its deficiency can cause conditions
like anemia.
 Skin and hair care
As the fruit has high water content, it helps in hydrating the skin, making it soft. It also has a similar
effect on the quality of hair.
 Rich in Vitamin C
Rambutan has a high quantity of Vitamin C. Consuming ten to twelve fruits can provide the body with
75-90 mg ascorbic acid. The vitamin helps avoid cell damage and enables the assimilation of iron in
the body.
 Improves sperm quality
The quantity of Vitamin C in the rambutan is also very important for sperm development, and a lack
of it in males can result in restricted reproductory abilities. The ingestion of the fruit reportedly
enhances both the quality and quantity of sperm.

 Anti-Cancer
Research carried out by the University of Chiang Mai in Thailand reportedly discovered that the
fruit contains effective antioxidants known as flavonoids — several varieties of which are thought to
decrease cholesterol levels, and believed to have anti-cancer properties.



vitamin C
Vitamin D



heart disease

Rambutan can be purchased either fresh, canned, as a juice or as a jam.

To make sure the fruit is ripe, look at the color of its spikes. The redder they are, the riper the
fruit will be.
You ought to remove the skin before eating it. To do so, slice the middle of the outer skin with a
knife, then squeeze from the opposite sides from the cut. The white fruit should pop free.

The sweet, translucent flesh contains a large seed in the middle, which is generally considered
inedible. The seed can either be removed with a knife or spat out after eating the flesh.

The flesh can add a sweet flavor to a variety of recipes, ranging from salads and curries to
puddings and ice creams.

When rambutan is too ripe, the sugar content in rambutan will turn into Alcohol which can cause rise in
cholesterol levels, this is very dangerous for people suffering from diabetes and diabetes, this is one of
the side effects for people who overeat eating rambutan.

NAME: Sugar Apple/ Custard Apple

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Annona squamosa
 Sugar apple also known as sugar pineapple and sweetsop is the species belonging to
Annonaceae family which is inherent to tropical Americas and is also grown widely for its
juicy, fragrant and flavorful fruit. It contains high content of vitamin C than orange. 
 The sugar apple is commonly cultivated in the tropical areas of Central and South
America, such as southern Mexico, in the West Indies, the Bahamas, and Bermuda, and
occasionally in the south of Florida. 
 It was grown in Indonesia early in the seventeenth century and it has been widely
adopted in southern China, Queensland (Australia), Polynesia, Hawaii, tropical Africa,
Egypt, and the lowlands of Palestine
 The sugar apple is one of the most important fruits in the interior of Brazil, with
production concentrated in the states of Alagoas and São Paulo. This species is also
being commercialized in the Dominican Republic, the Middle East, Malaysia, and

 Hair and skin health
Sugar apple assists in maintaining health of skin and hair. Sugar apples are loaded with vitamin
A and antioxidants which assist to rebuild tissues and protects cell structure which makes the
skin shine and soft as well as hair is luxuriously smooth. Antioxidants prevent free radical
damage. It protects the skin from signs of aging. It counteracts deterioration as well as
abnormality growth which cause cancer. It lowers the appearance of wrinkles and makes you
look young. Vitamin A works with protein in the body for making ligaments, tendons and
muscles strong. It also assists in production of collagen. It improves flexibility of skin and makes
hair strong. In India, it is applied on ulcers and boils to promote the healing process.

 Lower high blood pressure

High blood pressure has become a common health problem due to various reasons such as
poor diet and high stress jobs. High blood pressure acts as a silent killer. Sugar apples are
found to be helpful for this health problem. It has high content of potassium more than in bananas.
Potassium is essential for supporting heart health. The potassium rich diet
balance sodium levels and lowers blood pressure.

 Pevent heart problems

Magnesium is essential to relax heart muscles. High stress lives makes the heart work harder
than it should. So magnesium assists in balancing pressure and overworking so that the muscles
are able to relax little and not wear out. It lowers the chances of heart attacks and other
ailments. One sugar apple offers 10% of daily requirement of magnesium needs. The reduction
of blood pressure lowers the chances of heart attack.

 Lowers cholesterol
High level of cholesterol is harmful. Due to diet and sedentary lifestyles, we tend to have high
level of cholesterol. The deficiency of Vitamin B3 increases the level of bad
cholesterol. Niacin helps to lower bad cholesterol level by 20%. It also promotes good
cholesterol level which lines arteries with a smooth and protective layer. The heart obtains all
the blood flow as well as oxygen that it requires. It is able to function easier that lowers the
chances of developing heart attack or heart disease.

 Digestive health
Sugar apples are an abundant source of copper and fiber which supports digestive system. It
lowers the chances of constipation and bowel discomfort. Crush the pulp and mix it with some
water which assists to solidify the stools for preventing diarrhea. It alleviates Chron’s disease
and IBS with regular consumption of sugar apples.

 Helpful for pregnancy

Folate is essential to promote healthy pregnancy because it prevents the chances of neural tube
defects. Sugar apple possesses high content of folate which helps to promote pregnancy health.
Intake of Sugar apple during pregnancy lowers the chances of miscarriage. Moreover, one
could consume papayas and avocados as it is a great source of folate.


Vitamin A
Vitamin C
Vitamin D
Vitamin E
Vitamin K
Vitamin B6
Vitamin B12



High blood pressure
High sugar level


Sugar apple should always be eaten ripe, that can be detected by its soft texture when pressed gently. You
will also be able to spot cracks in the hard skin after it has ripened.

 Pull it apart with your hands.

 Take out the white fleshy fruit segments and eat them one at a time.

 Make sure to throw away the seeds.
Too Much Fiber Is Bad For Our Health
Custard apples are a good source of dietary fibers which plays a very important role in keeping
our digestive system healthy and for providing relief from constipation. This is because it
regulates the bowel movement and ensures smooth elimination of waste out of the body. In this
way, dietary fibers help in providing relief from constipation and reduce the risk of various
gastric problems like heartburn, indigestion, acidity, etc.

 Iron Overdose Complications

Custard apple is an excellent source of iron which is an important mineral for our body. Some of
the important health benefits of iron help in the formation of hemoglobin, aids in carrying oxygen
from one cell to another, reduces the risk of anemia, helps in the proper functioning of the brain,
etc. (source)
Although custard apple is a good source of iron and provides a lot of benefits, still it is important
to eat them in moderation as too much iron is not good for our health.

Potassium Overdose Risk

Custard apple is a good source of potassium which is an important nutrient that provides a lot of
health benefits to our body. One such benefit is its ability to regulate high blood pressure level.

May Interact With Certain Medications

If you are suffering from high blood pressure, cardiovascular problem or blood sugar problem,
and are already taking medication for the same, then it is important for you to make sure that
you eat custard apple in moderation and only as per the advice of your doctor. This is because
custard apple is a wonderful fruit that helps in providing relief from high blood pressure,
cardiovascular problems, etc. However, eating them along with medication could worsen the

Too Much Weight Gain Is Bad

Regular and moderate consumption of custard apple is very beneficial for weight gain. This is
an advantage to those who are underweight and are looking for a natural way to gain weight.
Although this is an advantage this can soon turn into a disadvantage if the person is not careful
about his/her custard apple consumption. It is very important to maintain an ideal weight as both
excessive weight gain and excessive weight loss is bad for our health.

