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Concept of Circuit(Ckt):
Def. Circuit is a closed conducting path to which either current close or is invtended to flow

These are: reistors, inductor, capacitors, voltage and current sources.
These are classified as: active and passive components.
Active component: Voltage & current sources. These generate energy.

Passive component: reistors, inductor, capacitors.

Types of circuit

 Linear Ckt:
 Non-Linear Ckt:
 Bilateral Ckt:
 Unbilateral Ckt: ex-Diode ckt

Symbols of circuit perametes

How to set up Voltage & current using voltmeter & ammeter:

While we are going to mesarf voltage volt meter set in parallelly to load(perameter).

Volt meter set in paralal.

While we are going to mesarf current Ameter set in sirij with the desire element

ameter set in sirij.


 Voltage across resistor

 Current through
 The value of passive ckt Element(reistors, inductor, capacitors) known as resistance ,
inductance, capacitance
 The reistors, inductor, capacitors are known as device.

Def. A resistors is an electrical ckt component with

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