NAME: Jack Fruit

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Artocarpus heterophyllus


 The jackfruit tree originated from South Asia. It is a tropical plant, thriving in areas where
temperatures are warm and moisture is abundant.
 Jackfruit is a big tree that can grow to as high as 30 meters. Almost all the parts of the
tree secrete white sticky latex like milk (juice) upon injury.
 Jackfruits usually grow from the trunk and larger branches rather than the outer stems of
the tree like most fruits do. In a single year, the jackfruit tree can produce as many as
250 fruits.
 Jackfruit varieties are classified as hard and soft as per the texture of the flesh. “Hard”
jackfruits are those that are bigger-sized and have firm flesh. “Soft,” on the other hand,
are smaller but sweeter and softer in consistency.
 The Jackfruit tree is really a wonder tree because every part of it has its own use. The
fruits are consumed as food, the leaves are fed to livestock, the tree and branches are
valued for the manufacture of wood products and the roots are utilized as medicine.


 Cancer healer
Due its richness with anti-oxidants and phytonutrient properties, plus its content of Vitamin C,
jackfruit can cure different types of cancer such as lung cancer, breast cancer, gastric cancer,
skin cancer and prostate cancer. These properties treat cell damage and develop resistance.

 Weight loss agent

As obesity rates are on the rise, jackfruit can help in weight loss because it’s free of fat and low
in calories that enable dieters to safely and comfortably consume it and fully benefit from all its
other nutrients.

 Blood pressure reducer

With its high amount of potassium, jackfruit reduces and controls blood pressure which
consequently lowers the chances of heart attacks, strokes, and cardio-disorder in general.

 Digestion improver

Jackfruit contributes in improving the digestive system when eating it regularly due to its high
content of fibers (3.6 g for every 100 g). It causes no stomach pain even if eaten in huge
quantities and improves the bowel movement. It also protects the colon by removing
carcinogenic chemicals out of the large intestine.

 Insomnia curer

Sleeping disorders can be cured by eating jackfruit, due to its richness with magnesium and iron
that assist in improving the overall quality of sleep. Magnesium also helps in preventing anemia
which is one of the major causes of insomnia.

 Eye and skin maintainer

With its richness of vitamin A, jackfruit is good for maintaining healthy eye sight as it enhances
eye vision and acts as a preventer against cataract and macular degeneration. It’s also
regarded as an active anti-aging component for skin radiance. It protects damaged skin caused
by sun exposure and treats wrinkles.

 Ulcer healer

As typical drugs for ulcer medication leave several side effects, jackfruit is the best way to treat
ulcer disorder because it contains powerful anti-ulcerative, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and
antioxidant properties.
 Diabetes friendly

Although extremely sweet in taste, jackfruits are safely consumed by diabetics because it slowly
absorbs sugar into the bloodstream which enables diabetic patients to safely consume it while
getting all its health benefits. It also increases glucose tolerance for both types of diabetes.

 Bone supporter

For a good supplement of calcium for healthy bones, eating jackfruit is highly recommended.
Besides calcium, it contains vitamin C and magnesium which further assists in calcium

 Nerve system booster

Fatigue, stress and muscle weakness can also be treated by consuming jackfruit in daily diet for
its rich content of vitamins such as thiamine and niacin (A portion of 100 g of jackfruit pulp
provides 4 mg of niacin). It is also a perfect source of energy.

This is definitely not everything about jackfruit as researches are still being conducted for more
results and discoveries of its unique properties that will provide more solutions for urgent health


Vitamin A
Vitamin C
Vitamin D
Vitamin E
Vitamin K
Vitamin B6
Pantothenic acid

High blood pressure


To prepare fresh, unripe jackfruit:

Cut the fruit into halves, then into smaller chunks, without removing the skin.

Boil the chunks until the flesh is soft and has a stringy texture similar to pulled pork or chicken. This may
take 30–60 minutes.

Peel off the skin and remove the seeds and their pods.

 There may be a higher likelihood of a jackfruit allergy if a birch pollen or
latex allergy is present.
 Lectins extracted from jackfruit seeds can stimulate the immune system.
This could negatively impact patients with tissue transplants or
immunosuppression therapy
 Although not well studied in humans, jackfruit may impact blood
coagulation and should be used with caution in people with blood
 Although not studied in humans, jackfruit may inhibit libido, sexual
arousal, sexual vigor, and sexual performance in men

NAME: Cotton Fruit

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Sandoricum koetjape

 The plant is native to Indochina and Peninsular Malaysia, and has been introduced into
India, Borneo, Indonesia, Mauritius, the Andaman Islands, and the Philippines where it
has become naturalized.
 It has also been introduced into China, Taiwan, Australia and into a few locations in
Central America and Southern Florida.
 It is usually cultivated in Asian countries and its fruits are abundant in local markets
during the season.
 It is a round, juicy fruit as big as a big apple in sized.
 Santol are also used to make marmalade.
 These are also used vinegar and mixture of water as a carminative. It is also used for
tanning fishing nets
 The root is a tonic for stomachic and antispasmodic.

 Reduce Bad Cholesterol (LDL)
Santol fruit consists of pectins, a soluble fiber. Pectin, along with good cholesterol (HDL) will
bind with bad cholesterol (LDL) in intestines, preventing the fats to be absorbed into our
circulatory system. High level of LDL contributes to hypertension, stroke, and heart disease.

 Prevent Diabetes
Santol fruit is good for diabetic people. Santol fruits are rich in fiber and have a low glycemic
index. Fiber slows down foods digestion, therefore decreasing the absorption of sugar into
blood. This effect will controls blood sugar level. This is good for controlling body weight too.

 Control Body Weight

Santol fruits consist of both soluble and insoluble fibers. Foods that are rich in fiber can fill us up
and help us feel full longer. It makes our food cravings lower, while improving our overall health
with all nutritional compounds it has. Many health problems are associated to obesity, such as
cardiomyopathy, stroke, hypertension, diabetes hormonal disorders and sleep disorder.

 Prevent Cancers
As stated earlier, santol fruit consists of plenty of antioxidants that help to prevent growth of
cancer cells. In one research, rats with mammary tumors were given extracts from whole santol
fruits every day, and after some time, the number and size of the tumors were much reduced.
More recent study was able to separate a new ring-A secotriterpene and koetjapic acid. The 2
compounds exhibited cytotoxic activity against cancer cells.

 Prevent Hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoid are vascular structures in the anal canal, they help controlling the stool. It becomes
disease when they are swollen, inflamed, bleed and thrombosis. Vitamin C in santol fruits helps
promoting healthy endothel in blood vessels. Fibers help keep the stool in soft consistency.
When the stool is soft, we don’t need to strain in defecating process. Constant straining during
defecating process is known to make thrombosis hemorrhoids. The increase of abdomen
pressure during defecating process will make the blood can’t circulate normally around the
lower abdomen, and then thrombosis will be formed.

 Immune System Booster

Santol fruits contain quercetin, an antioxidant that can help boost our immune system.
Quercetin is a flavonoid that can be found in most of vegetables and fruits. It is supposed to
promote prevention and treatment of cancer, but it still needs more research about relationship
between quercetin and cancer.

 Treatment of Diarrhea and Constipation

Fiber contained in Santol fruits can help defecation process. Fibers can either pull water from
out of our colon or absorb excess water from our stool to keep our stool in soft consistency. This
makes defecating process much easier.

 Maintain Healthy Teeth

Just like apples, biting and chewing santol fruits stimulate salivary glands to produce more
saliva, thus reducing dental caries by lowering the number of mouth bacteria.

 Bone Health
Calcium and phosphorus in this fruit helps maintain density of bones and teeth, thus preventing
osteoporosis and maintaining strong enamel in teeth.

 Prevent Anemia
Anemia is a condition of lacking healthy red blood cells. Santol fruits consist of iron, a very
important mineral for producing red blood cells. These fruits also contain vitamin C. Vitamin C is
known to help the intestine absorb iron effectively.


Vitamin B



Swallowing the cotton fruit`s seed can cause death.

NAME: Cantaloupe
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Cucumis melo var. cantalupensis
 Cantaloupe compounds may protect against age-related macular degeneration.

 One cup of diced cantaloupe contains only 53 calories.

 Just 200 grams of cantaloupe exceeds your daily vitamin C requirements.

 Cantaloupe can be added to many foods, from smoothies to salsas.


Improves Vision

Vitamin C, zeaxanthin, and carotenoids present in cantaloupes are beneficial for maintaining healthy
eyes, according to a study published in the Nutrients journal. [5] They are associated with a reduced risk
of cataracts and macular degeneration.

Prevents Asthma

Cantaloupe is a rich source of vitamin C and beta-carotene. These nutrients are very helpful in lowering
the risk of asthma.

Anticancer Potential

Cantaloupe contains a good amount of folate; for instance, a quarter of a medium cantaloupe provides 25
mcg. According to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, preliminary research shows that folate may
help provide protection early in carcinogenesis in people with low levels of it. [6] However, it does warn
that if administered later at potentially high levels, it can actually promote carcinogenesis. Further
research is needed to find out the anti-cancer potential of cantaloupe.

Boosts Immunity

Cantaloupe provides vitamin C, vitamin A, beta-carotene, and phytochemicals that work against free

radicals. According to researches from National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, vitamin C
scavenges disease-causing free radicals. [7] Vitamin A acts as an important line of defense for a healthy
immune system, says Dr. Rodrigo Mora, gastrointestinal unit, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard
Medical School, Boston, in a study. [8] It also stimulates the production of white blood cells, which seek
out and destroy dangerous bacteria, viruses, and other toxic substances or foreign bodies that may have
found their way into our bloodstream.

Reduces Dehydration
The water content in cantaloupe makes it a great snack in summer as it prevents dehydration. This is a
major reason why muskmelons are included as a snack food in summer picnics.

Skin & Hair Care

Cantaloupes contain dietary beta-carotene that ensures no overdose or vitamin A toxicity because the
body only converts as much as it needs, unlike supplements; the rest remains as beta-carotene to fight
diseases as antioxidants. [9] The amount that turns into vitamin A enters the skin and stimulates the
membrane of skin cells and increases growth and repair. [10] This protects the skin membrane against
harmful toxins that prematurely age the skin. Vitamin A cream is also used as a salve for irritation and
redness on the skin, due to its naturally soothing qualities. Vitamin A is also good for sebum production,
which helps keep the hair healthy and moisturized.

Helps Control Diabetes

Cantaloupe is a fruit with a moderate glycemic load. [13] While a diet excess in fruits is not

recommended when trying to manage diabetes, the American Diabetes Association [14] encourages a
measured amount of fruit to be beneficial. A small piece of a single fruit or half a cup of mixed ones are
recommended. It has also been shown to reduce oxidative stress on kidneys, which can further prevent a
number of kidney-related diseases


 Vitamin C
 Vitamin B
 Beta- Carotene


 Calcium
 Iron
 Manganese
 copper
 Zinc


 Asthma
 Cancer
 Dehydration


So now that you’re a cantaloupe convert, what are the best ways to serve it up (beyond just like,
biting into the flesh)? Gargiulo provides a few simple suggestions:

 Mix up a hydrating fruit salad with a variety of different delicious fruits.

 Make a cantaloupe and mint salad, perfect for a summer BBQ: “I scoop the cantaloupe into
small cubes, chop up a couple tablespoons of fresh mint from my herb garden, and add a
tablespoon of fresh, grated ginger. Squeeze lime juice onto the salad, toss, and enjoy!” Gargiulo
 Whip up a batch of bacon and cantaloupe bites for a sweet and savory appetizer.
 Prepare a sweet, spicy cantaloupe salsa to use as dip for whole grain tortilla chips or add a layer
of flavor to tacos.
 Serve a chilled ginger cantaloupe soup as the first course at a summer luncheon.

May Hamper Sugar levels

Diabetes mellitus is a condition characterised by elevated blood sugar(glucose) levels.

Macrobiotic Nutritionist and Health Practitioner Shilpa Arora says, excess of melons may not be
the best of idea for diabetics. "It can cause sugar overload which could lead to high blood sugar
levels." The glycemic index of watermelon is 72, which is high. Cantaloupe has a GI value of 65.
Cantaloupe may be 90% water by weight, but still has 9 grams of sugar in it. It is always better
to consult a doctor before you consume it on a daily basis.
 Effect On Gastro-intestinal Tract

According to Ayurveda, certain food combinations may disturb the normal functioning of the
gastric fire and upset the balance of doshas in our body. In his book, Ayurvedic Home
Remedies, Dr. Vasant Lad makes a suggestion for all kinds of melons, ''eat them alone or leave
them alone''. This means they should not be paired with anything. Bangalore-based Nutritionist
Dr. Anju Sood also advises against drinking water after eating too many watermelons. She
says, "It can affect your gastrointestinal tract. Watermelon is mostly water, sugar and fibre.
Microbes or bacteria need water and sugar to develop and expand. So, if you drink water after
having watermelons, there are more chances of the microbes spreading across your GI tract."

Difficulty In Metabolising

Shilpa tells us, it is not very advisable to binge on watermelons at night. It gets increasingly
tough in the evening to burn this simple sugar effectively. The digestive process is slower than
usual at night, hence, it is recommended to keep off sugary and acidic foods. Watermelons
have a large percentage of natural sugar which may induce weight gain. Besides, eating very
sugary or acidic food late in the evening may even hinder your sleep quality.

Risk Of Missing Out On Other Essential Macronutrients

Love melons? Great. But make sure you exercise portion control. Eating only melons, may
make you too full to load up on foods which are rich in other essential nutrients like healthy
fats and proteins. Our body needs all nutrients in certain percentage to sustain and be healthy.

May Result in Diarrhoea

Watermelon sure makes for an excellent fruit for its high water content and fibre. But consuming
too much of it may pave way for diarrhoea, claim some experts. Watermelon contains sorbitol
that is a sugar compound, which in moderate quantity is fine. However, if taken in excess, it is
known to encourage loose stools and gas issues.

NAME: Star Apple

TAGALOG: Kaimito
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Chrysophyllum cainito


 The tree produces a very popular fruit as well as having a wide range of local
medicinal uses and a good quality wood. 
 It is widely cultivated in tropical regions for its fruit; and is often grown as an
ornamental garden fruit crop.
 Apart from star Apple it is also known as Caimito, Golden Leaf Tree, Milk Fruit,
Satin Leaf, Star apple, Star Plum, West Indian Star Apple, Abiaba, Cainito,
pomme de lait, estrella and aguay.

Digestive Health
Star apple is a wonderful source of dietary fiber and thus the fruit is able to keep your digestive
system in good health. Fiber adds bulk to your bank, makes it soft and eliminates it easily
through the intestines. Normalizing your bowel movements, fiber star apple helps to get rid of
constipation as well as other digestive problems. It also helps prevent the most dangerous
health problems such as cancer of the colon.

 Rich in Vitamin C
Vitamin C is a water soluble nutrient which is essential to support several important functions in
the human body. This vitamin acts as an antioxidant and is responsible for the production of
collagen, healing wounds, protecting the heart, improve immune health, enhance vision, and
decrease blood sugar levels in diabetic and more. The antioxidant properties of vitamin C
neutralize the harmful effects of free radicals and helps prevent many fatal diseases like cancer
and heart disease. It also helps to delay the aging process. Since the human body cannot make
vitamin C itself, it is important to consume this nutrient rich food. Apple star is one of those
foods that have high content of vitamin C.

 Control Diabetes
Another important benefit of star apple is that it helps control sugar levels in the blood and thus
is an ideal food for people suffering from diabetes. It was found that the star apple fiber helps
keep the blood sugar under control. This fruit is also rich in antioxidants that protect the body
against health problems like diabetes, cancer and heart problems.

 Prevent Iron Deficiency Anemia

Iron deficiency anemia is a common type of anemia that occurs due to insufficient amounts of
mineral iron in the body. Iron is essential for your body to produce hemoglobin, a protein
molecule in red blood cells which is responsible for carrying oxygen from the lungs to all parts of
the body. Iron deficiency anemia is frequently characterized by symptoms like fatigue,
weakness, shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, headache, dizziness and loss of appetite. This
condition can be corrected by taking iron supplements or consuming foods with high iron
content like apple star, green leafy vegetables etc.

 Lose Weight
Being a fruit low fat and calories, the star apple is one of the best food choices to include in a
weight loss diet. Furthermore, the high amount of dietary fiber in fruit improves its satiety and
makes you feel more complete for long periods of time. This helps prevent over-eating, which is
very important when you are trying to lose weight.

Calcium and phosphorus are two very important minerals necessary for the development of
strong teeth and bones. A proper balance of these minerals is needed by the body to maintain
good bone health and to prevent numerous bone diseases. The star apple is a good source of
calcium and phosphorus, and thus is considered a fruit bone.
Medicinal Drugs
In fruit, other plant parts such as seeds, leaves and bark are also used as natural remedies for
the treatment of various diseases. The cooking of the leaves or bark is used in the Philippines to
treat dysentery and diarrhea. According to a survey, the shell of the star apple tree has
traditionally been used to treat malaria and yellow fever. The leaves have emollient properties
and are used for the treatment of stomach pain, diarrhea and skin rash. In Western Nigeria, the
cotyledons of the star apple seeds are used for the preparation of ointments for treatment of
vaginal and skin infections.



 Riboflavin
 Thiamine
 Niacin
 Ascorbic acid
 Vitamin b-6


 Iron
 Calcium
 Phosphorous
 Magnesium
 Potassium


 Anemia
 Diabetes


 Sweet fleshy ripe fruit mesocarp is edible and delicious.

 Ripe fruit is consumed fresh or preferably chilled, is cut in half and the
flesh spooned out and eaten.
 It is used as an ingredient of ice cream and sherbet.
 In Jamaica it is occasionally made into preserves.
 Skin and rind are not edible and has bitter latex.
 An emulsion of the slightly bitter seed kernels is used to make an
imitation of milk-of-almonds.


NAME: snow pea

TAGALOG: sitsaro
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Pisum sativum

----Snow peas have pale green pods and contain petite, flattened peas. Pods are wide and
flat, measuring approximately two to three inches in length.

----the peak season for snow peas is spring through the early summer months.

---The snow pea along with sugar and snap peas are part of a group of peas botanically
known as Pisum sativum var. macrocarpon. Members of the Fabaceae family these peas are
known for their tender edible seed pods. Botanically snow peas are a fruit but they are
utilized today in the culinary world as a vegetable.

----The snow pea along with sugar and snap peas are part of a group of peas botanically
known as Pisum sativum var. macrocarpon. Members of the Fabaceae family these peas are
known for their tender edible seed pods. Botanically snow peas are a fruit but they are
utilized today in the culinary world as a vegetable.

---Weight Loss
These delicious little pods are high in dietary fiber and densely packed with valuable
nutrients, which makes them quite filling. However, they have an extremely low level of fat
and calories, so you can eat these vegetables without any guilt about ruining your diet or
going over your calorie allotment for the day. The fiber will also help your digestive system
and improve your metabolic speed, further helping with weight loss efforts.
High levels of dietary fiber in the body mean more control over your blood sugar levels. Fiber
is a type of carbohydrate, but it regulates the glucose and insulin levels in your body. This is
particularly important for people with diabetes, who need to watch their intake of simple
sugars and closely monitor their blood sugar levels to prevent sudden spikes and drops.
Heart Disease
With a significant amount of potassium and vitamin C, these peas can help protect the heart
in various ways. Potassium can help reduce blood pressure and minimize the strain on the
cardiovascular system, while vitamin C can induce repair efforts on blood vessels and arteries,
thus lowering the risk of coronary heart diseases.
If your diet has suitable levels of dietary fiber, which snow peas provide, you can optimize
your digestive processes. Fiber is able to stimulate peristaltic motion, improve nutrient
uptake efficiency, and reduce inflammation in the gut that can lead to stomach discomfort.
Immune System
Vitamin C is one of the most important nutrients in your diet, as it can help to stimulate the
production of white blood cells, an important line of defense for the body’s immune system.
This will lower your susceptibility to various infections and foreign pathogens.
Vitamin A is a critical element in our vision health, as this antioxidant vitamin can prevent
oxidative stress in the retina. This means a lower risk of macular degeneration and a
slowdown in the development of cataracts


Vitamin A, C ,E, K




Heart disease

Snow peas should be consumed shortly after purchasing (within a day or two), they store best
in the crisper in a perforated bag.

Preparing snow peas is quick and easy so they make a good addition to many meals. Wash
them under cold water and you're set to go. They add a great crunch and taste raw to any
salad or lightly steamed or sautéd with a little extra virgin olive oil.
Snow peas also contain purines so if you have a history of gout you may want to limit your
consumption of these guys.

The snap of a snow pea is refreshing, but it can leave your belly feeling anything but. Snow
peas contain galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS), a chain of sugars that are hard to digest and end
up feeding gut bacteria, a cause of bloating. Snow peas also contain fructans and are high in
polyols, which are often only partially absorbed by the body, another cause of stomach

NAME: eggplant
TAGALOG: talong
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Solanum melongena

Eggplant has spiny stem that can grow from 16 to 57 inches in height.
Eggplant develops large green, deeply lobed leaves.
Eggplant produces star-shaped, white or purple flowers. They contain both types of
reproductive organs (pistil and stamens) and can perform self-pollination.
Fruit of eggplant belongs to the group of berries. The most popular types of eggplant are oval
shaped and covered with smooth, glossy, purple colored skin. Flesh is whitish or creamy
colored and has spongy texture.
Some varieties of eggplant produce white, lavender, green or red-striped fruit that can be
elongated, rounded or pea-shaped.
Size of the eggplant (fruit) depends on the variety. It ranges from 1.2 to 12 inches in length.
Eggplant contains numerous miniature seed. They have bitter taste due to high content of
nicotine (substance that belongs to the group of alkaloids). Eggplant contains the highest
level of nicotine compared to other edible plants. Luckily, consumption of eggplant does not
produce harmful effect on the human health (20 pounds of eggplant contains same amount
of nicotine as one cigarette).
Eggplant has short vegetative season. Harvest usually takes place 60 days after planting.
Eggplant requires high temperature (it grows during the summer) for proper growth and
Eggplant is rich source of dietary fibers, vitamins C, K and vitamins of the B group, and
minerals such as copper, phosphorus and magnesium.
Eggplant can be consumed grilled, baked, boiled, stuffed or combined with meat and other
vegetables. Eggplant is often used as a substitute for meat in vegetarian diet due to specific
texture and taste of its flesh.
Name "eggplant" originates from 18th century when cultivars with small, white fruit, shaped
like hen's egg were popular. Eggplant is known as "crazy apple" in Italy due to widespread
belief that diet rich in eggplants leads to madness.
Juice made of leaves and roots of eggplant can be used in treatment of throat and stomach
disorders, cough, asthma, toothache, rheumatism and skin problems.
Delphinidin is a substance isolated from eggplant that exhibits anti-tumor properties (it
prevents growth of certain types of cancer).
China is the greatest manufacturer of the eggplants in the world. It produces 28.800.000 tons
of eggplants annually.
Eggplant grows as perennial plant (life span: over 2 years) in tropics and as annual plant (life
span: one year) in temperate climates.

The vitamin & mineral content of eggplants is quite extensive. They’re a great source of
vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin B6, thiamine, niacin, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus,
copper, fiber, folic acid, potassium, and more!


The high fiber content in eggplants, which is a crucial element to maintaining a balanced diet,
is a great way to improve your gastrointestinal health. This means that when you’ve gotta go,
eating eggplant regularly will help everything move along smoothly!
The fiber in eggplants does more than just aid in the digestion process, it also helps to
improve your heart health! This is because fiber reduces the amount of cholesterol that your
body absorbs by binding it with your digestive system’s bile so that your body naturally gets
rid of it.

Antioxidants are one of the human body’s best defenses against diseases like cancer, as well
as many other potential infections. One of the many benefits of eating eggplant is that you
are also ingesting the natural antioxidant, manganese. By having a high level of antioxidants
like manganese in your body, it will help ensure that your organs are protected.


The unique coloration of an eggplant is more useful than simply being pretty to look at. The
natural plant compounds that create this coloration have actually been linked to reduced
osteoporosis, stronger bones, and even increased bone density. Additionally, the iron and
calcium found in eggplants are crucial improving and preserving overall bone health.

Not getting enough iron in your diet can be very dangerous to your health. In some cases, iron
deficiency can result in anemia, which is characterized by a general feeling of tiredness and
weakness caused by not having enough healthy red blood cells to carry oxygen throughout
your body. Eating foods like eggplant that are high in iron can help combat health conditions
like anemia.
Eggplants are rich in natural chemicals called phytonutrients, which have been known to
improve mental health. This benefit is a result of increased blood flow throughout the body
and into the brain. By delivering more blood to the brain, phytonutrients help boost memory
by stimulating your neural pathways to develop.


Vitamin A,C,E,K,B6,



Heart disease


Side Effects OF Eating Too Many Eggplants (Brinjal)
(1) Can Stimulate Menstruation
(2) May Lead To Abortion
(3) May cause Acidic Problems
(4) Can Cause Allergic Reactions
(5) May Contain Nicotine
(6) Too Much Potassium And Fibers Is Bad
(7) Can Cause Spinach Poisoning
(8) Interfere With Antidepressant Drugs
(9) May Give False Positive Result In Carcinoid Tumors Test

NAME: lemongrass
TAGALOG: tanglad
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Dioscorea esculenta

Lemongrass, also known as citronella grass, is a type of flowering plant that
belongs to the family of grasses. It originates from southern parts of India and
Shi Lanka. Lemongrass can be found in subtropical and tropical areas. It grows
on fertile, well-drained, sandy and loamy soil, exposed to direct sunlight.
Lemongrass requires plenty of rain during the growing season. People cultivate
and use lemongrass mostly as condiment. Lemongrass is also cultivated in
ornamental purposes and used as a source of scented oil.

Lemongrass has stiff stems which grow in the form of dense clumps. Plant can reach 2 to 4
feet in height and 3 feet in diameter.
Lemongrass produces bluish green, thin, blade-like leaves with drooping, pointed tips. Leaves
change color from green to red during the autumn. Crushed leaves emit lemony aroma.
Lemongrass produces small, white, creamy or green flowers, densely packed in terminal
spikes. Flowers of lemongrass are designed for pollination by wind.

Relieving anxiety
Many people find sipping hot tea to be relaxing, but lemongrass tea may offer further
anxiety-reducing properties.

According to the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, smelling lemongrass may help
people with anxiety. Although some people already inhale lemongrass essential oil to relieve
stress and anxiety, researchers still need more evidence to be able to confirm this benefit.

2. Lowering cholesterol
According to an article in the Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical Technology & Research,
consuming lemongrass extracts appears to lower cholesterol in animals.

The study notes that the reaction is dose-dependent. This means that larger quantities of
lemongrass might lower cholesterol further.

3. Preventing infection
According to the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, study results suggest that
lemongrass may have some infection-preventing capabilities.

For example, the herb seems to reduce the incidence of thrush, a fungal infection that
commonly affects people with weakened immune systems, such as those with HIV.

4. Boosting oral health

In many countries where the lemongrass plant is native to the area, people will take the
lemongrass stalks and chew on them as a way to improve dental health and keep the mouth
feeling clean.

The Food Chemistry journal published a study confirming these findings. The authors looked
at 12 herbs and found that lemongrass herbal extracts were one of the most potent inhibitors
of bacterial growth in lab samples. They used bacteria that can cause cavities in the mouth,
including Streptococcus sanguinis.
5. Relieving pain
According to one study, lemongrass may be able to block pain. This means that drinking
lemongrass tea could potentially help to prevent a person from sensing pain.

6. Boosting red blood cell levels

The results of a 2015 study suggest that drinking lemongrass tea infusions daily for 30 days
can increase hemoglobin concentration, packed cell volume, and red blood cell count in the

The researchers took blood tests from 105 human subjects at the start, and then at 10 and 30
days into the study. They concluded that drinking lemongrass tea boosts the formation of red
blood cells.

While they did not identify precisely how lemongrass does this, they did suggest that the
tea's antioxidant properties could play a role.

7. Relieving bloating
Drinking lemongrass tea can have diuretic effects, which means that it stimulates the kidneys to
release more urine than usual.

According to a small-scale study in the Journal of Renal Nutrition, drinking lemongrass tea
increases urine output more than other beverages.

This diuretic effect on the body can be beneficial in cases where water retention leads to
bloating. This is a common symptom of premenstrual syndrome (PMS).


A, C, B6

Calcium Iron Magnesium Phosphorus Potassium Sodium Zinc Manganese Selenium



Lemongrass essential oil may irritate the skin and cause a rash. To minimize the risk of skin
irritation, a person should avoid applying lemongrass essential oil to the skin if:

they have allergies or skin conditions, such as eczema

they have not diluted the oil first
they have broken or damaged skin
To check before use, do a skin patch test on a small area of skin, then wait 24 hours to see if a
reaction appears before applying the diluted oil more liberally.
Lemongrass essential oil can also cause dryness and stinging around the eyes, ears, mouth,
and other mucous membranes, such as the genital area. For this reason, it is best not to use it
on the face or put the oil into bathwater.

NAME: Lesser Yam

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Dioscorea esculenta

A yam is a starchy vegetable.

There are about 600 species of yams found around the world, most of them in the tropics.

Yams are native to warmer regions of both hemispheres.

They are grown in Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Caribbean and Oceania.

In certain tropical cultures, notably of West Africa and New Guinea, the yam is the primary
agricultural commodity and the focal point of elaborate ritual.
May enhance brain function

Eating yams may boost your brain.

In one 12-week study, people who took a yam extract supplement scored higher on a brain function
test than those in the placebo group (9Trusted Source).

Yams contain a unique compound called diosgenin, which has been found to promote neuron
growth and enhance brain function (9Trusted Source).

Diosgenin has also improved memory and learning abilities in mice in various maze tests (10Trusted

However, more research in this area is needed to fully understand how yams may benefit brain

May ease symptoms of menopause

Yams may help alleviate some symptoms of menopause.

In one 30-day study, 24 postmenopausal women switched from their staple food of rice to eating
yams in 2 out of 3 meals (390 grams total) per day. Their blood levels of estrone and estradiol
increased by 26% and 27%, respectively (11Trusted Source).

Blood levels of estrone and estradiol — two estrogen hormones — typically decrease during
menopause. Improving estrogen levels may ease menopause symptoms (12Trusted Source,
13Trusted Source).

Yet, another six-month study found that topically applied wild yam cream had very little effect on
menopause symptoms, such as flushing and night sweats, compared with a placebo (14Trusted

Further research is needed to investigate the role that yams may have in relieving menopause
May have cancer-fighting properties

Yams provide several antioxidants that may have anticancer properties (15Trusted Source,
16Trusted Source).

In an animal study, a yam-rich diet significantly reduced colon tumor growth. These effects were
associated with the antioxidants present in yams, suggesting that these tubers may protect against
cancer (16Trusted Source, 17Trusted Source).

What’s more, a test-tube study found that extracts from Chinese yam, specifically the peel,
inhibited liver tumor growth and offered antioxidant properties (18Trusted Source, 19Trusted

However, research is limited, and studies have yet to test these effects in humans.

May reduce inflammation

The antioxidants in yams may help reduce inflammation.

Chronic inflammation is linked to an increased risk of various conditions, such as heart disease,
diabetes, and obesity (20Trusted Source, 21Trusted Source, 22Trusted Source).

Eating anti-inflammatory foods, such as yams, can help manage chronic inflammation (23Trusted
Source, 24Trusted Source).

Several rat studies have observed that yam powder reduced inflammation related to several
illnesses, including colon cancer, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and stomach ulcers (16Trusted
Source, 19Trusted Source, 25Trusted Source, 26Trusted Source).

Still, more studies are needed to determine whether eating yams has the same anti-inflammatory
effects in humans.

May improve blood sugar control

Yams may improve your blood sugar levels.

In one study, rats given yam powder or yam water extract experienced decreased fasting blood
sugar and hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) levels, compared with the control groups. HbA1c is a measure of
long-term blood sugar control (27Trusted Source).

Another study found that rats given higher amounts of purple yam extract showed reduced
appetites, greater weight loss, and improved blood sugar control, compared with a control group

Furthermore, another study in rats found that supplementing with yam flour reduced the rate of
blood sugar absorption, which led to improved blood sugar control. These effects are attributed to
the resistant starch and fiber in yams (29).

Resistant starch passes through your gut undigested. This type of starch is linked to various health
benefits, including decreased appetite, as well as improved blood sugar levels and insulin sensitivity
(30Trusted Source).



 Riboflavin
 Thiamine
 Niacin
 Ascorbic acid
 Vitamin b-6

 Iron
 Calcium
 Phosphorous
 Magnesium
 Potassium




Name: purple yam

Tagalog: Ube
Scientific Name: Dioscorea alata

facts abouts purple yam/ ube
A yam is a starchy vegetable.
There are about 600 species of yams found around the world, most of them in the
Yams are native to warmer regions of both hemispheres.
They are grown in Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Caribbean and Oceania.
In certain tropical cultures, notably of West Africa and New Guinea, the yam is the
primary agricultural commodity and the focal point of elaborate ritual.
People started to cultivate yams, rather than digging up wild ones, as long as 10,000
years ago in both Africa and Asia.
Yams are perennial herbaceous vines cultivated for the consumption of their starchy
The leaves have many veins that extend from the top of the heart-shape throughout
the surface of the leaf and has long stems that are attached to the vines of the plant.
The flowers are generally small and individually inconspicuous, though collectively
They have a cylindrical shape starchy tubers with blackish or brown, bark-like skin and
white, purple, or reddish flesh.
Yam tubers vary in size from that of a small potato to over 60 kg (130 lb).
Yam tubers can grow up to 15 m (49 ft) in length and 7.6 to 15.2 cm (3.0 to 6.0 in) high.
The tuber may grow into the soil up to 1.5 meters (4.9 ft) deep.
They vary in taste from sweet to bitter to tasteless. Yams are consumed as cooked
starchy vegetables. They are often boiled and then mashed into a sticky paste or
dough, but they may also be fried, roasted, or baked in the manner of potatoes.

Health Benefits:
Proper blood circulation

Purple pigments contained in the purple Yam are related in conducting the blood
circulation in the body. Purple pigments that give color to the meat of the purple Yam is
called anthocyanin. As discussed previously, the relationships serve as antioxidants that
can absorb air pollution. So any blood clots will not occur and the blood circulation in
our body become smooth.
Better digestion
Fiber and pectin found in purple yam is quite beneficial for proper digestion of the food.
Both were helpful in keeping the digestive process in the funnel and digest remain good.
So we will be safe from numerous digestive disorders such as hemorrhoids,
constipation, and even cancer.
. Good source of carbohydrates

Purple yam contains a high amount of carbohydrate due to which we can easily replace
rice. Beautiful purple color can be used as ingredients for the food coloring.

Anti-bacterial activity of purple Yam reach 3.2 times higher than various kinds of
blueberries. So including purple yam in your regular diet is quite beneficial for
overcoming all the bacterial problems.
Overcoming Asthma

Asthma is not a disease it can be cured, it often decline with routinely consuming purple
Yam. Asthma occurs due to pulmonary organs that are difficult to expand. By
consuming purple yam on a regular basis, asthma will be cured and does not recurred.
Low calorie

Purple Yam or yellow sweet potato has 112 calories without the fat and cholesterol
content of sodium. Normally purple Yam is consumed by boiling or steaming which
increases its sweet taste but the calories remain low.
Add the weights of the body

Purple Yam consists of complex carbohydrates and also has the sweet taste which can
help to add weight to your body. Certainly not just consume the purple yam regularly but
also comes with exercise and sports. Then the muscles can be formed and your weight
will increase effortlessly.

Purple yam has 2.5 times higher antioxidant activity compared to different types of
blueberries. Because of its higher antioxidant activity it can help to control the cancer
cells in the body. Additionally, selenium and iodine content in the purple yam is 20 times
higher than other types of ubi. Thus it is quite helpful for overcoming cancer.
Processed into a variety of healthy dishes

Apart from boiled Yam and fries, beautiful purple color of purple yam can be used as a
natural dye. A wide variety of healthy foods can be made from sweet violet color. We
can find numerous recipes where purple yam can be used. Purple Yam can be quite
delicious and healthy addition in your food.

Macro Nutrients:

Micro Nutrients: vitamin A, Vitamin C


Help to cure illness:

Colon cancer.
Lung cancer
Prostate cancer.
Food Consumption
Can cause

Name: Hearts of Palm

Tagalog: ubod
Scientific Name: Cocos nucifera

Hearts of palm serving sizes vary from brand to brand, but on average, one cup of canned hearts contains 41
calories, 0.9 grams of fat, 3.5 grams of fiber, and 3.7 grams of protein. It is also a good source of potassium,
copper, Vitamin B6, and zinc.

It's important to note that fresh versus canned hearts of palm will vary in nutrition. Canned will have more
sodium than raw hearts of palm, which have almost no sodium.

Health Benefits:
Hearts of palm are low in calories so they make a good addition to
any weight loss diet. Fresh hearts of palm are good for a heart-
healthy diet because they’re very low in fat, have no cholesterol,
and are low in sodium.

Macro Nutrients:

Micro Nutrients:
Vitamin C




Vitamin B6


Pantothenic Acid












Help to cure illness:

Food Consumption
Can cause

Name: bottle gourd

Tagalog: upo

Scientific Name: Lagenaria siceraria


Bottle gourd, Lagenaria siceraria, is a genus of tropical and subtropical vines in the Cucurbitaceae family.
It is also called Calabash Gourd, Trumpet Gourd and Long Squash.
Bottle gourds were the plants which were used by humans as long as 8,000 to 10,000 years ago in the
form of musical instruments, containers and fishing floats. Firstly, it was cultivated in Africa, then Asia
and finally reached to America.

The Bottle gourd plant is an annual, vigorous, monoecious, climbing herb often cultivated in warm
climates. It grows as a vine with alternate, broad, deep green leaves that are 400 mm long and 400 mm
broad. The stem is often thick, angular, ribbed, brittle and hairy which is about 5 m long. The plant yields
flower during summer which is monoecious, white, obovate; 15 cm across and 10–15 mm long. The pear
shaped smooth light green fruit has white and spongy flesh. The fruit is 1 meter long. It contains
brownish seeds which are oblong, and 2 cm long.

Leaves contain cucurbitacin B, carbohydrates, phytosterols, saponins, phenolic compounds, tannins,

proteins, amino acids, and flavonoids.

The roots contain cucurbitacins B, D, and E and the triterpene bryonolic acid.

Health Benefits

Acts as an antioxidant

It is a well-established fact that reactive oxygen species (ROS) are implicated in more than 100 diseases,
such as heart disease, stroke, arteriosclerosis, malaria, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS),
diabetes, and can cer. It is, therefore, important for researchers to seek natural sources of antioxidant.
Such effects are generally credited to antioxidant components including plant phenolics such as
phenylpropanoids and flavonoids Gallic acid was used as a reference antioxidant compound. The
samples showed appreciably high DPPH radical scavenging effect at all concentrations. However, the
ethyl acetate extract of fresh fruits was more active than the rest of the samples. The ethanol extract of
fruits of L. siceraria was also evaluated for antioxidant activity. The results obtained in this study also
indicated that the fruits are a potential source of natural antioxidants.

Antihyperglycemic activity

The antihyperglycemic activity of methanol extract of L. siceraria was evaluated in hyperglycemic rats.
Extract was given at doses of 200 and 400 mg/kg per os (p.o.) to streptozotocin induced hyperglycemic
rats for a period of 14 days. Fasting blood glucose (FBG) was measured on days 0, 4, 8, and 15 after
treatment. There occurred significant reduction (P < 0.001) in FBG levels; other biochemical tests (SGPT,
SGOT, ALP, total cholesterol, triglycerides), antioxidant assay (lipid peroxide, catalase, and glutathione),
and histological study of the liver, the liver, kidney, and pancreas tissue, supported the conclusion. The
research showed the potent antihyperglycemic activity of L. siceraria, which is probably attributable to
its rich flavonoid content.

Helpful for allergies

The anti-asthmatic and anti-allergic activity of the aqueous extract of leaf of L. siceraria (LSA) was
evaluated in different animal models. The histamine and acetylcholine induced bronchoconstriction
model in guinea pigs, the compound 48/80 induced mast cell degranulation model in rats, and the paw
edema model in mice were used. The results of the study revealed a significant bronchodilator activity
by LSA at doses of 150 and 300 mg/kg. Anti inflammatory activity was observed at doses of 50, 75, and
100 mg/kg (intraperitoneal injection) against compound 48/80 induced paw edema in rats. These results
support the traditional claim of the drug as a treatment for asthmatic disorders. It was also reported
that the triter pene bryonolic acid, an anti-allergic compound, was isolated from callus culture of the
roots of L. siceraria.

Acts as Antihyperlipidemic

Traditionally the fruit of L. siceraria had been used in the management of hyperlipidemia and
atherosclerosis, as it had been thought to possess cardioprotective and cardio tonic potential. The
effects of methanol extract of L. siceraria were investigated in experimentally induced hyperlipidemia in
rats. Methanol extract of L. siceraria fruits (LSFE) at doses of 100, 200 and 300 mg/kg p.o. was given to
the high fat diet induced hyperlipidemic rats for 1 month to evaluate its antihyperlipidemic potential.
Oral administration of the extracts dose-dependently inhibited the total choles terol, triglycerides, and
low-density lipoproteins level, and significantly increased the high-density lipoproteins level. The results
of the study showed that the methanol extract from the fruits of L. siceraria has a definite antihyperlipi
demic potential. In the study, petroleum ether, chloro form, alcoholic, and aqueous extracts of L.
siceraria were evaluated for antihyperlipidemic activity. Out of the four different extracts, only the
petroleum ether extract did not show antihyperlipidemic activity, while the other extracts showed good
antihyperlipidemic activity.

Cardiovascular health

L. siceraria fruit is traditionally used for its cardioprotective effect. The cardioprotective activity of L.
siceraria fruit was investigated using a doxorubicin induced cardiotoxicity model of Wistar rats. Group I
of the Wistar rats (250–300 g) was the control group, and it received 2% gum acacia; group II was the
doxorubicin treated group, and it received doxo rubicin 10 mg/kg; and group III was the doxorubicin
with L. siceraria treated group, and it received L. siceraria fruit powder 200 mg/kg for a period of 18
days. The results of the study showed that after administration of L. siceraria there was a significant
decrease in QT (p < 0.01) and in ST (p < 0.05), whereas there was a non-significant increase in heart rate,
and a significant decrease in serum creatine kinase MB isoenzyme (a marker used to assist diagnoses of
an acute myocardial infarction), aspartate amino transferase (p < 0.001), and lactate dehydrogenase (p <
0.05) compared with the doxorubicin group. The cardioprotective efficacy of L. siceraria fruit in
isoproterenol induced myocardial infarction was also investigated in albino rat models. The results of
this study showed that L. siceraria fruits possess cardioprotective activity on experimentally induced
cardiotoxic myocardial infarcted rats.

Immunomodulatory activity

The immunomodulatory effects of n-butanol soluble and ethyl acetate soluble fraction of the successive
methanol extract of L. siceraria have been evaluated. The fractions were administered through the oral
route at doses of 100, 200, and 500 mg/kg. There was a significant inhibition in the delayed type
hypersensitivity reaction in rats. The method of Doherty was used to induce delayed type
hypersensitivity response in rats. A dose-dependent increase in both primary and secondary antibody
titer was observed. Fractions also significantly increased both white blood cell and lymphocyte count.

Antibacterial, Anthelmintic, and Antifungal activity

Hydroalcoholic and aqueous extracts of the leaves of L. siceraria were evaluated for anthelmintic activity
against Hymenolepis nana (tapeworm) and Pheretima posthuma (earthworm) by using the method of
Mali. In Ethiopian traditional medicine, L. siceraria is widely used for the treatment of skin disorders.
Goji et al. evaluated the antimicrobial activity of methanolic extracts of the leaves, seeds, and fruit flesh
of L. siceraria using the agar-well diffusion method. Results revealed the extract to show activity against
Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Streptococcus pyogenes, but not against clinical isolates of
Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. Thus L. siceraria can be used to treat various skin disorders.
The extracts also exhibited moderate antifungal action against Aspergillus niger and Candida albicans.
The standard drugs used for comparison were ciprofloxacin for bacterial strains and griseofulvin for
fungal strains.

Macro Nutrients:



Micro Nutrients:
Vitamin C




Vitamin B6


Pantothenic Acid









Help to cure illness:




Food Consumption

Can cause

NAME: pigweed

Pigweed (Amaranthus blitoides) is also known as amaranth and it is now found on most
continents except Antarctica. The plant is often considered to be an invasive weed, but like
many weeds, it is quite edible and healthy to eat.
This edible wild plant originated in North America and has become naturalized in Europe,
Asia, Africa and South America. The plant can be found in all US States and Canadian
provinces. It has such great benefits that survivalists would be doing well to recognize it and
to learn of its medicinal properties.
Some species of pigweed grow more than three feet in height, but Amaranthus blitoides is
low growing and sprawling, seldom growing taller than a few inches tall, with the branches
laying upon the ground. It sometimes forms dense mats and the stems can be over a foot in
length. The leaves are small, rarely over a half-inch in length and oval-shaped. The flowers
are tiny and inconspicuous. The stems usually contain some reddish coloration and the leaves
are normally dark green.

Good for Constipation
Pigweed eliminates the constipation problem. Especially the older and children suffering from
constipation problem a gravy prepared with pigweed act as a laxative and improves overall
Prevent Common Summer Diseases
Pigweed is best to consume during summer season. If we take pigweed gravy with cold water
rice during summer season, it will cure body heat, dysury, prickly heat, coup rap. Pigweed also
acts as a medicine for the top 5 summer diseases like chicken pox, herpes, jaundice, typhoid
and measles commonly found near villages. Extract of pigweed applied on prickly heat will
reduce the inflammation and make it cool and dry. The village people believe that a paste
prepared using pigweed applied on herpes boils will make it cool and dry and cures the diseases

Act as Weight Controller

For underweight children pigweed with capsicum and onion included in their diet will increase
their body weight. If we cook pigweed as soup with garlic, tomato, cumin, pepper, it will reduce
the overweight and makes you thin. Because the pigweed is less in calorie it can be taken as a
complete food for a meal.
Cures Dysentery and Diarrhea
For dysentery and diarrhea, the seeds of pigweed smashed in tender coconut water will acts as
a good medicine.
Improves Brain Health
To improve your brain health, drink a cup of equally mixed pigweed extract with Bhringraj
(Eclipta Alba) extract. Pigweed contains omega 3 fatty acids and it helps in the brain
development. It also prevents you from the symptoms of ADHD.
Prevent Lung Infections
Pigweed contains large amount of vitamin A, C, and vitamin B complex. It prevents you from
lung infections. It acts as a one of the medicine to cure mouth cancer.
Act as Antiseptic
Growing pigweed at home is equal to keeping a first aid box. Pigweed cures on fire burns,
scabies just wash the complete plant grind it and apply it on the infected area this acts as an
antiseptic cream.
Remedy for Jaundice
Complete pigweed plant grinded with tender coconut water or butter milk and make it as a
balls and mix it with cold rice water and drink it every morning before breakfast this cures
jaundice, scouring and leucorrhea.
Reduce Cholesterol Level
Cook the pigweed with garlic and include in your diet that will reduce the level of cholesterol in
your blood. Also your body will get cool, if you include frequently pigweed in diet.

Recover from Chronic Illness

Pigweed is beneficial from children to old age people; it purifies the blood and help to recover
the body from chronic illness. It increases the milk production in breast feeding mothers.


vitamins A and C


 Iron
 Calcium
 Phosphorous


Prevent Common Summer Diseases
Chronic Illness


NAME: coriander leaves

TAGALOG: wansoy
SCIENTIFIC NAME; Coriandrum sativum

Coriander also known as cilantro or Chinese parsley, is an annual herb in the family Apiaceae.

It is one of the oldest herbs and spices on record.

Coriander was mentioned in the Bible, and the seeds have been found in ruins dating back to
5000 BC.

Coriander is probably native to the Middle East and southern Europe, but has also been
known in Asia and the Orient for millennia.
About half a liter of coriander mericarps was recovered from the tomb of Tutankhamen, and
because this plant does not grow wild in Egypt, Zohary and Hopf interpret this find as proof
that coriander was cultivated by the ancient Egyptians.
This herb seems to have been cultivated in Greece since at least the second millennium BC.
One of the Linear B tablets recovered from Pylos refers to the species as being cultivated for
the manufacture of perfumes, it apparently was used in two forms: as a spice for its seeds
and as a herb for the flavour of its leaves.

The Romans used it to flavor bread.

Coriander is mention in the Old Testament. In Exodus, chapter 16, verse 31, it says that: “And
the house of Israel called the name thereof Manna: and it was like coriander seed, white; and
the taste of it was like wafers made with honey.”

Its name comes from the Greek word koris, meaning a stink bug. This is likely a reference to
the strong aroma given off by the cilantro plant leaves when they are bruised.


1. Coriander lowers bad cholesterol (LDL) and increases the levels of good
cholesterol (HDL).

2. A very good food for digestive system, coriander promotes liver functions
and bowel movements.

3. Coriander is good for diabetes patients. It can stimulate the insulin secretion
and lower the blood sugar levels.

4. Vitamin K in it is good for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease.

5. The fat soluble vitamin and antioxidant- Vitamin A, protects from lung and
cavity cancers.

6. Coriander contains anti-inflammatory properties. This is why it is good

against inflammatory diseases such as arthritis.
7. Coriander's anti-septic properties help to cure mouth ulcer.

8. Coriander is good for the eyes. Antioxidants in coriander prevent eye

diseases. It’s a good remedy in the treatment of conjunctivitis.

9. Coriander seeds are especially good for the menstrual flow.

10. It’s a very good herb to promote the nervous system. It can stimulate the

11. Coriander helps those suffering from anaemia. Coriander contains high
amounts of iron, which is essential for curing anemia.



Vitamin C, Vitamin K


 Iron
 Calcium
 Phosphorous
 Magnesium
 Potassium
 Thiamin
 manganese


digestive system
nervous system



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